Men being victims of sexism

Before sounding insane, let me acknowledge that life hasn't been fair for women- they weren't allowed to vote until fairly recently, they haven't (and still don't always) received equal pay, and in some countries aren't even allowed to drive or do leisurely activities without male permission.

However, for the most part, I feel that the overall well-being of women is respected more than that of men. When it comes to crime and punishment, women seem to get a slap-on-the-wrist while men receive harsher punishments. Metaphorically, women can get away with murder whereas men will get the needle.

When it comes to personal freedom, men are regulated a lot more. For example, lesbianism seems to get a thumbs-up, whereas gay men still seem to get mocked and stigmatized. (let's also not forget than anyone who hangs around a bunch of women is a stud or female-equivalent, whereas associating with men is slutty or whorish). Women can hold hands or release song's about making out, but that would never happen if the homosexual were male.

As far as safety goes, men have always been forced into war, whereas women are there on their own decisions. Vigilante fuckheads can't seem to leave male culprits alone, but if the wrongdoer is female, mobs know how to mind their own fucking business.

Women can flirt their way out of tickets and possibly get into establishments for free if they're attractively dressed, but can men ever brag about these kinds of things.

I could go on, but I've wasted enough time. It pisses the living shit out of me that my fate can be determined by something as seemingly minor as my genitalia.

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Comments ( 72 )
  • Crusades_

    The ones who did the most harm to men are other men.

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    • DumBellle

      Only true words to ever come from this user's keyboard.

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      • Yes and no. Individually I would disagree. As a group I would agree.

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    • Oh I'm quite aware that many perpetrators of the aforementioned sexism are men (*cough* cops)

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    • I'd also like to take note that the ONLY comment to get thumbed up acknowldging men are victims is the only comment blaming men for making othermen victims.

      So men aren't allowed to be victims in the eyes of so many people unless we can equally blame men, if not make it the primary issue, for being responsible.

      Great job, IIN community. Great job. Your mask of morality is slipping, IIN community.

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      • Crusades_

        I occasionally write comments that stand out as contradictory from what i usually post, just to show how easy it is to sugarcoat the IIN community. Even that Dumbellle cunt is corruptible by my irresistible trollish charms, as you see.

        *checks mirror


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        • DumBellle

          Yeah right. You're only back-tracking, because you want to keep up your, "I reverse it, then flip it and everyone plays along"... type of attitude. If everyone disagreed, you would bitch and moan; laments of how one-sided every "hipster" of a user here is... *adjusts non-prescription glasses*

          If anything, you're the only user who is soft putty in the hands of the IIN community..
          You always target me in the comments. You really like me. You really really do.

          However, statement remains true and top of the page for a reason.

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          • Crusades_

            You know you want me.

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            • DumBellle

              That doesn't change the original fact. In any way, shape or form.

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        • Lol. You're far smarter than people on here like to admit or even know. They don't understand quite alot of what you do plays on irony and so on, but sometimes I see exactly what you're doing and I can't help but laugh at how many play in to it. Lol

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          • DumBellle

            Oh my -- Really, do you not see the irony in your comment here?

            That's actually funny.

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            • Yup. I'm not being a bitch about it, though.

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  • LAR23

    Thank you OP for not being one sided. The people on this website drive me freaking crazy with that.

    "It pisses the living shit out of me that my fate can be determined by something as seemingly minor as my genitalia."

    That's the truth of the civilization we live in, regardless of sex/gender. And it's unfortunate that its our own construction, although the ones who set it up that way were mostly men. We pay way too much attention to the private parts someone has. I like to think it's starting to change but I don't know if humanity is intelligent enough to break the fixation or if it's actually going in a better direction..

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  • reminiscent

    Ah well men can get the short stick in some areas women in exists for both genders and can be unfortunate. I think slowly times are changing...its just slow...and some things might never go away.
    fun fact women can't be out in a field for more then 3 days due to hygiene complications that can arise from infections of female genitalia.

    Also I think good looking men can easily flirt their way into and out of things if it is a female they are dealing with.

    If it makes you feel better I veiw anyone male or female that sleeps around a lot to be more of a slut. ;)

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  • RainbowFlash

    I think it depends largely where you live.

    In the Middle East, women are sold and traded as possessions.

    I live in Melbourne, Australia and I am a lesbian. Often we are treated as a novelty and our sexuality is seen by many males as a choice we made. Some actually get personally offended and insist we are doing it to spite them and should just "get some dick" etc etc. Gay males do not get treated in such a way here.

    You are right about the wellbeing of women being more highly regarded, however this appears to be location based. Women have been viewed as weaker, the finer sex as they say. This would entail a level of protection and safety must be afforded. Slowly, I believe this is changing, but it will take time.

    Personally.. I can look after myself. But I know many women cannot. Some guy tried to rape me, I nearly killed him.

    Alas, let me ask you OP.. given women are often physically weaker and not able to protect themselves against men, should women be afforded a little extra consideration when it comes to our physical wellbeing?

    I have martial arts and security training, I am also fitter than most, so I am equipped to defend myself adequately.

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    • DumBellle


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  • wistfulmaiden

    All in all, men and women come out about even. Except for third world countries where they still sell their daughters like goats, or throw baby girls in the river.
    Ive actually seen more hate on men from women who hate men... But that's just me.

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    • RainbowFlash

      I guess it depends on what values you adhere to.

      As you can see in one of my replies below, women are still tortured in various forms, by men.

      In IT, I can not get a break. From the university classroom to the boardroom discrimination exists. It is all those little comments, non stop. The disrespect for the position, the training, the effort taken to get ahead in life and for of course, my gender.

      Rape threats, murder threats, jokes about women, jokes about gender.. That is not professional, should not be endured or encouraged. But it is, because other males laugh, they encourage the shit and they don't stop it. Most don't think there is a problem when there is.

      Or they just don't care.

      As for hate, I see it all the time. Men feeling hard done by because some girl dated some ugly guy or because they cannot get the woman of their dreams. Yeah, I believe that is cultural. Men are told they can have anything they want, then they grow up and realise it is just not the case.

      I have been abused for being a lesbian. I have been told that I am doing it to spite men. That I just need to "find the right guy" and how "different they are". How I need to give them a go and if I don't, I am discriminating against them.
      You would not believe how often I hear this crap. It gets up to about 3-4 times a week.

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      • wistfulmaiden

        that sucks :(
        I never went to college so I probably missed out on a lot of that kind of thing.

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        • RainbowFlash

          IT is really bad for it. Those guys that scream "I f*cked yo mom!" when they get shot in games.. I have to work with them. They have zero conflict resolution skills and never last long in the workplace, unfortunately there's a steady stream of socially inept morons to replace them.

          I am seriously considering going back to square one and changing career paths.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's true. The biggest thing that I have noticed that seeks to demonise the male gender is the media. In my country, men are often portrayed as being idiots. They are man children. The woman is a know it all. The wife is boss, and the husband is her man child. They're even pushing this sexist nonsense onto children. It is so rare to ever see a boy win something when he is going against a female. While commercials have been getting better with the treatment of men, things like tv shows haven't. It's ridiculous and sad.

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  • Nokiot9

    Shit happened to me last week in class. The teacher was bitching about how all men are rapists and whatever and she pointed at my shirt (which had two girls half naked lined up like cattle at slaughter, at a porn casting call) and started saying that things like this just reinforce "rape culture". She had singled me out infront of the entire class and objectified me and my clothing because of my sex. I went to the admin immediately after class and the asshole just shrugged it off and laughed. If I wre a female that had been discriminated against because of her sex, that guy would have been asking me if I wanted her fired to save the school from a possible lawsuit. Men are NOT treated equally when it comes to shit like that. It's like u can only be sexually harassed if ur a female, because a man should be able to handle it? What a crock of sexist bullshit.

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  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    Yes, I agree. Feminists who are supposedly fighting for the rights of everyone rarely seem to care for the other sex. Be Egalitarian, equal treatment for everyone socially, economically, and politically.

    another example- If a woman is domestically abused, she is a victim. If a man gets domestically abused, he is a pussy. They're both victims.

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    • RainbowFlash

      Ask a woman if a male that is abused, is a victim or a pussy.
      Ask a male if a male that is abused is a victim or a pusssy.

      Don't blame women for the situation males set.

      I do fight for equal rights. I am against discrimination of all kinds, religious, sexual, race.

      Perhaps you should look up dictionary definition of feminist, because that is what most feminists are for.

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    • KeddersPrincess

      I very much agree with you. I feel like, at least in the US anyway, this country will bend over backwards for a woman. A lot of feminists cry "oppression" but I doubt they even know the definition of the word. Oppression would imply that they are subjected to cruel treatment, and while that is true in other countries, here in 1st world countries that is not the case.

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      • RainbowFlash

        Are you kidding?

        Multiple women have just been driven from their homes, due to #gamergate. Is that not cruel enough? Can you imagine how scared they are, for their lives and those of their families?

        Ask any female blogger what they are subjected to daily. I can promise you, it is cruel. There are males who have masqueraded online as a social experiment, go look at their experiences.

        Just because women are no subjected to the torture that exists in other countries it does not mean rape threats, murder threats and a constant stream of psychological abuse are any easier to take.

        It is non stop.. I am a senior IT specialist and a woman. There are ALWAYS males in every workplace who will not take instructions, who will not do as they are required to do and even some who will answer back with such things as "Go make me a sammich bitch".. To a senior staff member.

        I go out, I get comments (and I dress in jeans and a t-shirt, nothing revealing). I work, I get comments. I have been invited to write for a major tech blog, I can't take the job because I do not want my inbox to be filled with hundreds of threats a day.

        We're not subject to oppression or maltreatment? Think again.

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        • KeddersPrincess

          "Multiple women have just been driven from their homes, due to #gamergate. Is that not cruel enough? Can you imagine how scared they are, for their lives and those of their families?"

          How is this so? I'm not denying that what you're saying is true but please give an example of what you are referring to.

