
I feel like everybody who I like or even talk to never bothers with me and the people who like and make an effort with me could never, ever cross my mind. Does anyone else relate to this? The worst part is when you bother with the people below your "standards" only to go about it like a dork and have them turn you down too. Ugh, this is loneliness.

Is this normal?

Voting Results
83% Normal
Based on 127 votes (105 yes)
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Comments ( 67 )
  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    Are you always this negative? Maybe that's why no one wants to be around you.
    Try a positive/optimistic attitude.

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    • Trust me, I hate having pretentious moments like this! I suppose it's the generic society I'm in. It's hard not to realize that I'm not false and sheltered like them, so out of desperation when I've tried to show them attention in a futile attempt to create what I'm missing, they've turned away from me. It does leave me bitter and doesn't make much sense. Maybe I need to move cities ;)

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      • disthing

        "It's hard not to realize that I'm not false and sheltered like them, so out of desperation when I've tried to show them attention in a futile attempt to create what I'm missing, they've turned away from me"

        Well who would befriend somebody that was only seeking their friendship out of a desperate desire not to be lonely, whilst still harbouring this negative stereotype towards them that you are better than them and that they are sheltered, 'false' and 'below your standards'?

        Resenting the people around you but expecting them to provide you with affection and company is to expect too much and to not understand how society works at all.

        It makes you sound arrogant and naive.

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      • abominus566

        i think its normal, people go through that all the time. the what if i end up alone thing, but thing is in the beginning you are alone and in the end it will be the same. im not saying you wont find you soul mate or something, i hope you do but if you can learn to be okay with lonliness then it wont seem bad at all there are many beifits as well misbenifits if thats a word, just like with everthing else theres a good side and a bad one. does this help alittle

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    • NocturnePonyFan

      Optimism is overrated. I despise positive people with every single fibre of my being.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    Well maybe it is you attitude towards people. These "people below your standards" aren't sitting on the computer complaining about how lonely they are right now.

    Nothing good will ever come of thinking you are better than somebody. Try and fix your negative attitude and approach every person as if they are worthy of attention, because they all are.

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  • You should jerk off angrily into a sock then take it to the zoo, and fling it at an animal of choosing. Wipe the floor with a cloth to make sure any crumbs from your bed sheets don't make you trip and sprain your elbow. I heard once that being depressed is better than being inflated so straighten a corkscrew and jam it in someones letterbox. And seriously how good would talking letterbox's be? Like if they had AI and abused the mail man on his arrival like "give me da fucking mail!!!" And it's little flap thingy moves like a mouth when it talks, so you walk outside and it's like "where are you going?" you reply "out to the store mr box" and it gets cranky because you didn't bring it a chocolate back from the store.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I can relate. But if I explain it I might trigger a pity party. That feeling is all in your head and has a way of creating self fulfilling prophecies.

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  • Saycheese

    Nobody is better than anyone; we all just have our own preferences on people who we enjoy to hangout with. I find it ridiculous when people have a ranking on others. If you don't like that person just don't bother to hangout with them and don't think they are below your standards.

    I personally try not to hangout with people that are needy, that think they are better than others and that also have a negative attitude. They annoy me and I wouldn't make them feel any better if I tried to be friends with them too because I know I would get angry at them quiet often.

    You just need to be more positive and happy.

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    • LarkaA

      Sorry, I just have to say this. EVERYONE has rankings on the people around them. EVERYONE judges people by the way they look/dress/talk. And EVERYONE is needy, at least to an extent. Wanting someone to pay attention to them doesn't mean that they "think they're better than others and have a negative attitude", they're just lonely.

      Get off your fucking high horse.

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      • Saycheese

        I was talking about overly needy people that get ticked off when you are busy. I wasn't saying people don't want attention; of course people want attention. Anybody would go insane that didn't have anybody to talk to.

        Also I wasn't saying people don't pay attention to looks, how someone dresses or how they talk. It shouldn't go by rankings though. I don't rank people; I go by how I make that person feel and how they make me feel; personality and personal preferences. If I notice after getting to know them for a little while and I don't see us being good friends then no I'm not going to bother anymore being around them unless they change. I wouldn't make anybody change if they don't want to, I'll just not bother to be around them when I know nothing will get better in the relationship. There is a difference between personal preferences and rankings. Besides I hangout with all sorts of different people.

        I'm just being honest with my own opinion here and I'm not angry. This is the internet buddy.

