For those of you who don't know what I'm referring to, it is a Japanese anime music video with graphic nature by TeddyLoid feat. daoko.
Anyways. So, I just found out about this music video "Me!'Me!Me!" yesterday. I saw it on YouTube from YouTubers React from The Fine Bros channel.
My initial reaction was similar to a lot of people: Shocked and a little speechless. I didn't necessarily dismiss it right off the bat, but I was confused for sure.
Shortly afterward, I kept on watching the uncensored version and I actually dig it. I looked up reviews, reactions, explanations just because I was curious. I really enjoy the artistic value, detailed animation, and deep meaning that was put into it.
So I guess my question is: Is it normal that I actually enjoy this video? I mean, as a girl one might not think I would like something like this (not something I'd typically watch personally), but something about it is so intriguing.
If you watched the YouTubers React episode, you see there's a lot of different responses. So I was curious to see what y'all think since I like you guys.
Let's discuss! c: