Me and best friend want to see how many one night stands we can have

I think most people probably won't think it is normal but consider me an my best friend think we are both in our sexual prime. I'm 27 and she's 28. We are always talking and thinking about sex and always flirting pretty much every day, and we love our bodies and love for others to like it. We love it and don't want to stop.

We've talked about and close to agreeing on joining a online dating site (not a dirty adult one) and seeing how many guys we can sleep with on the first date in 6 week period. We think it will be fun cause there is a lot to it. We have to choose our selection closely cause we have to make sure the guy is someone we'd sleep with, and someone who will want to have sex on the first date, especially on weekedays when time is limited. I guess most of our dates would be nothing more than dinner and then back to my place....I think I have kind of an advantage over my friend cause I've done online dating but she hasn't.

I do take birth control and all the sex will be protected.

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Comments ( 77 )
  • Anime7

    Interesting. As long as you're doing it safely, I say it sounds like a fun experiment.

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    • disfunkshinal

      Exactly. Why is everyone hating on her? What do most girls have against "sluts" anyway? It's not like they hurt them or a slut killed their family. I'm a girl and I have no problem with it. I don't believe there is such thing.

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      • Anime7

        I think sluts just make girls look bad, but I don't really see how a person's sex life is anybody's business. I'm not a girl but that's just my opinion. I agree, I don't see why the OP is getting so much hate.

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        • disfunkshinal

          I actually thought it was funny. I do think society was influenced by the Christian faith a little too much though. Before the Christian faith, what she's talking about was perfectly okay and smiled upon. Now, you're a shameful and horrible person, by society's standards if you are sexual. I have Christian friends and I am monogamous, but I have nothing against people who are sexual. J don't understand society's disgust of them.

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          • Anime7

            Ya religion played a huge part in shaping our society (America). On the one hand we have morals and learned right from wrong, on the other people are intolerant and gender roles were created. It's like a double edged sword.

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            • disfunkshinal

              In my opinion, as long as no one's hurt, people should not care what other people enjoy. They forget that other people may not share their religious beliefs/views and they demonize these decent people. For a long time, society demonized many helpful scientists and their ideas. These ideas are the reason why we moved past the medieval times and without them we would live to be 40, at best. So, how can we trust society that sexuality is truly wrong? That's how I view it. Society used religion to label any woman with an libido a slut, and everybody bought into it.

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      • highrider

        i know right? and then guys get praised for all the girls they bang, but if a girl sleeps around shes considered a slut. its not fair :/

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        • disfunkshinal

          It's a double standard. They exist all over society. For example, a poor white person is down on their luck and a poor black person is lazy.

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          • highrider


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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        Not unless your birth control is abortion. Those are complete sluts. As long as you do not mess with anyone heads and as long as you are not with someone else husband/Wife.

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        • disfunkshinal

          I see your responses everywhere and Danny, your user says elf but you are far from jolly. Do not get inflammed as you have done so often, but open your mind and see other points of views. Not everyone thinks and behaves the way you do and the world will never work like that. Time to start getting used to it. When I posted that, I knew I'd run into you. I knew you couldn't resist.

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          • 1000yrVampireKing

            So you also believe in cheating? Well I do not care what anyone says but cheating is wrong. I think staying faithful is a good thing. Come on you have to know some things are just wrong.

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            • disfunkshinal

              I am monogamous as I mentioned and I don't believe in cheating. They say they are single.

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          • 1000yrVampireKing

            I have been noticed. I must go hide. To my corner of doom away. *sneak, sneak, sneak* By the way this is based on creature feature. Not an actual elf. My real name is not Danny. Yes belittling someone for not having STD and a vag so loose you could stick a bowling ball in is a great thing! Be sure to show some certificates next time. So it is Halloween based not Christmas. Would you like me to sign your forehead?

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            • disfunkshinal

              I myself am not a slut, as you would notice if you really read what I say. However, why does it bother you so much and why don't you just live the life you choose and let others live how they choose? They don't have to live like you. We are all born with choices.

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            • shade_ilmaendu

              I find it funny how you say it's fine if they're not getting abortions in one and are completely slut shaming in another. >.>

              What was your actual opinion again?

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            • disfunkshinal

              Ps. No one has room to belittle anyone. I know you're convinced you are perfect but you're human. Same as me. Same as them.

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  • mardybum

    You should sleep with your friend if you are both so sex-crazed. Problem solved.

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  • KatieLiz

    Ignore all the slut shaming. Those girls don't know what they're talking about.
    If you're really going to do this you'll need to be 'safe' outside the bedroom too. Meeting people from the Internet is an extremely stupid thing to do, and I'd urge you to think again.
    Also, condoms and pills are not always effective. I know someone who conceived whilst using condoms, on the pill, and also with took the morning after pill.

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    • Justsomejerk

      Who takes a morning after pill while on the pill and using a condom? I call bullshit.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Hey, some people wear tinfoil hats to keep the government from hearing their thoughts.

