Mail order brides

At this one job I worked at, it was somewhat popular for these older men who are about ready to retire, going to other countries to find a wife, but not only a wife but one old enough to be their daughter or grand-daughter.

You see this wrinkled old man marrying a woman so young it just looks unnatural. I understand most of these kids/women want to escape a country that holds no future for them, this I understand. But these old me hooking up with these young girls just ticks me off. To me it is perverted and tells a lot about the men who do this.


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Comments ( 37 )
  • TheMightyOz

    I was talking to one of these brides who was from South America. She married a perverted college professor. The professor worked hard with her to help her earn a Ph.D. Now she makes $200000/year, is highly motivated, and flies around on corporate jets. The pervo college professor selfishly spends all her money, but she seems happy anyway.

    She told me I should get a Russian bride. She doesn't know I can't get it up. I am just pathetic.

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  • Tempest-au

    Sometimes these relationships actually turn into warm loving marriages. Other times the bride waits a few years until she is legally allowed to stay in her new country, divorces the old fart, and gets half of his shit. Either way seems okay to me.

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  • Max2016

    They are consenting adults. Why care so much? It's not hurting anyone. Maybe those women would have far worse lives in their own country. Why are you being so judgmental?

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    • wigz

      While you're right they are consenting adults, you're ignoring the coercive pressure on the girls. Yeah, the men are like 'yay, score' but the girls are like 'eeew but ok'. There's a big power imbalance and even though it's not child to teacher/parent/ it's still fucking disgusting. They consent under extreme pressure ('far worse lives in their own country', your words), what are the men consenting to? Ownership of a beautiful young otherwise unobtainable woman? Oh big loss on his part. I agree with you that adults can do what they want but be real. It's more gross on one side, using a person's bad home life and good looks just to get off and gain a submissive partner? Eew.

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      • Max2016

        Who is coercing the women to do it? They are from other countries, they live in other countries. Nobody is forcing them to create online profiles. Nobody is forcing them to marry these guys. Even if they request, they can say 'no'.

        You can judge all you want, human beings are judgmental by nature. But they aren't doing anything wrong.

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        • wigz

          I'm not judging. I said they can do what they want but I also said it's pretty gross in one direction and I don't think you can refute that. I personally know a mail order bride, I understand what she did and why but the guy involved was absolutely disgusting and a loser basically but used his US citizenship as power as most do. I'm not fucking judging the politics involved, just addressing the power imbalance and desperation on one side and saying well, yeah, it is two consenting adults TECHNICALLY, there is an obvious power play here. Why can't the fat, middle aged, bald, mediocre income guy get a local girl? Uh because he has to buy one.

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          • Max2016

            It's funny how you keep repeating you're not judging but most of the things you said are judgments. There is power play in most if not all relationships. There are lot of women involved with disgusting men and vice versa. Can't save them all.

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            • wigz

              I'm not judging the decision itself, I completely understand why they do it. I am merely commenting on the FACT that there is a power imbalance and a good lot of these women are also acting under the direction of essentially a pimp who profits from the deal. You're basically saying 'hey it's just two adults doing what they want' without looking beyond and examining why these people are doing this. As if their decisions are not prodded by anything whatsoever. Just because you are an adult doesn't mean you can't be limited in your choices. Starvation for family or marry a nasty poor American? No intimacy ever or buy a bride from overseas because you have that bit of leverage? If these guys are so great, why do they have to buy a woman? They for some reason NEED to or have to because they are either losers, control freaks or both or fethishisers. You seem to think all mail order husbands are rich. Nope. The one I know didn't even have running water in his house.

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    • WhiteApple

      It's plain outright creepy, I guess it does not bother you, but to me it is perverted! I guess my standards are more conservative than yours...

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      • Max2016

        I don't judge others on the basis of how creeped out I am by something they do. The longer I live, the longer I am convinced that nobody in this world is normal. Even the sanest or most normal person has some thoughts, fantasies or behavior that others will find creepy.
        But I guess judging others makes us feel good about our own lives and that's why we do it.

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        • Boner_Face

          Everyone judges. All the time. That's all we do in our daily lives is make judgments and other character assessments of what we see going on and who we interact with. You're doing it right now when you read my screen name. Everyone judges, even you. It's completely impossible to go through life never judging at all.