          "It is non stop.. I am a senior IT specialist and a woman. There are ALWAYS males in every workplace who will not take instructions, who will not do as they are required to do and even some who will answer back with such things as "Go make me a sammich bitch".. To a senior staff member.

          I go out, I get comments (and I dress in jeans and a t-shirt, nothing revealing). I work, I get comments. I have been invited to write for a major tech blog, I can't take the job because I do not want my inbox to be filled with hundreds of threats a day."

          There will always be assholes in this world. Always. They exist in the form of people of all genders and all races. I am sorry what happened to you at your job but this is not an example of female oppression, this is an example of people being dicks. I was bullied going through school for being a little "different" from the other kids. Does that mean Aperger's kids get to cry oppression? What about all those nerds in high school that got kicked down the stairs and stuffed in lockers? Do nerds now get to cry oppression? There was an incident not too long ago where a wiccan kid was murdered because he was practicing witch craft, I suppose wiccans and pagans should cry oppression now too?

          We did not come together as a society and decide to discriminate against women and treat them like they are worth less. The fact that you can work in IT alone tells me that you are not oppressed but are capable of achieving whatever you desire regardless of the fact you're a woman. Yeah, there will be people who will discriminate against you or treat you differently because of it but, again, there will always be those assholes and there is nothing we can do about it. Truth is, everyone from every walk of life has to deal with assholes who discriminate or treat them like shit whether it is because of gender, the color of their skin, their sexuality or whatever it may be. It's not oppression, it's life.

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          • RainbowFlash

            You could just google it. It is all over the news.

            <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

            <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

            Don't quote me facile reasoning and false equivalences as though they mean something. Yes, there are nasty people in the world. That does not change _anything_.

            What do you think happens to me in the workplace if I say, "Typical male pig"? I'll get fired. Yet, guys can make jokes all day about me.

            There is a culture of this, it is acceptable, in male circles to attack women. That is why it still happens.

            prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority.
            "a region shattered by oppression and killing"

            synonyms: persecution, abuse, maltreatment, ill treatment, tyranny, despotism, repression, suppression, subjection, subjugation, enslavement, exploitation; More

            antonyms: freedom, democracy
            the state of being subject to oppressive treatment.
            "a response to collective poverty and oppression"

            synonyms: persecution, abuse, maltreatment, ill treatment, tyranny, despotism, repression, suppression, subjection, subjugation, enslavement, exploitation; More
            mental pressure or distress.
            "Beatrice's mood had initially been alarm and a sense of oppression"

            "It's life"? That's bullshit. That is a worthless copout. People get raped to, is that "life" and are we meant to just accept it?
            The fact I work in IT means nothing.. I cannot get certain jobs, because I am female. I had to leave my previous workplace, because I am female. I was not listened to by my immediate superior because my boss refused to listen to women. Think the business owner cared? Nope.

            Bad things happen because good people do nothing. I don't make excuses when bad things happen, I try to change them. Perhaps you should do the same, that is how the world is made a better place.

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            • KeddersPrincess

              Sorry. The link doesn't work but I believe what you are saying is true. My argument below will give you my viewpoint on that.

              Again, I still say the same thing, what you have experienced at your workplace is not oppression against women but simply dealing with assholes, the kind that everyone of every sex, race, and background has to deal with. We may deal with discrimination differently but discrimination all the same.

              Let me ask you something. If a man came to my workplace looking for a job and, I, the supervisor said that the only way I would give him a job is if he had sex with me would that mean that men are oppressed?

              Thank you for posting the definition of "oppression" because I figured you did not know what it meant.

              In this country, women are capable of achieving whatever we want. If we want to be a mother, we can. If we want to own a company, we can. If we want to be president, we can. There is no law or government force telling us that we cannot the only thing that stands in a woman's way is her own self and her fear of discrimination and judgment from the world. Thing is, women are not the only ones that has to deal with it, everyone does. So with the logic you have presented, everyone is oppressed. Everyone.

              I do not deny the mistreatment you have received at your workplace but, again, I do not see this as an example of oppression against women. If that is oppression against women then autistic kids are oppressed too because of the mistreatment their peers give them in school. Nerdy kids are oppressed for the same reason. Atheists are oppressed as well. Fat people are oppressed. And you know who else is oppressed? Men. Because I can guarantee you that there are a number of men who work in the fashion industry, ballet, makeup, or anything else that does not fit the "male standard" that they probably get insulted and made fun of for on a daily basis. Not to mention men who are abused by their women or even men who are raped but are not taken seriously and often times made fun of for it. I've heard people say that men can't even be raped. That rape of a man by a woman isn't rape because men always want it. Do you know a lot of men don't come out about that kind of thing because they fear what will be said. I have a male friend who was raped by a female. He has never come out about it except to his fiancée and very close friend. I can't say that I blame him. Do you think that they would take him seriously had he told? The girl who raped him even accused him of being the father of his child.

              Thing is, everyone has to deal with shit. You may not agree with it but it is life. You won't talk to a single person in this world that has not been discriminated against for some reason. It doesn't just happen to women. It happens to everyone.

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  • Icyblueeyes

    I disagree. There are reasons in everything.