        At least that's a more... healthy.... paranoia? XD

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        • Justsomejerk

          They're all the rage in Milan and Paris this season.

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  • If it's all protected I don't see an issue. Everyone is different, so if this is what you enjoy then go for it.

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  • Justsomejerk

    Make a reality TV series and call it VDTV or similar.

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      What does the VD stand for?

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      • Justsomejerk

        Victory Date

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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          Thats funny.

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          • Justsomejerk

            I have my moments

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    Hmm sounds strange.
    Why didn't you do this in your late teens/early twenties? When I'm your age, I would concentrate on finding a husband and settling down, not sleeping around.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    Its only fun if the loser has to knowingly sleep with a guy who is infected with the clap.

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  • Riddler

    Its completely immoral but it seems like a typical thing men would do. Society seems to encourage this behavior too.

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  • Sog

    Hey, I just stumbled on this post, and I think you owe the community a followup with how your "experiment" went...


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  • hybee

    Well, I suppose it would be something to tell your grandchildren about - NOT.

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  • MarkGibbons

    Do whatever you want, but I wouldn't date you if I ever found that out. Gross.

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  • gargamel

    do you watch too much of "How I Met Your Mother"?

    I mean Barney accepts this sort of challenge to bed seven women in seven days. And he succeeds. Good luck to you.

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  • standbyme555

    Please beware of stds.

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  • randypete

    You should sleep with your friend

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  • Zucchinipod

    I would be concerned about meeting strangers off the internet and being in a private place so soon, dangerous creeps out there. Also, then you both have ALL these freaking dudes to deal with, who all know who you are, where you live...

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  • barney93


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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Only if they know that is what you are going for. If you trick someone into sleeping with you making them think it is your intention to stay when this is not the case that is wrong. However if you make it known you just want sex(Which some people might go for) Not really hurting anyone beside yourself. Just be sure too get tested every so often. If you infect someone and they die they can sue you. Just be aware of that you STD Magnet.

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    • Zucchinipod

      If you infect someone and they die, they can sue you?

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        It is considered the same as stabbing you with an infected needle. So if you do not warn them it is like infecting them on purpose.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        Yes it is a law. Well with some desieses. If you are infected with aids and infect someone else by law you committed a crime. If they die it is murder. So you by law have to warn someone you are having sex with that you have aids. If you rape someone and give them aids even if you do not kill them but they die from their aids it counts as murder along with rape. So yes you can. So they can go to jail for it. You can sue for being infected.

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  • Ibelievethis

    So how many have you had so far. x

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  • boston12

    be sluts and proud. guys do it y cant u

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  • Ok, i will have sex with you.

    But i sure as fuck will not take you to dinner. Unless it's the dollar menu at Mcdonalds.

    3 dollars max. You know what... Bring your friend with you, and i will make it 4 dollars.

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  • KatieLiz

    The above conversation made me laugh:
    'fat people are so bitter', 'wow, you're so tolerant and open minded'.

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    • disfunkshinal

      I don't dislike their weight. I have fat friends whom I love, but most are tired of how society ridicules them and so they ridicule society. Sorry if I caused you any offence.

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  • GuessWho

    What Whores!

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    • prasatko


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      • GuessWho

        Hit the 'home' key on your keyboard and read.

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        • prasatko

          You mean those two ladies organising the online Christmas charity competition? I thought they wanted to provide some guys with free Christmas gifts and the one who would be able to distribute more gifts would become the winner...

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          • GuessWho

            Are you sure you're reading from the right tab...

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  • ASealedHeart

    Does that sound fine to you?

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  • Moonbow

    You and your "best friend" either need to go back to school, or at least take an adult education course in English grammar and composition. Then you would know it is "My best friend and I," NOT "Me and my best friend."

    Whatever you do, make sure you use birth control because there are already enough ignorant dumbasses in the world!

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    • quentari

      Wow... You're seriously going to pick on her for THAT? Grammar Nazi.

      Oh, and she has mentioned the birth control thing, FYI.

      And, while you are correct that "me and my best friend" is incorrect grammar used in this sentence, it is actually possible to use "me and my best friend" and not be using it incorrectly.

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      • Justsomejerk

        Example please, I like grammar.

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        • quentari

          The reason we use "my best friend and I" most commonly is because grammar dictates that if we remove one the sentence still makes sense without it. E.g. "My best friend and I went to the movies" works as "I went to the movies" or "My best friend went to the movies". In a sentence that went "She went on a date with my best friend and me" that would still work, because it can become "She went on a date with my best friend" or "she went out with me" (Although She went out with my best friend and I still sounds better, it is not actually grammatically correct)

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          • Justsomejerk

            Thank you!

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            • quentari

              No problem! I'm taking a professional writing course, so I've been learning just how many "rules" of grammar are actually just guidelines.

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