M o eye s t
Is it normal that I hate it when people say or even type the word "M-O-eye-S-T"? I think it's the most vile word in the English language. I just don't appreciate it at all!
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Is it normal that I hate it when people say or even type the word "M-O-eye-S-T"? I think it's the most vile word in the English language. I just don't appreciate it at all!
Ha, I thought this was some sort of dingbat! I'm a bit disappointed now.:( Anyway, most have words we dislike. Moist is a popular choice, I think.
Aaah this is bullshit Nobody found anything wrong with this word until one guy on the Internet made it taboo and now everyone thinks there's something wrong with it.
You know what's worse... Curd. Like, lemon curd is such a delicious thing, but curd is an awful name for it...
There will always be some words we hate^^ I have many ones in German and also in English so it's definitely normal... I also don't like the word moist too much...
At least most words I can't stand are rarely used^^
There are certain words I hate too, but that one isn't one of them, oddly enough. It's one that gets on a lot of people's nerves, though; Google it and you'll find yourself in plenty of good company.
I don't mind it personally, although I know many people who have made a point of telling me how much they hate it. I think a lot of people have a word like that, but I still haven't met my "moist", I don't think.
Out of pure curiosity, what bothers you most? The etymology of the word, the sound of it, the spelling of it, the sexual aspect, or something else?
There's something about the sound and spelling that makes my skin crawl. To add insult to injury, I work in a bakery so I have to hear it all the time now. -_-
Poor you. :/ I guess it's a word that does come up really often when people talk about dough. The normal alternatives like "damp" or "soggy" don't really sound appetising. Hmm, you could always get people to say "irriguous" although that's generally means wetter than the M word.