Low carb cured my mental instability

Since I started going low carb (<30g) my mood has competely stabilized... I no longer experience waves of rage throughout the day and I sleep really well. I haven't lost any weight, though. Anyone else experience this or know why it has this effect on me?

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Comments ( 23 )
  • Doesnormalmatter

    Well your in luck! I am a personal trainer and have recommend low carb or keto diets in the past! Here is the deal, there is no concrete evidence that a low carb diet improves cognative performance or anything like that, however, as with any diet, the effects very a ton based on the individual. If your body and mind feel better in a state of ketosis, that could cause some positive effects via means more psycholigical than physiological. Some people like you get great benefits from low carb, where as others like myself, feel like horseshit if I don't eat piles of carbs. So there isn't much science of why this works on some people but not others, but this is a common upside people have on a low carb diet.

    In terms of weight loss, if you haven't lost it your not in a calorie deficit. And when calroies are equated, lower carb verses higher carb makes ZERO difference is fat loss. So a low carb diet does not get aorund the fact that you have to eat less. I would stay on the diet for the mood beneifts and lower calroies or exercise and keep the same calories if you want to lose weight. I can help you with that too if you want!

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    • thanks... what if I have a calorie deficit on low carb and it starts affecting my mood and sleep again, which I suspect it will? (fewer calories or more exercise, either way)

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        Lower calories may inhibit mood, however, its not that simple. It mostly depends on how lean you are right now. The more fat you have to lose, the less bad you will feel in a deficit. So the question for you is how lean are you? Your height, weight and gender would also help. If you have a decent amount of fat to lose, then losing said fat should actually make you feel better and more energetic, so don't expect to feel bad in a deficit automatically.

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        • I feel sucidal when I lose weight, low carb or not... I'm about 30lbs overweight.

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          • Doesnormalmatter

            So much for low carb helping your mental instablity then. It was probably plecebo anyway. Feeling suicidal from eating less is not mentally stable at all. Talk to a nutritionist and or therapist. That is a serious issue and there is no reason wjy losung weight should lower mood, physiologically it should actually be the other way around if anything at your weight.

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            • It helps as long as I keep my weight where it is now... if I maintain my weight on a higher carb diet it's much worse.

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  • SwickDinging

    Low carb makes me feel really ill. But I hear others saying they find it really agrees with them. It may be a personal thing. If it works for you and you are healthy then all is well.

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  • Hellnobrother

    Sorry, but that's a placebo.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Yes, your gut biome can actually influence your mood. Those sugar whores are mean little nazis.

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  • palehorse

    If it works for you, cool.

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  • dimwitted


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  • LloydAsher

    Food changes how you act. Simple as that.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i wont git involved in anythin recommended by email spammers

    keto boner pills essential oils walmart surveys abc shark tank healin crystals or anya the other nonsense i sees daily

    buncha hocuspocus bullshit

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    • I just go by what my body's telling me... it's not placebo.

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