          That being said I see no problem with mail order brides or even bringing women over from other countries, having some fun with them, and than saying bye bye when their visit visa expires, and than importing a new group of women for the same reason. The average American woman isn't worth much anymore as they seem to think traditional gender role chores are "sexist" and besides sex that's basically all men need them for anyway.

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        • wigz

          You're so full of shit.

          'every relationship has power dynamics'

          OK, so because, according to you, every relationship does to some degree then the abusive ones are thereby normal and unquestionable since mild/benign ones also exist?

          'Even the sanest or most normal person has some thoughts, fantasies or behavior that others will find creepy.'

          OK, so that makes people who fantasize about something the same as those who act on it? There's NO difference? You don't judge or treat those 2 types of people differently? Every behavior is equally acceptable? Bullshit.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    Yup, it's pretty terrible. I don't know about the age difference, but when you marry a girl that only does it in order to survive, I think you don't understand what love is. You just basically bought a slave.
    From what I've seen these guys are usually misogynic racists. With that believe system they can pretend their slave wouldn't be anything without them and they're doing them a favour. It's quite sad.
    I don't want to know what must happen to a man to become like that.

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  • Holzman_67

    The western world certainly frowns upon this because of our view on ageing. I am a product of my environment so I do notice it; but I try not to judge, if they both seem happy then that's the main thing, right?

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  • mysistersshadow

    If both are happy with it then its fine and none of your business.

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    • RoseQuartz

      Why would the woman be "happy"? Just because she's doing that doesn't mean she likes it.

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      • mysistersshadow

        If she agreed to it shes given her consent. If she hasn't thats human trafficking and isn't legal.

        Not everyone is happy in there relationships but if they have consented its there business and no one elses. Just becos someone else might find the situation repugnant doesn't mean they have any right to interfere. You can not like it all you want but that doesn't mean anything.

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        • wigz

          It's still sad.

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          • mysistersshadow

            Is it? Why? Maybe there happy I don't know these ppl so how could I know its sad? Your generalizing about alot of ppl.

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            • wigz

              OK, sad may not apply in all cases, I agree. But the whole scenario largely attracts certain types of people and just saying 'meh, it's consenting adults, whatever' is pretty shallow.

              Like, make an analogy to prostitution (no, I am not comparing, just making an analogy)...

              Prostitution between two consenting adults, who cares, right? On the surface, it's ok. But we know only a minority of prostitutes are genuinely happy, safe, and not abused, not a victim of human trafficking, etc. So can you really say they are just 'consenting adults' in general when talking about prostitutes? I mean, yeah superficially they are if they are over 18 but there is often overwhelming circumstances that push people into prostitution and while you (and I) can agree that prostitution should be a 'choice' an individual can make, you also need to admit that it's rife with danger, coercion, desperation, abuse, slavery, human trafficking and other problems.

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    It's nothing new. If both are consenting adults then why not. Plus their lives are probably better off afterwards anyways

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  • yesnomaybeso

    I also find it disgusting

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  • ThatScarletteGirl_

    I find these old men creepy.

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  • IMissMary

    I think its great!!!

    If I ever find myself single as an old man I would do exactly the same. I'd find some 20 year old Asian who is smart and willing to take care of me, blow me on a daily basis etc in exchange for all my money and experience. I'd teach her how to take care of herself, put her through college and help her understand finances. So when I can dead and gone she will be set. If I could find or afford a bunch of them 3-4 I would take care of them all for the same trade.

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    • wigz

      She'd probably be cheating on you the whole time though.

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      • IMissMary

        So....this aint about love. This is about a fee for service.

        I don't care if the waitress at a restaurant cheats on me by serving someone else a meal. As long as I get the meal I paid for.

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        • wigz

          Yeah, right. What's the meal you paid for? A few times a week? If she was fucking him more often, or even just enjoying it more, then I bet you'd be sour. You can't compete with a younger attractive man but I'm sure he appreciates you paying for her trip overseas!

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  • ⑨Ball

    You have never
    Gotten laid
    Just have never
    Had luck

    But now
    A daughter
    That you
    Can fuck.

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  • MrBucket73

    Is creepy! Shitty with a pervert, or eat your dinner off of a trash heap.

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  • DaddyLovesHisPussyYoungNHairy

    If the girl is 18 or older what makes the difference

    Let them enjoy their life, but i know one thing if these

    girls don't love these men than their a sucker for

    punishment is way i see things?

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