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    • NocturnePonyFan

      "You just need to be more positive and happy."

      Fuck. You. Seriously, fuck the hell out of you fucking asshole.

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      • Saycheese

        What is wrong with you. No wonder people don't want to hangout with you.

        You don't seem happy at all and what is wrong with being happy? :\ hmmm?

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        • Misery loves company, dont even bother responding anymore, let the people who want to be miserable just be miserable by themselves. Deep down they want to be like what you describe but they are afraid to let themselves be like that.

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          • Saycheese

            Yep for sure.

            All they want is pity and attention. What they don't get is the fact that EVERYBODY goes through shit in life and others know how to handle it better emotionally. lol. Pity gets you nowhere!

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            • LarkaA

              Third comment on this thread, mostly just a continuation of the last two.
              One, some people go through more shit than other, and you have know way of knowing what they've gone through. Two, everyone craves attention, including you. That's human nature. Three, not only are there mental disorders like depression and bipoler disorder to consider, there's also the fact that some people are simply treated better than others for reasons that they have no control over. People often say that attractive are treated better than unattractive people, and they are, but it has a lot more to do with charisma and social skills. For people like me (nervous and gawky and awkward), that basically means you're screwed for life. And four, do you really think that looking down on them because they're unhappy is any better than them looking down on you for being happy?

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            • NocturnePonyFan

              I don't want your attention you worthless garbage. I want you to realize that life isn't about happiness. You delude yourself into thinking you're supposed to be happy and joyful and all that nonsense. But in reality, when you delude yourself, you open yourself up to disappointment and hurt.
              I just feel it's my job to try my best to hurt the deluded. Hey, I used to be deluded myself. I understand that mentality. But after being hurt one too many times, I understand now the reality. I'm just sorry you don't understand it yet. But you will when you have been pushed over the edge as well.

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          • LarkaA

            I won't speak for everyone, but many people like that have depression (including me). It's a disease. There's no way around it, and there's not really a way to deal with it. There's medication for it, but it can be expensive and, for teenagers at least, difficult to get. Of course these people become bitter, and it's not helping anyone at all for you to look down on them. You and Seycheese talk about happiness like it's easy, and people who AREN'T happy are stubborn idiots. Sorry, but it just doesn't work that way.

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          • NocturnePonyFan

            I don't want to be like that one single bit. You think you know people like me, but you really don't. You're nothing but deluded trash.

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            • You must be terrible to be around, no wonder you are totally alone and have no friends and have been "hurt" so much. I wouldnt want to be around for more then 5 mins. I would call you a troll but I really think you are exactly like what you describe on here in real life.

              Enjoy living your lonely, hate filled existence. I hope you live a long, long, LONG life. Its the worst possible thing that could happen to you.

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          • AndromedaX

            Exactly. Let's just leave that kind of people alone. They are bitter, blinded by hatred and anger and that's all they have in their miserable lives. :P

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            • Saycheese

              True that!

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        • NocturnePonyFan

          You can take your happiness and shove it. I fucking hate happy people like you. But then again, I shouldn't waste my time hating you. Because of your happiness, you will be hurt a lot more than I am on a daily basis. If you're unhappy, you can't be let down.

          I want nothing more than for you to suffer. You happy people have spent lots of time making me suffer to the point where I can't be happy any more. It's all your fault, and now, there's nothing I want more than for you to suffer in agonizing pain.

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          • Saycheese

            I'm so happy because I'm a gummy, gummy bear! Awe motherfucker...........

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  • YouKnowWho

    You're probably more cultured and mature than society in general.

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    • Than the society I'm in, probably. :/

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      • YouKnowWho

        Yeah, makes sense. I feel the same way.

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  • Beast70

    Man I know what you mean I have no one when am around people they like me and think funny but no has ever gone out of there way to ask me to hang out I never have gone out with friends unless I count some parteis from high school but my phone has a ton of nubers but noever calls or tezts me unless iys about where to get weed I just wished thay I had some real firends.

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  • DanceC1

    Yes I feel this aswell, it is not normal, there is a guy i really like, but he doesn't want me in that way, so i am settling for someone below me just to not be alone :(

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  • The loneliest sun on the loneliest day shines on the loneliest life

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  • LarkaA

    God, this is actually the first time I've discovered that other people feel like this. Whenever someone tries to get to know me better, I immeadiately close up, yet I still get lonely because no one really "knows me".