    Men are capable of more serious crimes, and as such harsher treatment and punishment are 'expected'.

    Male homosexuals and female homosexuals are not the same. You must understand male and female are not quite the opposite but they're two different genders.

    Men are natural fighters, whereas women are natural carers.

    Men do not want to look pretty and be 'social butterflies'. It's easier for us to be loyal and simple.

    I can answer any of your doubts and questions.

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    • Nonetheless, those are just generalizations. Can't we treat people as individuals first and foremost before judging them on what group they're a member of?

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      • Icyblueeyes

        When we first meet we all have our first impressions and expectations because we are social creatures. Once you get to know each other you can then individualize one another. Therefore till then the generalizations must come first in order not to disrupt.

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        • as long as it involves me getting respect, I'm all good

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          • Icyblueeyes

            People repect each other regardless of their backgrounds because of this social structure. It is a duty everyone in the society is expected to fulfill. However it also comes with 'generalizations' and in extreme cases prejudices. It really comes down to individual capacity to provoke others so the issue is raised.

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    • DumBellle

      Explain loyal and simple?
      (Not the Merriam Web version)

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      • Icyblueeyes

        Just that-one partner, one family. Same interests, same job.

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  • I'd like to point out on the whole "voting" thing. Men had to go to war (the draft) in order to vote. They had to fight, kill, and die and then got that right, so many of which did not have the luxury of experiencing that right. Women on the otherhand protested and got that right. So even when the issue of the right to vote comes up, women got that right far easier than men did.

    But I agree, I think sexism against men is probably the leading issue of sexism today even when nobody seems to give a damn. Take for example the selective services. The maximum penalty for failing to register with Selective Service is a $250,000 fine and up to five years in prison. Failure to register will cause ineligibility for a number of federal and state benefits. This is only for men. You hear all these feminists claiming that there bodies are being controlled by society and yet you are given less rights as a man if you do not literally sign your body away to government as if you're on call for war.

    Like you said, women get a slap on the wrist when it comes to being punished for a crime (60% difference in male and femalesentencing).

    Then there's the whole part on howmaledomestic violence victims are not recognized even though they make half the victims. Some studies even suggest women are the majority of abusers, and yet not even half of the shelters for victims are for men. Even the media refused to portray men as victims in this case unless it's some "Men get abused, too" two second clip at the end which is basically ignoring the amoung of men abused as if they are a small minority of the victims.

    The list goes on and on. So many cases of sexism against men that I personally believe outweigh the sexism women face, both socially and legally, and the fact nobody seems to give a damn just shows the lack of care people have for the male gender as if they are just disposable objects used to benefit society.

    I mean, take this for example:
    700 men and boys over the age of fifteen were murdered in three days by ISIS...Where is the outrage? Where are the signs about the male victims? Where is Michelle with that ridiculous semi-duck face holding a picture up on that issue like she did with the girls that were victims of vicious people? WHY does nobody give a crap? Nobody seems to give a crap and nobody seems to give a crap that nobody gives a crap. And these incidents of boys and men being murdered in these places are just as frequent, if not more, as groups of women being kidnapped or murdered.

    Another fine example in the whole rape thing. The legal definition of rape was (might still be but I heard they changed it) was that a rape victim was someone who was forcefully penetrated, therefor leaving out victims who were forced in to rape by envelopment (how a woman would rape a man typically). This skewed rape statistics by how they excluded male victims.

    Or how about how it is legal to mutilate the genitals of a baby boy at birth yet cruel when done to a girl just born? Both are terrible yet only one of them is legal.

    Or let's take how Indian women made it so that a law saying it would be illegal to rape men made it so the law could not be passed...Yet they are always seen as the poor women oppressed when they want male rape legal...Yeah, after I heard that those cunts are on their own.

    This is why I get so pissed off with feminists. These intellectually anorexic douchebags are the people claiming to be about gender equality AND YET they are STILL not doing anything about the whole making men sign their bodies to government or else they get less rights? Whenever I hear a fucking "Men can be feminists too" or "Men should be feminists because" videos, then have them cite the definition of the word at the start of the video then go through all the lists of why men should be feminists yet somehow at the same time exclude ANY issue of sexism men face as if saying "You should support us because we don't give a damn about you but you should help us :D" is something any self-respecting man would do?

    I'm going on and on. But yeah. There it is.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

      If you haven't seen it already, I thought you'd like that.

      Typical feminist mentality in the developed world: Every woman is a potential victim and every man is a potential abuser therefore women need as much protection as they can get.

      The idea that men deserve no protection and should just protect themselves is horseshit. THAT is fucking equality. Acknowledging the fact that men can be just as powerless, helpless and weak as women and fucking spread that idea around. Women aren't weak, we just allow ourselves to be seen as weak by making men seem superhuman, when we are all just weak, fallible humans. Societal stereotype does not = Reality.

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      • The link doesn't seem to be working. Could you perhaps give me the quick version of the post and I'll take your word for it?

        I agree with the feminists in developed world part. I do think some either have that view through ignorance or hatred of men. Bothare painfully wrong though that it's a problem.

