Mcdonalds made me repeat my order

I went to McDonalds and ordered at the drive thru. Everything was taken down correctly. I then paid and went to the second window. When I got there I had to repeat my order. I purposefully left out a drink to see if they really needed me to repeat everything. They told me to have a good day and then I mentioned the drink I had ordered. Sure enough, I did have to repeat everything. This is not the first time I've had to repeat my order. I usually order though the app but today it wouldn't open. On occasion when it does open, I still have to repeat everything if they didn't receive my order correctly.

I don't know what is wrong with these people. I know they have computer screens telling them everything. I shouldn't have to tell them again less than 5 minutes after ordering. It didn't seem busy at all so I really don't think they were overwhelmed. The service at nearly all fast food restaurants is inconsistent in the area where I live except for taco bell. They are always open during their hours and most of the time the line moves fast. Wendy's is always slow and sometimes not even open, especially at night. Why can't they just keep track of people's orders?

Voting Results
91% Normal
Based on 11 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Vvaas

    im so sorry this happened don't worry im on my way to sort ronald mcdonald out rn

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  • KholatKhult


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  • Somenormie

    Perhaps they didn't hear you properly so they asked you to relay the whole order.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Idk why anyone would eat mcdonalds. Why would you put poison in your body that doesnt even get you high?

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    • girlinadarkcorner

      That's one thing i'll never understand either. since I started working at a fast food place, my co workers always ask me why I refuse to eat our food but I can't see how they can even stomach it tbh.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Yeah, my boyfriend an I always check the bag before we leave the drive through. Half the time we had to remind them that they missed an item. XD

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  • walterhartwellwhite

    you may need to plant an ied on your next visit. i cannot believe this happened to you. im so sorry about the poor customer service.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Yes it's normal, Indian people say "what" to everything I say but they don't do this to anyone else, perhaps Indians need to stop this not-do-decent-service-to-the-customers thing and do their jobs properly, and they're all like that, not just the Indians, they are half-arsed and don't do decent service to the customers, especially in a petrol station, I get half-arsed customer service over there and have to repeat myself.

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  • Anonnet

    Not sure why this got so many Normal votes. I don't think I've ever had to do this. I've gotten occasional wrong orders (about 1 in 5), but I'm never asked to repeat my order either way.

    Heck, I almost prefer that they get my order wrong, since they usually give me something bigger than what I wanted. It's super rare that anything is just straight-up missing.

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    • normal-rebellious

      The nightmare of being rare, rareness is creepy to people and they will call you weird.

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  • allialli

    do you have some kind of heavy accent? maybe they found it difficult to understand you through the speaker.

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    • I don't have any accent. They are supposed to know who's order is next in the queue. My order was taken at the speaker without any problems. The problem is the people in the resurant are not keeping track of the orders. This is just one of many times I have been asked to tell them my order again when I get to the drive thru window.

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  • adobeslats

    “Then I said I'm guessin' that
    You're probably not too bright
    So read me back my order
    Let's make sure you got it right”

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