Male constantly craving salt iin

For some reason I feel like I can’t get cobsume enough salt. I’ve been extra salt on foods it compliments, such as soup, but to the points my lips get dry. I haven’t felt overalls dehydrated yet, but my salt cravings haven’t decreased.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • You should tell your doctor and get a blood test. Your body might be burning or naturally low in essential minerals it needs, and it may not be salt at all (you might just be using salt to try and compensate).
    You should not have such a craving for salt to the point your lips dry out. Too much salt can cause other issues.
    Two things. Eat a banana, you might actually need potassium (found in salt). Salt cravings occur when you are already dehydrated, so drink more water.
    Get to the doctor.

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  • wigz

    There's a reason for it and it can be deadly serious, not just a mental or taste thing. Tell your doctor and insist on being tested for all possibilities.

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  • Nickvey

    depends on how much salt you eat, i got into a medical fix buy only salting my morning eggs. low salt can kill you. Go to any emergency room in the USA and start counting the bags of salt water hanging over people. Jan 24, 2018 - Baxter International informed customers on Wednesday that it has been given approval by U.S. regulators to import large saline bags from its plant in Mexico in an effort to ease hospital shortages of the product as the nation faces a severe flu season.

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