        Pretty much agree with everything you said so I'mm'a stop there otherwise I'll be taking up comment section space. :P

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          Passed by Indian Parliament in 1983, Indian Penal Code 498A, is a criminal law (not a civil law) which is defined as follows,

          “Whoever, being the husband or the relative of the husband of a woman, subjects such woman to cruelty shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine. The offence is Cognizable, non-compoundable and non-bailable.

          Please read the Act 46 of 1983 to understand 498a better.

          How are you at risk and why it is dangerous for the society?
          Your wife/daughter-in-law who's demands are not met can make a written false complaint of dowry harassment to a nearby police station. The husband, his old parents and relatives are immediately arrested without sufficient investigation and put behind bars on a non-bailable terms. Even if the complaint is false, you shall be presumed guilty until you prove that you are innocent.

          498a can only be invoked by wife/daughter-in-law or her relative. Most cases where Sec 498A is invoked turn out to be false (as repeatedly accepted by High Courts and Supreme Court in India) as they are mere blackmail attempts by the wife (or her close relatives) when faced with a strained marriage. In most cases 498a complaint is followed by the demand of huge amount of money (extortion) to settle the case out of the court. This section is non-bailable(you have to appear in court and get bail from the judge), non-compoundable (complaint can't be withdrawn) and cognizable (register and investigate the complaint, although in practice most of the time arrest happens before investigation). There have been countless instances where, without any investigation, the police has arrested elderly parents, unmarried sisters, pregnant sister-in-laws and even 3 year old children. In these cases unsuspecting family of husband has to go through a lot of mental torture and harassment by the corrupt Indian legal system. A typical case goes on for years (5-7 years is typical) and the conviction rate is about 2% only. Some accused parents, sisters and even husbands have committed suicide after time in jail.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            According to the National Crime Records Bureau statistics, nearly 200,000 people, including 47,951 women, were arrested in regard to dowry offences in 2012, but only 15% of the accused were convicted

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          I Copy pasted the article and a piece on 498a of the IPC so you get what it is. Read guilty until proven innocent.

          You had better read it all. Never miss an opportunity to let Neuro give ya hard data to support yer argument. Emotional arguments are worthless by comparison. By the way, India is a developing country. It is industrialized and as vital to the global economy as your country is. Also, one of the most densely populated countries. Just food for thought.

          498A has also resulted in a high number of female arrests about 23-24%, rough math.. Women getting fucked by misuse of feminist policies. 24% is a significant stat, if someone said you stood a 24% chance of dying if you leave your house today, doubt you would leave for a fuckin week. Again, food for thought...

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          • Jesus Christ. That's terrifying.

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            • NeuroNeptunian

              It's shitty and feminists won't take responsibility for it. A better law could have been made with good intentions. Maybe enforcement of REGULAR domestic violence laws could have yielded better results. Throwing talcum powder on those men's buttcracks instead of prison would have been a better solution, sitting around force feeding them turkey would have been better, ANYTHING would have been better than an extreme law with an 85% failure to convict rate. 85% of individuals accused of DV in India are treated as guilty parties and are innocent. 85%.

              Let that sink in for you to think about the next time a feminist tells you that women are powerless. Indian Law 498A enforces DV with strict adherence to the guilty until innocent style of justice, depriving male and female suspects of any due process and suspects are only guilty 15% of the time. If she argues with that somehow, walk away from keyboard and come back only after some of your faith in humanity has been restored. Understanding Indian legal practice and the harsh nature of that law including the suicide rate (over 3 years in prison? Yeah, their being declared guilty or innocent by the courts is obviously not the most frightening aspect of the situation for them...) And the fact that 24% of the charged parties are women... Requires analytical skill and research skill that many feminists lack.

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          KOLKATA: SIF, the mobile app launched five months ago for the protection of men's rights, has received a mega response in the last four months.

          The app, launched by Save India Family Foundation NGO, has received 25,000 calls in the last four-five months.

          It was launched to help men at the receiving end of domestic violence or slapped with false rape cases with a dedicated helpline "08882498498"

          The NGO, whose Kolkata chapter is known as Hridaya-Nest, developed the mobile application keeping in mind a growing tribe of males who are becoming victims of the alleged misuse of Section 498a of the IPC and anti-rape laws.

          "The response is huge. We have received nearly 25,000 calls in the last four-five months. At an average we receive 165 calls everyday out of which 87 calls are new calls. The app has received near about 5,000 downloads over the last four months," Amit Gupta of Hridaya-Nest told PTI.

          The APP offer details of 50 NGOs in 50 cities in 25 states where people could personally seek legal counselling and support.

          The helpline which was initially launched in 10 states including MP, Delhi NCR, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana and other states, has been extended to five more states.

          "Each state has five counsellors at an average. The highest number of calls have been received from Madhya Pradesh with 31 per cent calls," Gupta said and claimed that they had received calls and responses from even foreign countries such as Singapore, UK, Japan and USA.

          Among the cities, the maximum number of calls, 23 per cent of all, have been received from Delhi, while the lowest, one per cent, have been received from Vizag.

