Masturbating with sister

I was 15 and my sister w as 13. We started asking each other questions one night and I she wanted to know about vibrators. I knew where my Mom had kept hers and showed it to my sister as well as some "clothing." Anyway we started masturbating about 5 feet apart on a couch. She started using my my moms vibrator and wore a thong. I dunno I just never thought about what we were doing. We finished and a few days later we started doing things together. She would strip for me while I masturbated and I would masturbate her. She even gave me a blowjob and h**ndj*b a few times. I also gave her Oral sex. I know we both dont want to to go any farther. We stopped for a month or so. Now I want to masturbate again with her. She said she doesnt feel its right. I agree yet disagree. Is it right or wrong to thing this way.

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Comments ( 60 )
  • scheinwelt

    I have fantasized about doing that even though i don't even have a sister! it is a turn on for some reason. I wonder why? i never thought so many people thought that is relatively normal- cool.

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    • Theman.0

      My sister heard masterbat on tv now she wants to know wat is should I tell and show her she is 16 by the way

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  • LawrenceUK

    I am jealous of what you had!

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  • ZOR69

    A lot of brothers and sisters experiment with each other at some point in their lives. If she is no longer comfortable with it, it is probably best to just forget about it and move on.

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  • ThetHetar

    You lucky bastard!

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  • suckowndick

    bioboy has very good advice

    it wasnt wrong for you both to experiment with your sexuality
    young teens are curious about their bodies, and want to know what stuff feels like, the fact that you experimented with this stuff with your sister just means, you trust your sister, and you love your sister.
    you must however know where to stop this love, it cannot go into a penis vagina relationship as this will cause abnormal children. bioboy is right, do not treat your sister differently, treat her as a sister. even if she doesnt seem that important now, she will begin to look more like family later on.

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    • lickylickyloo

      well that's actually an old wive's tale.
      inbreeding doesn't cause deformities unless it's several generations in a row. every now and again's okay. the risk from one generation is miniscule but compounds over further generations.

      they can always wait until she's old enough for the pill (wouldn't trust him with a rubber, men love to 'accidentally' burst them and ride bareback)

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      • bigtoy

        Old wives' tale????
        What planet are you from? In many countries it is illegal for 1st degree cousins to marry because of the risks involved/consequences when they eventually have kids. Imagine if they were brother and sister??? Sorry but it's way too risky - think about the consequences for the children.

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        • Oithica

          Yes it is old wives tale. There is no risk of developing any diseases. The risk is from having two closely similar sets of DNAs potentially replicating damaged parts of the DNA. And this will pass on the off springs which can manifests expression of that condition. This occurs after multi-generation of breeding between partners with same defective part of DNA.

          Do read scientific data and not just cultural stereotypes.

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  • bioboy

    This is surprisingly common. The problem with such things is that they are rife with difficulty in the long run. She is concerned, and rightly so, about what would happen should you be discovered.

    There is actually nothing wrong with what you are doing, but if she wants to stop, it is certainly the right thing to do to stop. Also, try not to treat her differently, do not pressure her to do it again, and simply accept that you shared something special with your sister that most people do not, and leave it at that. If you pressure her or treat her differently, you will turn what was a mutually shared and loving experience into into that could, potentially, destroy what you have.

    If SHE decides that she wants to do it again, without you ever mentioning it, then use your own judgment and be safe and careful.

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    • I dont think its going to be "rife with difficulty" like someone said. I think its more common then you can imagine and like someone else said "the fact that you experimented with this stuff with your sister just means, you trust your sister, and you love your sister." People are brainwashed into believing that somehow this is evil and and people should be shamed for it. I say "Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter and Those Who Matter Don't Mind.%%u201D

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    • Normalshe

      I am a girl and have done this with my brother it was great fun and it was like we knew what turned each other on and knew how to make each other have amasing orgasms. I am a year younger than him and had a bf at the time but it didnt matter because know one would know about it apart from him and me. He got a gf but carried on because of the great orgasms but he still had respect for his gf. Best orgasms i ever had like he could ready mind he aslo told me that something told him my weak points and i had the same feeling. We now have a better relationship and can talk to each other about anything.

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      • well I am happy for you guys and its good that ur getting the word out there that there is nothing wrong with it

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    • lonergirl

      i agree completely with bioboy very good advice

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  • jennababe13

    My,twin,and I,done this before

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    • cumforfunn

      do you two still have sex ?

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  • istnotnormal

    yeah its normal, if you both like it then both do it. I do it with my sister

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  • lonergirl

    if it makes both you and her feel good and you dont do anything that could possibly make her pregnant than its ok..
    if she feels bad about it though you should stop.

