Made secret pact with spiders. iin?

So, I'm completely terrified of spiders. It's gotten to the point where I feel like I've made a secret pact or peace treaty with the various spiders in the corner of my room. As long as I don't see them on my bed or clothes, I leave them completely alone. I'm cool with them if they're cool with me. So it's like a trade-off. And sometimes I threaten them before going to bed. Sort of like reminding them of the agreement they've made with me.

LOL? I've gotta be going insane or something.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • The sneaky buggers are going to crawl into bed with you as soon as you turn out the lights. You know that, right?

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  • RinTin

    Careful in the bathroom spiders like to come at you from above in the shower and when you're shitting.

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  • ThatCreepyWhiteGuy

    I might teleport you to the Demonweb Pits if you don't shut up.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Oh grief! This is like the Chamber of Secretes all over again, only now it's like the Bedroom of Secretes which sounds like an X-rated film. You are like a cross between Hagrid, because you let them live, and Ron/Harry because you've come to make the pact with them. Those spiders will soon morph into Aragog and he and his gigantic children will try to kill you for sustenance when you least expect it...

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  • thepickler

    This is strange but I you shouldn't worry too much about spiders. Spiders are not aggressive animals.

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  • My friend does this! So I think it's normal (:

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  • cherrylicious_baby_cakes

    They'll bite your ass of in your sleep! LMAO

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    A pact?

    Uhh, yeah. You aren't high or anything...

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  • tadabrown

    Did you get the head spider to sign the agreement. Aha! You forgot to have that done, didn't you? Now see? See? Now those creepy little buggers are not legally bound to stay away from you. I'd either stay awake all night and be on guard with a large can of Raid at the ready. Or I'd find a way to get a new agreement signed. And this time have the signature witnessed.

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