          Gupta said that the NGO has a plan to take it to all cities and towns in India after an increasing number of males became victims of "gender biased laws".

          "According to a survey done by us last year, every nine minutes a married man commits suicide in India due to alleged misuse of section 498a of IPC against them, taking the toll to around a whopping 64,000 every year," said Gupta.

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    • Oh, look. Thumbed down already. Don't be shy. Step up. Show me where I am wrong. Or does the idea of giving the impression I am wrong by vote beat your capabilities to prove I am wrong through reason?

      I'mm'a go ahead and tick the latter. Cunt.

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  • and I know respect is earned, but being the stronger gender SHOULD NOT entitle society to regarding you as a 2nd-class citizen! There are vile men, but there are also great ones. There are nice women, but there are also bitches. It's not fucking rocket science

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    • RainbowFlash

      Women are still treated as second class citizens. Look at my gamergate links above if you don't believe me. You probably won't see it as a guy and you are going to have to really step outside your preconceptions to see it. It ain't pretty.

      Those attacks are common on women. There is a generation growing up online right now, that kinda thing is becoming spoon fed to them. Things are going to get a lot worse if they are not fixed NOW.

      EQUALITY, means a lot to change. Unfortunately many people are stuck in the win-lose mentality, they think there can only be one. (On top) Pun intended.

      Lots of things are going to have to change, concepts of weakness, standards of behaviour and treatment of others. Many things.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Whoever gave ItDuz a thumbs down is a fucking punk. He was pretty spot on but I wanted to add on to what he said.

    More than anything I hear from feminists is that women are oppressed but I have yet to see one of them show me an example of oppression. Women not only have equal rights and privileges in this society but also they are willing to bed over backwards for a woman.

    -You're a man and you're raped, suck it up. A woman gets raped, kill the bastard that raped her!

    -You're a man you get to drunk and you consent to sex you would normally consent to, that's your problem. If you're a woman and the same thing happens, kill the bastard that raped her!

    -Men open doors pay the tab for a woman.

    -Women get a slap on the wrist for committing the same crime as a man.

    -Female teachers (and God forbid an attractive one) doesn't nearly get the same sentence for molesting a student as a male teacher.

    -To add on to that last one, if you're a male student molested by a teacher, you'd better like it or pretend to, otherwise you're going to spend the rest of your high school years being called a fag (but, don't worry, it's only wrong to insult the victim if the victim is female).

    Feminists complain about sexual objectification of women yet women choose to objectify themselves (ex. Nikki Minaj was not held at gunpoint to make the "Anaconda" music video,s he chose to do that). And, on the side of that, if you tell a woman she should have more respect for her body, you are then called a slut shamer. You can't have your cake and eat it too, ladies!

    And I don't even know why they're upset about this sexual objectification thing. A pretty face and a nice body will get you far if you're a woman (ex. Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Marilyn Monroe, etc.) Not to mention all the gold diggers who use that sex appeal to find a rich husband. All these women they are calling "oppressed" because of some "sexual objectification" seem to be living large.

    People are more likely to tend to a baby girl than a baby boy.

    A girl hits a guy in his nuts, people aren't ready to react much except for maybe laugh. A guy hits a woman, period, and they're ready to hang him.

    Women are more likely to be given custody of the children than a man is.

    I used to consider myself a feminists, mostly because I didn't quite understand it or look into it but, at this point in my life, I realize it is not necessary. Women tend to always want to be given shit and I think that comes from the fact that women are usually given shit. They never have to work for something. I hear the argument a lot that not enough women have leadership jobs but my question to them is, why not go and get one. There is nothing stopping you from doing anything you want to do. They constantly go on about how they are the stronger sex yet, at the same time, they are always playing victim. Stop playing victim! If you want people to believe you're strong than prove to them and do something for yourself stop with the "oppression" nonsense.

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    • DumBellle

      "Women get a slap on the wrist for committing the same crime as a man."

      So name these cases and crimes, where gender plays bias. Specifically. If you could.

      When you're talking about crime, there's these odd terms like: "past convictions", priors, "warrants", records... Etc. If a guy who has a history is pulled over holding and is on probation or has committed the same offense prior, you're right. He's going to jail, at the least.

      If a woman is pulled over with no record and no priors, just like anyone, there will be potential jail time and during their arraignment; an option and warning, depending on what they did. This varies state to state, male or female... get caught with unprescribed medication on your person/in your car (Floooorida) -- 3 year min -- due to no-tolerance law in certain states. You're appearing a bit uninformed and playing on illogical and bias point of view.

      Men make up the higher statistics and in greater volume of crimes committed. Be it dealing, breaking into cars/homes/murder/rape/molestation/convicted criminals breaking probation/gang members/gang activity... F*k, the stupid list goes on!

      If you want a semi-sorta-even playing field, DUIs.

      D U I s.

      Pretty much.

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      • KeddersPrincess

        <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

        <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

        "Women are serving lighter sentences than men for identical crimes; figures retrieved by the Department of Justice showed that being male increases a murders chance of receiving a death sentence by more than 20%. Yet very few women even serve time for crimes such as rape of minors."