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  • ManGuy

    I wonder why you censored handjob. (h**ndj*b)

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  • kayla8

    i bet u will be talking about this to a pshyciatrist when u grow up

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  • xxObscurities

    If it feels good, do it. Just don't let anyone know. Everyone has dirty little secrets.

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  • kayla8

    ew incest

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  • Mrsnormal

    I do this with my brother and was surpised to find out that so many people did this. It gave us a special relationship and it was fun and exciting. Although we had boyfriend/girlfriend its not wrong because its you broter/sister so you cant go any furter and we still respected our boyfriend/girlfriend. I alwas wanted a feeling like this and i got it by spending time with my brother. We also talked alot to and gave each other advice about things. You should try it it will improve your brother sister relationship forever just ask.

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  • diecolsd

    yeah i did that stuff not as much as u i wish i had but oh well mine ended too

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  • lickylickyloo

    i think what you two did was very beautiful. as long as you love each other and treat each other gently it's fine. nature couldn't give a rat's knickers about our constructed rules and mores. my little sister wanted to do it with me a few times but i was too scared. i wish i had. it would have been the sweetest lovemaking between two people who really love each other for life. it's so sweetly naughty too. permissive societies without judgemental religions tend to be healthier and with less crime, violence and war

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  • A lot of brothers and sister experiment like this and me and sis do it loads of times. She likes playing with my dick and I love it when she squats on my face and I lick her from behind. shes young and hasnt got much pubes yet so its ace.The honey pot is delicious!!!

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  • fckngoomba

    it is normal and yet it isnt. if u wanted an answer from society then most likely its not normal but personally i have no problem with people masturbating with their sisters. if thats what u guys do to bond with each other then all means go right ahead. i mean i have 3 sisters but i would never masturbate with them only cuz i dun feel the same as u do. and no religious feeling or someone could tell u wat to do n not do
    and as for ur sister if she doesnt feel comfortable doing it anymore then u should try to find some other way to bond with her.

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  • jamezray

    keep doing it!!!

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  • readvi27

    I'm a guy and my twin sister have done this a lot. It's not a big deal, more people do this than you think.

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  • Pixienerd

    Yes, masturbating with your MOTHER'S vibrators behind your MOTHER'S back is totally a great idea! And while your at it, have sex with your goddamn sister! What could possibly go wrong?

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    • hornylatino

      I would fuck the mom too!!!!!

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  • 1skatman1

    sexual curiocity is a way of life just for ferther info get a gf

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  • Volhv

    I think that's it's totally cool
    I feel much more aroused by someone wjo is genetically related to me rather then someone who is not

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  • Mcgboy11

    I always thought family could do anything sexual excepted for actual sex. I think it's fine to touch each other and learn about the human body and it can only bring a family closer together. I think your lucky to have had the chance to have that experince with your sister.

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  • YouKnowYouLikeIt


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  • LPP1505

    If it doesn't feel right for her then you must stop. I don't condemn either of you for what's already happened, as someone else on this thread has said it's quite natural to want to explore your sexuality during puberty and to be curious about the opposite sex. It's actually quite touching (no pun intended) that you and your sister trust each other enough to explore together. However your sister is younger than you and as a result you will naturally take the lead in this relationship.

    My personal feelings on incest are not quite in line with law I suppose because in my opinion if two consenting adults wish to express their love for one another physically I see no reason why they should not do so but the key word here is ADULTS.

    In my opinion this physical aspect of your relationship with your sister should at least be put on hold until you are both adults, then if the two of you wish to take it up again then frankly more power to you. However it HAS to be a mutual decision without pressure or coercion being applied. Anything else is abuse, emotional, physical and mental. I'm sure you already know this and that's why you say you agree/disagree. Desire is at war with what you know to be right. Let yourself and your sister finish growing up, then when you are both ready discuss it again.

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  • alf2010

    Go for the gold put your dick in her pussy til your cum all in it. can I join in?

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  • Xanadu

    I don't think it's 'normal' and I don't think it should continue.

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  • Theadage

    When she gets older, do you think she'll consider that sexual molestation? Since you are older and wiser than your sister. Just consider that you could be blamed one day.

    If you want your relationship to remain on the positive side, and do not want any psychological problems, then I suggest you stop.

    She feels guilty, and so do you. Just end this chapter of your life while still young and intact. Things like this usually escalate into unnecessary drama.

