Massive sex drive only while on my period

I always have zero sex drive which sucks because it repulses when guys express desire for me, then my period arrives and my sex drive is insane. I am horny almost all the time and in inappropiate situations and I have disturbing sex dreams. Basically there is no normal mode on me, there is either 0 drive or 100 drive. I could have at least half of my sex drive that I have on my period then maybe I could finally have a proper relationship with someone.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Lol this is me

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    It's normal for your sex drive to increase with hormonal fluctuations. However, either having no sex drive at all or too much of one isn't normal.

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    • Yeah I think I have hormonal issues because it runs in my family but ive had my hormones tested like a general test I guess and was told my levels are good

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