        <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

        I think the media itself makes it pretty clear that females receive a lighter sentence than males.

        "When you're talking about crime, there's these odd terms like: "past convictions", priors, "warrants", records... Etc. If a guy who has a history is pulled over holding and is on probation or has committed the same offense prior, you're right. He's going to jail, at the least."

        I have not heard nor have a I read that this is the reason for a woman receiving a lesser sentence than a man. From what I've read, even when a woman commits a crime equally as heinous, she still tends to get a lighter sentence. "While many argue that men commit more aggressive crimes than women, studies can prove that some women commit these same heinous crimes." <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

        And what about those women who have past convictions, do you have anything to back up that they do not receive a lighter sentence.

        From what I view from the world, women are treated more like children and judges tend to go lighter on them because they believe they can't take a harder sentence. I'm not the only one who has this theory.

        If you watch anything in the news in which a woman sexually touches a teenage boy (especially when she claims she was in love) people tend to give sympathy towards her as opposed to a male who touches a teenage girl and then he is called a pervert, and rightfully so, I believe but a woman doing the same is no less of a pervert. Pretty women especially tend to avoid the hate. You really don't get out much if you haven't seen the kind of insults a young man receives if he doesn't enjoy the fact that his hot math teacher sexually touched him. I've read multiple comments from men rooting for the hot teacher who molested a teenage boy. ""

        <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

        People don't even take female sex offenders seriously.

        When a crime is done, the man is typically the first and often times women get away with crimes because women are not usually the typical suspect. On an episode of Tom Leykis, a woman called in claiming to have killed her boyfriend and she got away with it having told the cops that he committed suicide. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

        <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

        I cannot understand how you can live in this world and be oblivious to the unfairness of the justice system. Next time you watch the news about a woman committing a crime, pay attention to the kind of sentencing she gets.

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        • DumBellle

          Uhh, not even remotely different than the comment I left previously. Regarding men and women in cases of sexual relationships with students. But the OP got mad and removed it. That and my comments disappear when my connection is shitty.

          Ultimately, I said the exact same thing; women "fall in love" as their defense and men are deemed predators and have taken advantage of their students. One thing though, in all recent years cases (I genuinely read a lot, regarding controversial news and know of the articles) It is men whom purportedly forced themselves on girls. Underage girls, or have molested them. Just like the Jerry Sandusky cases (all victims were male) it is common that it's force. With most to any news of "hot teachers", you have boys who bragged and were absolutely willing and were caught, not saved. It remains wrong, but when it comes to women... They claim to love these boys, whom choose to have sex with their teachers. Unlike the harsher rape cases with Jerry Sandusky.

          There was a lesbian woman who dated/had an affair with her student for years. This girl waited until the statue of limitations was up, before speaking out and making it public. Over YouTube of course. She is married and has children of her own now. This type of relationship is morally wrong, obviously, but in cases where men and women and compared; you're comparing a huge gap/number in statistics and which gender is commiting such and in ridiculously higher numbers of cases. You are failing to see men are treated a certain way, when it's a near sole majority of a gender commiting the act and with minors/children.

          The infamous Mary L case; she claimed they loved each other. Ultimately, they were married and have children. Does that seem like an unwilling/abused "boy", he even proclaimed his love throughout court, defended her, waited until she was out of prison and married her/had children with her. Very different from what you see in a lot of teacher/student cases involving underage girls/boys with older men counterparts.

          Media is media, news is news; In the real world, I definitely do "get out" and have lived all over this country. Meeting hundreds of different types of people. Having lived on both -- and all sides of the spectrum -- I've seen and heard it all. The news, although accurate at times, it is not solely what you should live by. Try the real world.

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          • KeddersPrincess

            What about all those men that claim they are in love? Is it somehow still morally wrong simply because they are men? When I was in high school there was a math teacher that a vast majority of girls swooned over and certainly would have had sex with had they had the opportunity. Girls talked about how they wanted sex with this man all time. If these young girls would have participated in sex with this man and would have been proud of it afterwards is it somehow not as morally wrong? Should this man get a lighter sentence sense the girls obviously wanted it? Yes, some men do force themselves on the student but that is not relevant to what I am speaking about; I am speaking of the ones who pressure and seduce a student into willing sex. And what about the female teachers that have forced themselves on male students. I will admit, it is not as common, but it still does happen. Does the woman in this case still deserve a lighter sentence? Should she still not be taken as seriously?

            Many male students that have been molested by female students feel shame either later on in life or during the time of the molestation. A lot of them hide that shame out of fear of being teased by their peers.

            <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

            What you're saying is a double standard.

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            • DumBellle

              Not for double standards of any kind. I was referring to the huge difference in the events even taking place. Not just that, but the much higher numbers/cases of males doing this to young people. If someone were to argue there is just as many women as men registered as sex offenders, just as many women who "molest" and just as many involved in any sex crimes; then that person would be very misinformed and gender-bias. Which I am not, I love men.. I also love my brothers. Do I love what all but one of them have done? --- NO.