    Also, keep in mind that the majority of the advice you are getting could be from sex-deprived hornbags who really aren't in their right mind to begin with.

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  • Mickeymouse1207

    I have a brother(im a female) im about to turn 13 soon and i just started feeling this way and when i think about it , it would be weird but sometimes it wouldnt be weird to experiment with my brother i just feel weird to talk to him about it ( hes 14 and soon turning 15 alittle after i turn 13 and yeah hes single ) so i dont feel jelous or anything its just something i want to try cuz he cant brake my heart cuz hes my brither plus we wouldnt go to far so yeah i feel the same way tho i would just feel weird!

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  • SparksTheGoldenFoxie

    oh my god you lucky son of a gun dam that makes me jealous lmao but do whatever gets your jollies off just dont get caught XD

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  • babyyboyy

    this is not normal:S stop it and get as girlfriend who isnt related you weirdo

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    • tinsleytemptress

      stop. you're older and she looks up to you. so she is trusting what you are saying and doing. you are sending her to years of therapy each time you do anything of this sort. If you ave ANY compassion at all, stop. For goodness sake get a fake I.D. and hire a hooker if you need sex that much. Or buy a Fleshlight. But have some compassion for her future..

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      • lickylickyloo

        what a load of sanctimonious CRAP!
        boy the christians really did a job on you didn't they! it's perfectly natural and normal. the only 'therapy' the girl would need is after people like YOU look down your noses at her.

        OP if your sister says she's not right with it though you have to respect that. cuddle her gently and lovingly and you will get a lot from that love. be glad she'll be with you forever and maybe one day when she's older (and on the pill?) you can gravitate back together and make love or whatever. LUCKY YOU in any case. she will be with you in one way or another all your lives. that's precious. not a lot of us get that. she's certainly going to be a close friend though.

        i would ask her why she feels the way she does though to see if she's okay. accept her no matter what. she's worth it.

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  • Quadmaster

    I think it is wrong and you should stop doing it immediately! Next thing you know you will be licking each other cooches. Your sister for Christ sakes.

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    • Randomperson1029

      think it's hott And reading that just made me horny!!!! Uhhh I think you shoulid do it when ever you want

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    • lickylickyloo


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  • cumforfunn

    Did she suck your cock ?

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  • Breecks

    don't push her into doing it again, find another girl that looks similar to her and frick the shick out of her

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  • Horny69latino

    Don't stop trying to convince your sister to masturbate with you. Try to get her to remember how good it felt, or try to have her catch you masturbating or ask her if she would watch porn with you.

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  • gushingsunset

    this is an interesting thread. It sure is true that brothers and sisters having this sort of activity together do enjoy it and having done it with my own brother I would say it was wonderful to say the least but it does create some issues at times. After having him for so long I am now jealous of his wife so much you wouldnt believe, its strange and crazy I know but thats how I feel.

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  • johnho

    If one or the other of you don't feel comfortable anymore then you should stop, but my cock is hard writing this..

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  • chiguy51

    My sister and I masturbated and then mutaully masturbated when we were 10/12 and continued for several years. We really didn't know what we were doing except that it was pleasurable and eventually we stopped as we got involved with b/f's and g/f's. I never felt weird or bad about and neither did she.

    Funny thing is that now that we are 60 and 62 and both widowed, we started again after we got together for a summer BBQ. It was very hot and I have an outdoor shower and I joking asked her if she wanted to join me in cooling off. Her clothes were off in a moment! I, of course undressed and we both got into the shower and since it was rather small, we were up against each other and then as we faced each other, we both reached down at the same time. I guess we both had missed our playing very much because we both came several times over the course of the weekend and we haven't stopped since.

    One thing that is different now than from when we were kids is that even though we "practiced" kissing then, we really make out now like the best of lovers and we both find it extremely arousing.

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  • norn1107

    You've already done so much! You might as well have sex with her. I'm having a similar situation with my sister, but we haven't done ANYTHING, or even acknowledged it. I'm actually really jealous of you right now!!! Good luck to you, I wish you and her the best!

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  • lemmy

    Get her pregnant That will piss off your parents

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  • scancelm

    don't stop enjoy............all pussy and cock are same..

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  • AlesanaSTARRx

    I think you should carry on if you REALLY need to, but definitely don't go any further.
    Why couldnt you do this with your gf/bfs though?
    I could never do it with my siblings, but believe me, when you do it with someone you like.. ;)

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  • oh sure its alright! you go do that while i saddle of the mule and get me some grits. gotta go the city later cuz i gots to gets me a education. damn inbred hilljack.

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  • sexleksaker


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