Men go to war, women get the benefits

Men always went to war and risked or lost their lives while their wives sat at home safely. Even when the side their men fought for lost, they still could marry the enemy men. Back in the day, when slavery was still a thing, and large empires used to conquer other territories, they used to kill all the men or forced them into hard labor, trained them as gladiators, making them die for the entertainment of the rich, while the women were taken as maids or being selected for the King's harem and being offered much better life conditions compared to what they had before their land was occupied by the enemy.
Even nowadays,women have an advantage over men because they always have an alternative in case their careers flop. They always have the option of marrying a guy to financially support them. Good fucking luck with that if you're a man and you fail in your're basically screwed. And the government always seems to come to the aid of women who have problems. Like women's integration programs, women shelters, all female spaces and all that preferential bullshit. Women have always been the most privileged members of society throughout history.
So what the hell are these feminist complaining about?

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33% Normal
Based on 24 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 82 )
  • dom180

    Aside from the rest of your bullshit...

    You are seriously claiming being selected for the "king's harem" as a privilege for historical women. That's basically sexual and/or domestic slavery.

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    • Angelmikeal0

      in other words they get alot of royal cocks. lol am sorry.

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      • slings_and_arrows

        Is that what passes as humour for you?

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    • Ugh, Dom. He's clearly not stating that it's a privilege in its own right, he's clearly stating that the comparison is the privilege.

      That's like taking issue with someone who says it's a privilege to only have your hand cut off when everyone else gets their arm cut off and then have you come in like "WHUT!? YOU THINK IT'S A PRIVILEGE TO HAVE YOUR HAND CUT OFF!?"


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      • braintrip new song for you, since you dont go in chat anymore

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        • It's unavailable. :/

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  • Riddler

    Yeah women are not allowed to join infantry in the US since the men think that women are weak and make the men horny. So you can bitch about women not doing the fighting but they are not allowed because of men retard! So quit your bitching. I really dont understand how you can hold women back and than bitch they are not further ahead. When all the fields are open to women that is when you can bitch about it. The fact that they are not is not womens problems. Its kind of like getting angry saying how dare did black men not vote when they were slaves. Well no duh! They didn't always have that right. Are you that fucking stupid?

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    • NeofelisNebulosa


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  • crystalynne

    You need to watch sparticus, op, then tell me how much fun a bedslave life is.

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  • Arm0se

    Don't sign up for the military then. Last time I checked they got rid of the draft.

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  • LuxM4G

    Women are entitled to greater equality and a mentality change, putting it simple and mildly. Don't belittle woman.

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    • Erm, what? They aren't entitled to that...Or shouldn't be atleast.

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      • chained_rage

        Leave it. These people don't like reason. They like licking ass like a crowd in order to get upvotes.

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        • It's getting pretty annoying at this point. Women are entitled to "greater equality?" Pigs are more equal, eh?

          The sheer retardation of people on this site sometimes is irritating. Whenever it comes to gender subjects they have to either say women are the greatest victims of all times or they're just amazingly better.

          God forbid ANYONE claims men have it harsher in aspects of life...

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          • chained_rage

            Women are arseholes. They are quick to pick fights and even quicker to make a scene about it in order to make men look bad.

            That's all they know how to do.

            Well, to be fair, new-age women. Pre 1972 women aren't like the self entitled bitches we have frolicking around nowadays.

            I don't hate women. I just strongly dislike their ways.

            They ("so desperately") want to be "equal" when, in actuality, they want more. Their eyes are too big for their stomach.

            Greedy, self-absorbed little leeches.

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            • I hold no issue with women. Women and men can be assholes and I see them both having this ridiculous mentality that just spews female entitlement and egomania. Not all women take part in this, nor all men. However in certain areas, especially on the web, you'll find people that will do anything to teach you two things whenever gender issues come about:

              1. Women are always victims and men can't be unless it's something small.
              2. Women are either better or equal and can never be worse at something in general.

              So I can't say I really agree with you on this. I won't let the idiots on here represent women when it comes to my views on women. Done that before with the feminist group and it didn't give women a positive image.

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      • LuxM4G

        You want to get stuck in time and old traditional ways? Men have always been undermining woman through history, refusing them access to education, the right to vote, only to name a few in recent modern history.

