Love of weird things

Iam a 18y.o female who looks relatively normal. I am obsessed with things like heavy metal, marilyn manson, piercings tattoos, skulls and i love snakes and spiders but im cant stand rabbits horses or cats .. Eugh fluffy things. I love red and black and going to music gigs .. is this normal? .. perhaps this is why ive never had a boyfriend haha

Voting Results
65% Normal
Based on 37 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • d4m4s74

    I'll be your boyfriend

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  • Scarred4life

    Not my thing, but yes, it is normal.

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    I think all of this is perfectly normal.

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  • lastcell

    If you like what you do, then the thing you are doing is normal. If you think like that, your life will be much more simple. Other opinios are not exist for me. You are living with yourself, so you must feel good inside in your body with your ego. :-D This is weird, but true. Find the balance,eat,drink,make love,work. That's all. Easy....

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  • shiftysplit

    People might think you are stereotypically into all these things because it's the cool thing to do (if you're part of that niche). It may be a turn off for men unless they are into those things also. Try not to make others feel dumb for not being hard-core enough... if you don't do that than don't worry about it, but if so DO work on being more open minded. If all those things truly represent you, then you'll eventually find someone who sees your genuine beauty. The key is to be true to yourself whether that means you like fluffy cats and marilyn manson or abercrombie and fitch and skulls... I think being true to yourself is the biggest turn on for people. Everyone at different times in their lives finds themselves living for something or someone else other than themselves. It's always good evaluate who you truly deep down are and what your true likings are.

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  • PoisonFlowers

    How is that weird? :P

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  • Degree

    I need a picture to see if your normal. Becusae if your decent and you love all that stuff. Alot of people would be willing to go out with you. But if your ugly, then the story changes compleatly.

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  • Maki_P

    These aren't weird! This is Metal! Yeah!
    (but fluffy things are ok, right? rigth? right?)

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