Meaning of life
I don't get the meaning if life. Like I consider myself a Christian and I believe in all of that but I just don't get it. Is this normal?
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I don't get the meaning if life. Like I consider myself a Christian and I believe in all of that but I just don't get it. Is this normal?
The meaning of life is to become Enlightened and Ethical.
It is important to understand, not just Christianity, but all the world's major religions, and to understand the relationships between them. You must understand the relationship between Christianity, Islam and Judaism. You must understand the realationship between Buddhism, Taoism and Hinduism. You must also understand the relationships between all these religions and Agnostic and Atheist points of view.
One of the best statements I have seen about religion so far.
You can not truly appreciate Christianity unless you have a good familiarity with Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism and other various major religions and well as Agnostic and Atheist points a of view.
Christians who resist learning about other forms of religion and other points of view, I believe, are the ones that are weakest in their faith. All of my theological studies (as well as studies into Atheist points of view) have only really helped give me a better understanding and appreciation of Christianity and my own spirituality in general, rather than making me doubt and fear for it...
The meaning of life or the reason we are born, is to reproduce. To keep life going. Religion, happiness, beliefs is under that. Compare your years of life one hundred maybe, to the millions of years that the earth has been here, its scary to think about
Yes because no matter what your religion, the truth is you will always wonder where we came from even if subconsciously.
To have a positive effect on everyone u contact, too live selfless as much as possible, dont live with a false sence of judgment ,but to the contrary learn enough about the world around you so you can fully trust your judgement and use it to educate the missinformed and better the lifes of thoes willing to accept the laws of peace and prosperity and not fall prey to the will of human greed and deception... Oh and die with a smile because why would you wanna die any other way? One Love
The meaning of life is.....arguments, and questions being followed and answered, is the evil being dismayed and the good becoming the evil, it is the vast entity we call the universe to be a source of wonder for all to short, there is no meaning to life, just living it:)
The meaning of life is the pursuit of fulfilling self-interest.
Now self-interest itself is a relative quality (I think) so does that mean that life itself can be relative?
In other words if a man achieves happiness through subterfuge, and the humiliation of innocents and that brings him happiness has he achieved the ends of life any more sufficiently than the man who goes about it virtuously (charity, love, empathy etc)?
Beautifully said this is exactly how I feel being virtuous only benefits in the sense that it eases your conscience and god is basically a projection of the human since of conscience selfishness is universal Nietzsche once said that if a man is truly selfless then he would want other men to be selfish because he would want others to pursue their own interest the op you would be better off to forget about looking to religion or god to tell u the meaning of life because there is no meaning at all ascribed to life from some outside of the universe force. Think simple try to enjoy life as much as possible if you are young don't think about the future live for the moment
But no, in the end TRUE happiness has only one path to be obtained. No amount of lies and subtleties will bring you to that point.
Life has no meaning. The ultimate meaning and purpose of life is to end.
What is the question? What are you really asking? If, its know the meaning of life? Stfu...srsly.
Life does have a specific meaning that we simply cant grasp. Things just arent the way they are out of chance, neither are they the way they are purely out of meaning. The natural universe is all inclusive. That any religion has laid claim to understanding is foolishness, misdirection, or fraud.