Look around. is there anything red in the room? if so what is it?
Lets play a game. Take a look at your surroundings. Is there anything red in it? If so, what is it?
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Lets play a game. Take a look at your surroundings. Is there anything red in it? If so, what is it?
I'll answer. | 25 | |
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Roses and the cardinals that made a nest in there, words on my shoes, ink on my arm, roosters on my coffee mug, the neighbors Japanese maple tree, my lawnmower, freedom_ and springfurmich.
A couple of books, a cereal box, the light on the 12 volt computer charger and the wifi antenna signal strength indicator.
All the wood is varnished mahogany which might be described as red.
Nothing so fun. IGA corn flakes, from the IGA market in Rodney Bay, St. Lucia.
I'm gone already, from there.
But if it's worth it to ya to dump a couple of grand into finding me (air fare, taxis, hotels, etc), chuck in another grand and I'll make it easy. Won't you be disappointed to fly all the way down here, only to find out I really do live in the basement of mommy's trailer in Arkansas.
my school bag and the rug and my beautiful little cousin is in a red dress.
An envelope with lucky money issue and a monkey on it. Happy New year! My trainers, a Spanish fan and a heat lamp for my bearded Dragon.
A notebook, the wifi router's cable, a small screw driver that's been sitting on my desk for 2 weeks now (too lazy to put it back in toolbox after doing some repairs to a fan)
A pair of boxing gloves, my Kmart employee lanyard, the cardboard label on a blanket I never opened, and the propellers to a remote-control quad-copter I can barely begin to fly.
All of my college football stuff is a shade of red. Also, these plastic cups on my desk I should probably clean up.
Basketballs? Footballs? Bowling Balls? Soccer Balls? Hockey Balls? Cricket Balls? Golf Balls? Croquet Balls? Wiffle Balls? Tennis Balls? Volleyballs? Rugby Balls? Billiard Balls? Ping Pong Balls? Hamster Balls? Pop Balls? Hover Balls? Squeaky Balls?
My boxers on the floor. A flannel shirt on the floor. Scissors. A blanket.
I have an old soviet watch imprinted with a red hammer and sickle.
Next to that I have some 3.5" floppy boxes.
flower pillow case, the vulpix theme for my Google chrome browser, and some folded paper stuck to the refrigerator.
I'm outside. There are brick red bricks directly in the perspective of my phone's camera. You can see them, can't you, OP? Is that why you made this question? You spying on my surroundings?!
A 2 on a cushion, a red lego aeroplane, a love heart on a glass evian bottle and a red smartie on a smartie wrapper.