Massage therapists are u at ease staying in room while clients undres
Masseurs are u ok seeing clients nude?
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Masseurs are u ok seeing clients nude?
Why do you have to ask this stupid question repeatedly? If you're beating off to the responses, and I strongly suspect you are, you're a fucked up dumb cunt.
I too see therapists that are at ease with that . Some massage my whole body too which is great. They are totally professional as I'm sure steves therapists are.. Wats inappropriate about it btw? It's nice to see different therapists,just like it's nice to go to different restaurants,pubs etc.
You dont know how it works, do you? The LMT never stays in the room and you only get as nude as you want. The therapist does not view them as naked otherwise they are in the wrong field and will likely get their license revoked. There are even sheet folding techniques that you get quized on during your studies.
Not the therapists I see. 6 are fine me undressing/dressing with them staying In room.
Well you should probably check their validity of being an LMT. Because that is highly inappropriate as well as unprofessional.
And 6!? That's an insanely high number of therapists to see. Perhaps they don't do the job well so you keep rotating. That should tell you something of their authenticity.
They usually help me off with my clothes. There's this guy who gives great massages behind Walmart next to the dumpsters. Really cheap.