Life sucks

I work a dumb job that basically is going nowhere but I make a decent enough salary, decent enough so that I keep up appearances. I'm not married, not that it makes life enjoyable, most married guys with kids I know are miserable and look for reasons to get out of the house. I have a nice dog I rescued, and he's awesome, but he's gonna die one day anyway, just like me.

Is it normal to think life is pointless and basically sucks. I mean there are some bright spots, but just as many if not more shitty spots, intermingled with mediocre days, which basically make up the majority of a life time.

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77% Normal
Based on 56 votes (43 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    so what

    yallre well fed & comfortable

    could be worse

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  • thegypsysailor

    Of course it's normal to believe that there is no point to life, because there really isn't. We are born, we struggle through life and then we die.
    But knowing that leads to freedom. Once you stop striving to be what everyone else thinks you should be, you can settle down to having a ball in life.
    While you are here, enjoy it. As long as you aren't harming others, do what makes you happy and don't take life so seriously. After all, you ain't gonna get out of it alive, are you?

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    • D'lirium

      Well, there's this one quote that goes something along the lines of "Being in love will truly last longer than a life time - Eternally, will we live, if that love grows out of the life itself it was founded upon" (Dickson). so, that infers that you CAN make it out alive. [; Guess it'll just be the shell of our bodies dying here on this place we call our own, and that our soul will live on as one. Heh, I don't believe in God, because no one can really predict.. Our afterlife. After all, we're all just evolved animals trying to make a sense out of science.

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    • D'lirium


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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    Sounds like clinical depression

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  • wistfulmaiden

    Life sucks sometimes but death sucks even more

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  • MobileSuitGundam

    If life sucks spice it up!

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    • pepsiperfect

      Indeed MobileSuitGundam
      It is YOUR life, if YOUR life sucks - do something about it. It ONLY sucks because that is what Y9U have chosen for your life!!!

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  • dick555

    Life sucks - get over it.

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  • shuggy-chan

    Life sucks, then you die

    Deal with it

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