Lying for fun
is it normal to lie to people you know, friends, family and just randoms you meet. I do it all day and everyday and I like it. I cant stop and if I ever get caught out I just lie more to cover it lol.
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is it normal to lie to people you know, friends, family and just randoms you meet. I do it all day and everyday and I like it. I cant stop and if I ever get caught out I just lie more to cover it lol.
Im a compulsive liar. i understand completely. It's pretty fun to have to think of things on the spot to cover you tail.
I see law school in your future. Lawyers like me get paid to do it every day. Just think of this as practice. Why do you think they call it practicing law, lie is an art and a science.
yeah i think this is normal. it's like acting, or pulling a prank. totally understandable. one of my best friends does it all the time.:)
You sound like a complete asshole. You're probably some arrogant, snotty liberal arts student who is under the mistaken impression that you're cool. Not so. You're just piling up the bad karma if you keep doing that, nothing else. Totally unproductive way to live your life.
Pretty fun now but who wants to have a serious relationship with a compulsive liar? Not so funny now.
Because to me if you lie about silly things than you're going to lie about your mistress and all this kind of bad sh*t