Making homeless people run for change
Is it normal that when ever a homeless guy asks for change i throw it as far as i can and watch hi run?
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Is it normal that when ever a homeless guy asks for change i throw it as far as i can and watch hi run?
Thats really fucked up and cruel. the fact that people seem to think it funny sickens me. you are are spoiled children who have no sense of humanity, no shreds of empathy, no concept of decency. Homeless people are human beings just like any of you, treating them like garbage or taunting them by throwing change just shows how truly heartless you are.
you dont know what if feels like to have to sleep on the streets, eat less than 1 meal per day, be alone without family or friends.....even you even knew what it was like to live hungry, cold, and tired for ONE DAY i bet you would see how cruel and fucked up your behavior is.
I hope someday when your down on your luck and you muster up the courage to ask someone for help, they have more decency than you, otherwise youre in for some unpleasant karma.
You know, you could just NOT give them the money if you don't like what you think is their life. No harm done there. But you're being incredibly cruel.
My best friend was homeless two years ago. His parents were awful and kicked him out for no plausible reason, and to be able to afford college he sold off everything he had and lived on the streets.
Now he's probably your boss. So watch your fucking stereotypes.
Why don't you lose floor underneath your feet, and then you could be the one chasing change, and dumpster diving. **** you.
Ur a jerk! I wish u became homeless and people did that to u but it's just construction paper and u ran for nothin hahaha
ever heard of carma? i cant wait for the day it comes around. im not perfect myself but atleast i do have some dignity. what you do is kind of low. i have more pity on you than the homeless.
Lol, it would be funny to see the bum from New York who milked tens of millions of dollars of Taxpayer money from the system to pay for his 13 years of everyday calling 911 for no reason, run for change.
They probably pick it up in one quick scoop, 9 times out of 10, never stop running, and make a beeline for the liquor store.
Nah, that sucks. Change your targets. Make Fat people run for cakes and burgers. That is actually justifiable.
Money doesn't grow on trees. It comes by hard work. And a homeless person running for money is like a hard day at work.
lmfao right on man, make those bums run. I say this because you hardly ever see a homeless person that isn't able to physicaly work, most of them are lazy as shit and want to sit down and get paid for nothing. I don't care if i had nothing but the clothes on my back i wouldn't beg for change, they're not helpless they're homeless
Sadly enough, something like that isn't as rare as some people would hope.
I guess people like to feel more.. In control, as if they're better then someone else. Something seems .. appealing about having someone go and run after something you threw them..?
not really sure how to word it.
haha thats amazingly funny, but its also kinda kicking the lion when its down. you shouldnt really make things worse for people like that, it could drive them to suicide
It would appear that humiliating the homeless gives you some kind of thrill. Not strictly abnormal, but a bit mean.
Ever heard of Karma .. ? I seriously hope that one day .. when you are down & out on your luck & money (& believe me at one time it is going to happen) that .. some absoloute loser such as yourself does the exact same thing to you when your in need of help.Ps : I'll be the one standing there laughing as your scrambling for their loose change as you begin to feel what it's like to not only be in need but .. to also know what it feels like to swallow your dignity.
That is Horrible , you should be ashamed of yourself , if you don't want to give don't give , do NOT mock people !!! Be nice to those on your way up as you might just meet them on your way back down !
i dont give homless people money i give them food.they could just spent it on cigarettes or alcohol. they need food and water. they DONT need ciggarette and alcohol.
Normal: sadly, there are lots and lots of pricks just like you. The rest of the world hates you, by the way.