              The double standard is because in the giant list of cases and sexual offenders, there is much more serial abuse/force/manipulation/predatory nature in men vs cases with women; Which are much more rare. So of course people are going to determine their thoughts based on facts/who/what/when. No one gets special treatment for abusive behavior and taking advantage of children. With underage/teetering on 16-17 it's situational. How many cases of women can you find vs men with sex abuse of people aging from teens to children in elementary school? Then you see big numbers and people chastise.

              There was a guy who commented here and said, "All men are rapists in wait".. Him saying that always stuck with me. Of course it's not "true", but he left an unforgettable statement. He, as a man, believes all men are prone to taking power over someone in a moment of arousal? He can't speak for all men, but that brutal honesty (knowing he's anonymous) was pretty disconcerting.

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    • I don't usually read long comments like this if they aren't directly responded to me but I tend to love your views on these topics that I was compelled to read it and I'm glad I did. Great comment. :)

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      • KeddersPrincess

        D'awwww, you maded me feelz all aspecial! ^_^

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    • DumBellle

      Oh my fawking. Just no.

      The - " " that made me laugh, quite hard, was the "men open doors and pay tabs for women". Really? That's on your very stupid and bias list of men vs women -- in terms of justice and convictions in cases of crime and rape?
      Where on earth do you live? Everyone, men or women, open doors for one another. Especially in public, I actually intentionally open doors for men all the time. Be it dates, or a store, it's common courtesy and social etiquette to open the door first when you're in front of someone. Do you stop dead in your tracks hoping a man will open the door for you? Are you a man who pays the bill? Where I am, in 2014, we split. Yes, guys TRY to pay in full. Rejected.. everytime. Splitting the bill is the future, how raunchy and crazy!? ( .... Dafaq?)

      Your other listed ramblings; there cannot be an equal number of people to compare your said "drunken rapes" and teacher's molestation of students, simply because the number of men commiting these acts are ( and since the beginning of time) have been higher. It's huge news when you see, "teacher has sexual relationship with student" and it's a female. Females in recent cases did not get slap on the wrists. Not In any case. What and WHICH are you typing about?
      Infamous Mary L. spent years in prison and ultimately married/had children with that student. He was not raped, nor was it against his will and "consent". He claimed to love her, even throughout trial and ultimately led to them getting married and having children. Kind of evident there is a twisted, yet "serious" relationship between the two. Recently, these boys didn't go and cry to their parents, "she touched me", they were caught. Their parents were enraged. In cases of men doing the "same", it's simply perceived that they take advantage of the female in the situation. Not to say I agree, yet it's hard for media and LE to believe the 45-55 man, claiming that a 13-17 year old really wanted them for love/sex. Who knows, it technicalities and straight to court, jury/evidence to decide that.

      When a lesbian woman had an on-going love affair with her student, the girl waited until she was married and the statue of limitations were "up" before making this situation known. Over YouTube of course. The media/LE gave no special treatment to the woman, she was in the clear due to SOL. Men who do this get by as well, if it's one victim. However it never seems to be just "one" with men.

      Jerry Sandusky, raped/molested a multitude of young boys. All of whom would testify, but refrained from ever telling anyone during the time of abuse. The stigma, "Hush, don't tell" is global and pertains to both boys and girls. No victims of abuse are essentially different and "have more difficulty" in their expressing endured abuse -- due to their gender. One can argue that, but unless you know/were/know someone personally who was, you're feeding off of media input and ignorant regarding this specific issue.

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      • KeddersPrincess

        "In cases of men doing the "same", it's simply perceived that they take advantage of the female in the situation. Not to say I agree, yet it's hard for media and LE to believe the 45-55 man, claiming that a 13-17 year old really wanted them for love/sex."

        My point exactly.

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        • DumBellle

          And you ignore the main point:
          "The stigma, "Hush, don't tell" is global and pertains to both boys and girls. No victims of abuse are essentially different and "have more difficulty" in their expressing endured abuse -- due to their gender. One can argue that, but unless you know/were/know someone personally who was, you're feeding off of media input and ignorant regarding this specific issue. " You are talking about a man penetrating a vagina vs a woman magically making a penis erect? (That's another huge can of worms) However abuse is abuse. The victims have to force normalcy for themselves, so they can continue to pretend to like it/actually like it, or tell someone. That goes for both genders, no one is victimizing men here, they simply commit the crime much more often. That has nothing to do with double standards.

          The girl who had years of sex and "abuse" came out YEARS later in her life. But it's girl on girl and not a man being victimized.. So you ignore the cases of any person being human in that kind of manipulation and keeping quiet?

          "However it never seems to be just "one" with men." --one offense vs a history... That remains a mystery to you?

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  • randomperson1000000

    women are NO more perfect than men, yet people can't seem to get this through their heads

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  • theotherblonde

    its a two way street, some woman I know treat their husbands terrible and vice versa. Oh and those dumb farticles by woman who think they are feminists that complain about every little thing their dude does and wonder why they end up single those just make me laugh.

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  • Icyblueeyes

    Feminists and other extremists are just nobrainers that is all.

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