Low testosterone

Im thinking about getting my T levels checked because I am not building muscle as easily as I used to. But I have heard low T makes it hard to get it up. I dont have that problem at all. Still gets hard and I have to have a release everyday. So it seems from that my T levels arent low but the muscle building issue sucks.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • JustJazzin

    I see a lot of patients who suffer from low testosterone. How old are you? Low testosterone doesn’t necessarily mean low libido/sex drive or erectile dysfunction. You ever feel sluggish? How much sleep do you get per night? If you’re having an issue obtaining muscle mass, it could be your routine, a possible plateau, diet, and unfortunately, just plain old genetics. I personally suffered from a similar issue. Everything in the Southern Hemisphere checked out okay but I had a hard time building muscle. My issue was a slow active thyroid. Check on that as well. A good doctor should go well in depth with these types of tests. These tests can vary based on when you’re having blood drawn so make sure you follow doctors orders and have blood tests at certain hours of the day. Same goes for a testosterone check up. To be honest, if it is your testosterone levels (which should be in the 290-1000 ngDl range) and it registers slightly below, there are foods and FDA approved supplements you can eat/take to naturally boost your levels. The only time I would suggest having a testosterone replacement/prescribed rx is if it is extremely low.. like in the lower 200’s and < 200. One main thing to remember when working out with weights is to constantly create muscle confusion. The same routine will leave you at a plateau, showing little results in comparison to the time you’re putting in. That alone can cause discouragement

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    • This is great advice especially reminding me about muscle confusion. I have been stuck in the same routine for a while now I need to break that. Thanks a lot for your advice.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Many of those symptoms also have other causes as well.

    The biggest cause of Low T in males is excessive weight. Lose the weight and your T levels return to normal.

    The reason for that is that Fat generates chemicals that counteract or kill testosterone.

    If you are overweight and go on Testosterone... I would suggest that your view and stategy would be to only be on it long enough to loose weight and restore normal muscle function.

    Loosing weight will most likely require you to change your diet and exercise habits.

    Create good or bad habits, and then the habits create your body and lifestyle.

    You can chose to create good or bad habits.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I had low Tesosterone and am now on Testosterone therapy.

    There are a lot of things that could be causing your loss of energy other than Low Testosterone; and even if you have low Testosterone those issues will not go away by starting Testosterone therapy.

    I suggest that you have a checkup with a Dr.

    Also, many things are related to diet and excess weight (including many future health issues). Another realtity is that in general the Medical Profession does not really have a good handle on all of this; and most Doctors today focus on what drugs they can give you to relieve the immediate symptoms instead of directing you to change your diet and life to resolve your issues.

    I highly suggest that you read: The Carnivore Code by Paul Saladino MD; and consider at least a Keto Diet.

    Also, like many other drugs. Testosterone supplementation had side effects. It will make you effectively sterile while you are taking it, it may raise blood iron level requiring routing blood donation or phlebotomy, and will shrink your testicles long term. If you are on it too long you may not be able to regain normal testicle function when you get off of it.

    I wish you the best with this,

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    • I have plans on going on TRT in the future. I do need to get my levels checked. Every symptom I read online says that a big symptom of low T is a diminished sex drive and erectile disfunction and this is not a symptom I have at all. I guess it is still possible to have low T without that particular symptom tho.

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