    Anyway, I don't know if this is normal, but I understand completely.

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  • Kagean

    I feel exactly the same. My way of dealing with it is to just go along with life. I try not thinking about it, until someone feels like throwing my life around. If that someone never shows up, then I'm going to go look for her, no matter how humiliating or tough that road may be...
    One thing's for sure: don't give up.

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  • kit291

    OK i thought you meant real loneliness like being in a room full of people and feeling like your the only one there.

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    • Yeah, there's that too.

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      • kit291

        yeah i thought you meant that...

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    • Justsomejerk

      Or real loneliness like being locked in my basement.

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      • kit291

        yup = ]

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      • disthing

        With the internet though...

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  • Since this is probably one of my favorite music videos, and this story involes lonliness, I am going to link the video.


    My comment is unrelevant.

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    • kit291

      i love the walking dead...

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      • It is a good show. I do think it won't be as good without Shane.

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        • kit291

          yeah you always need a bad guy lol he was all about the killing and i like that XD

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          • I don't know what Shane you're talking about, but most of the time he was only for the killing if it was needed, up until when he planned on killing Rick, which he had a reason for aswell, one I agree with.

            I don't think he was a badguy at all, just one that knew what needed to be done, regardless of being a good person. He sacrificed his own morality for the group, and he has put himself in danger for others more than anyone else.

            All the choices he tried to make for the group were the right ones, and Rick constantly said that his plans aren't going to happen, which in term made consequences for the group that wouldn't happen if they went with Shane's idea.

            I personally hate Lori. It's understandable she wants to be with her husband due to her thinking he was dead (Shane thought he was too), but how she just dropped him from her and Carl's life was terrible. He looked after Carl and done more to keep Carl alive than Rick or Lori did, and all he wanted to do was protect Lori and Carl, something he was doing better than anyone else. I mean, Rick put the whole group in danger due to not going to kill that Randal kid, and he insinuated that he would bring his group to the farm to Carl when Carl sneaked in to see him, but he done it in a way as in to say "Our group will help you all". And Lori? Ugh. Remember what Jim said to her in season one? He said "Don't ever let him out of your sight, you look after him", and all she had to do was make sure he doesn't go off anywhere so he doesn't get killed, yet about two to three times Carl has sneaked out and put himself in danger or possible danger because she couldn't even look after him? Shane was a much better father suited to Carl in those times, and Shane was the better leader. Regardless, he got murdered by Rick because Shane felt he needed to kill Rick due to making all the wrong choices.

            I specificly liked the part when Lori got put in her place by Andrea. Andrea was helping fight the walkers, defending the place, and Lori tried to say all she done was sit on the van working on her tan, which wasn't true. I was like "Lori, you stupid bitch", she couldn't even look after her son, yet she's criticising other peoples contributions to the group?

            ...Yes, I'm bored.

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            • kit291

              well Shane tried to rape Lori in that building before it blew up... you say Shane did everything right yet he wanted to give the kid a gun and look because of that he got hurt. most of the thing Shane said put the group in danger. personally i think they were both as bad as each other.

              Half the stuff Shane told Carl wasn't right either, not everyone is a perfect dad and it's even harder when your trying to protect a whole group of people.

              plus if Shane was such a great leader then why did everyone jump at having Rick as there new lead that's got to say something about you theory. Shane was a grumpy man how was upset because the woman he'd been sleeping with left him for his best friend, even though Shane told Lori that Rick was dead and he didn't even know the full facts. he shouldn't of said that and hurt her and Carl before he knew the truth. Shane was designed to be the bad guy.

              you sound like you have a crush on him which would be sweet. But anyway Shane and Rick were both just alike except one of them were thinking logically like people should and the other one wanted to kill people for the sake of killing. i know the world looks like it's ending but if you don't keep hope and think there is something out there like Rick did then you might as well kill yourself because there is nothing to live for.

              I'll join the club on being bored...

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            • Saycheese


              Can definetly tell you like that show.

              But I've had that song stuck in my head all day after looking at your post.

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        • HammersKiN

          For real, Shane was the best character.

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    • Justsomejerk

      Irrelevant..... But awesome clip.

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      • Agreed.

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  • Cheshir3cat

    If you open up your heart you might find yourself less lonely :)

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    • NocturnePonyFan

      Fuck you. At least closed hearts don't break. Have fun being hurt by people.

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