Living in a extreme dirty house

All my life my mom has failed to clean, making the living room and kitchen extremely dirty. Every time me and my siblings mention it she just brushes it off. We tried to clean/organize the house but its hard to maintain the entire house because she keeps making it dirty with no realization...

Growing up and still now. Its embarrassing. I have no idea why it doesnt click in her head that this house is dirty and that it is not normal. Sometimes she would tell me to invite people over or when my friends would pick me up she would try to invite them in, it made me so mad like seriously how does it not click in her head that this place is disgusting and shouldn't be seen? Anyways I dont know what to do. Its been years.

Also another thing thats extremely weird is that she has "ocd", she constantly washes her phone (even though it broke before because phones shouldn't be washed).. and when she opens doors she would use a tissue. Im just thinking what the heck women. How do you think these small tiny things are dirty but your entire house ur like yeah whatever. PLZZ EXPLAIN. If anyone is familiar with ocd or these issues or had a parent like this omfg. I just need to understand. The only clean place I have is my room. Its so annoying cooking food for myself because of the mess.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • taebby22

    I am so sorry you live in a situation like that. I think your mom might be struggling with a mental illness. Is the home just dirty like she doesn't dust or clean the dishes? Or is it more like a hoarding situation? Once you turn adult age, it's time to leave that. As someone who deals with a mom with mental illness, you will get stuck with her if you don't get out asap. You can love her, you can try to help her, but do it from afar.

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    • No it is not a hoarding situation because we throw out old stuff like clothes. Yes, house is dirty, never cleans only cleans "her area" idk how to explain it but basically she puts a sheet when she sits somewhere because she feels its dirty but the entire house is dirty. Thats why I dont understand her, it looks like she has OCD from other people but at home from my POV it doesnt make sense.

      dishes are never cleaned, and if they get cleaned theyre still dirty, I always tell her the pot is still dirty and she just doesnt care idk its so weird man.

      Btw. if this is a mental illness what would it be?

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      • normal-rebellious

        I think it's laziness, she didn't bother to clean the mess that or pick up from the floor was the first little mess so she wouldn't be in this situation. I had that problem too when I had a dirty flat and it made me very ill. I'm not going to do that again. 6 years like this is beyond a joke.

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  • raisinbran

    I can’t relate. My mom was tidy and made us do chores constantly.

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  • Bassmachine

    Do we live in the same house? Are we from the same family? LOL

    My parents are hoarders who keep stuff just in case/someday I'll need it.

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