Martial arts question - i need a hobby!!!

This is a serious question please help! Basically I have been looking for a hobby but I am at a loss about where to start. I love gymnastics, dancing, yoga activities. The thing is that I want to get into something and take it seriously! I quit my gymnastics lessons cause it was a joke and a waste of money. I want something that the instructor will take seriously! I am considering some form of martial arts but I don't know which one cause I have no experience in that area. But I'm not looking to waste my time on some karate class where I won't learn anything. If anyone has any experience in martial arts or anything please give me some insight. I just want to know what my options are. Btw I'm a 21 year old girl. is it normal to feel this way?

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Comments ( 18 )
  • shogun

    Looser ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Looser

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  • DannyKanes

    Krav Maga is not practical, half the stuff they'd teach you, you'd never use in a real life scenario. Like when are you ever going to be under guard, from the enemy, who has a rifle pointed to your back? Or pistol pointed to the side of your head?

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  • MAIRzY


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  • rockerlocker

    try ping pong for all i care jk

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  • toys4us

    Martial Arts is not for quitter I've been doing it for 15 year 2nd Dan & teach a class of 16 teenagers none of them quitters

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  • darren3

    Jiu Jitsu. Male dominated sport, but a hell of a challenge and workout. No good if you're uncomfortable grappling.

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  • snoodles

    aikido is a good martial art for women

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  • amili

    I do Krav maga- best thing around. Also did karate when I was young which I never liked... It was too fluffy for mr

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  • sumo

    YouTube "iaido 13 katas". I practice this in Melbourne, Australia. Changed my life in a few months.

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  • yeah_buddy

    I'm into American jiu-jitsu and it's intense. Training and preparing is alot of hard work. You need to start at a low level such as karate or tae kwon do. Work you're way up. Youhave to learn the basics.

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  • Kalaripayattu is not something people would expect, though I'm not sure if there's anywhere that teaches it.

    As an alternative, you could learn Capoeira as well.

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  • DwayneHicks

    Krav Maga...check it out!

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  • Don't concern yourself with any of the oriental "martial" arts, unless you are just looking for a dance/exercise routine. Most of them exist only in severely watered-down versions of their original forms, corrupted by emphasis on kata, influence from Hollywood, and even deliberately by the original masters themselves, being highly xenophobic. Know also that absolutely no form of Chinese wushu is derived from actual military skills. You know the whole warring states period? completely pre-kung fu. If you really want to learn to defend yourself, take Krav Maga, or some such practice that has been adopted by the world's armies. Better yet, buy a firearm and learn to shoot it. That takes as much skill as any martial art, if not more. I know.

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  • DannyKanes

    Hey Dappled, you know, I had the most strangest experience with Tai Chi the other day actually after I had finished Kung Fu, this guy was demonstrating the power of Chi flow and by softly hitting me in various spots on my arm made my arm go weak, then by hitting them again made them go strong. Now, I'm a man of science and I can't work out how he did it :-D

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    • howaminotmyself

      This reminds me of a recent Reiki session that sent me into a hysterical fit of laughter.

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    • dappled

      That's the kind of stuff my friend does. He's done it to me a couple of times. It's pretty scary. What I like is that they use it defensively only.

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  • DannyKanes

    I do Choy Lay Fut Buk Sing, which is an insane Chinese martial art. If you're interested you can find more information at or you can go on YouTube and look at some of the videos :-)

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  • dappled

    My friend does T'ai Chi, but not the kind popularly done these days for relaxation. He does it as a defensive martial art and always raves about it.

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