Listen to headphones while driving
i know i shouldnt but i enjoy listening to my headphones both ears while driving. its relaxing and gives me a time to enjoy my music. As im driving im wondering if other drivers do this as well.
Is this normal?
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i know i shouldnt but i enjoy listening to my headphones both ears while driving. its relaxing and gives me a time to enjoy my music. As im driving im wondering if other drivers do this as well.
Is this normal?
I seriously don't understand why people wear headphones whilst driving? When I am honking my horn at them and shouting just to annoy them the little buggers can't hear me, it's so upsetting!
You remind me of Spongebob.. and his driving skills. Lallalalalalaa *splat* Weeeee! Ketchup!
There's no need to do this.
You need to be aware of emergency vehicles such as fire, police and ambulances.
On one occasion I approached a junction and the lights were green for me but a lorry was coming across me blasting his horn so I stopped. Seems that his brakes had failed but he had a 40' trailer on. If I hadn't heard, and stopped, I'd be singing with the angels now!
Don't be a fool on the road.
Well see, I have no stereo on my car (i dont have a "new cool" car just this junkie, but hey its my only ride to work so) and plus its not like i listen to it full blast so i can still hear a horn honk.
I always pay attention to the road while listening to music.Im no different than the driver who has a speaker system with bass and bumps the music loud. The only difference between us is, well, the headphones.
It is the stupidest thing on earth. I just want to snatch them off... ugh. what kind of fuckin moron are you. Does it LOOK normal? LOL. huh? Do you see other people with those stupid ass things on? NO!!! lol
Luckily you won't hear the screeching tires before the semi piles into the back of your car and your body is mangled beyond recognition. Your family will have to pick teeth out of the steering wheel.
If my body and face is mangled beyond recognition and i somehow survie then i will live forever in the shadows, possibly a street hobo or a wandering drifter retelling my story of listening to headphones giving advice to random people to not listen to headphones while driving
I do this ALL the time.
I don't have an MP3 player in my car (i'm poor) but the radio and stuff works.
It feels more intimate. Idk. I like it. I always pay attention for emergency vehicles and tend to stop before others haha