        For the first time in mankind's history that's million years old, women have unprecedented conditions to claim their rightful place in society.

        These are truly revolutionary times and technology is key in this transformation.

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        • We're not in an old traditional society now though.

          Men having always been undermining women, they've always treated their lives as valuable, hence why they weren't forced in to wars and were protected. It's why we have far more things catering to the wellbeing of women than men even today. I imagine that you believe that men always were given education and the vote too, right? Even in ancient rome there was educated women, and men for the most of history weren't given the right to vote. However you can see it as a fair trade off that if men were to be forced in to war for a country that men would also be given the right to vote in that country before women. Before then both males and females could vote if they owned land and only if they did.

          If you mean they're entitled to the same things men have today by law, then I agree. However they've got that, and then some.

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          • howaminotmyself

            It's about the children duzzy. Women were cared for (when they weren't being raped) because they made and cared for the children. Hopefully a young boy. It was never about them, just their heir producing bodies.

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            • If it was about the children then why wouldn't the men be made to leave first given they would be the one most likely to be able to raise the child given they're more likely to have a job and therefor be able to financially support the child while the women were less likely?

              If it's the case then why is it a thing now given women are not expected to raise and care for children?

              I can't say I agree with the reasons you gave, really. Even if it was the case it still means that women have the privilege of having their lives mean more by society, which is what this post was highlighting.

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  • I half expected someone to ask if I wrote this.

    I didn't.

    Men, at least most men (me included) don't have a problem with equality, even feminism. If I had a daughter I'd teach her to be self reliant and to think for herself.

    The motivation behind posts like this is simple if women want equal treatment than they can behave like equals. The problem arises when the behavior doesn't correspond to equal treatment. Men have traditionally been the protectors/providers, if women are willing to take on that role than men will have a better understanding of "equality".

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    • slings_and_arrows

      Why do you think being equal means being the same? How can we be the protectors, we aren't built like that. Do you want women to take steroids or something, obviously not. We are made biologically for nurturing, we have more fat and less muscle than you. And because we can't do the things you can physically we aren't equals? Well you can't do everything we can like get pregnant, give birth, breast feed. "The behaviour doesn't correspond to equal treatment." What a dumbass thing to say. We aren't biologically built to protect you so our behaviour can't be the same as yours. Why don't you try giving birth if you are so equal to us...see how dumb your logic is.

      Basically you are keeping women beneath you by expecting the impossible of us: because we can't physically protect you we aren't equals to you, by your thinking.

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      • I'm just trying to give it from the male perspective, which is basically all I can do. And you just expanded upon the point I was making. Pushing opposite traditional gender roles on people hasn't been met with much success, it's very confusing to understand. I'm not built biologically to be any of those things.

        This discussion has happened plenty on this website, and it never gets resolved, at least I haven't seen it happen.

        I understand equal treatment. I'm not and never was against that. I understand that there are women in the world who will be up to a standard of equal treatment. I've yet to come across many who have, does it mean they don't exist, no, does it mean it could be somewhat rare, maybe.

        The way it seems to be defined is "equal treatment with exceptions".

        That creates a very gray area. Hence the confusion.

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      • NeofelisNebulosa

        Marry me

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        • slings_and_arrows

          I'm flattered : ) know I'm a girl?

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          • NeofelisNebulosa

            I'm bisexual

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    • daydreamer394

      Daughter? No no no, don't breed.

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      • I doubt you are as unattractive as you think.

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    • Riddler

      Yes but they are not allowed and women are still not allowed in Infantry.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Yeah, I've been reading about all that privilege over the last ten years or so. Men drafted and sent to war; women staying home, trying to run their households on the pittance that is military pay, instead of the decent wage their husbands used to make. Yep, righty oh; losing their house because the bank is foreclosing on her while her man is off having so much fun at war. Women's privilege that, right?
    And then he's back, unable to work, but now even the military pay is gone. He's not the man she loved, any more. He's a fucking dangerous, self destructive nut job, but the military just cuts him loose and lets the whole family twist in the wind; women's privilege all right.
    Oh yeah, and way back when? Women had the privilege to be RAPED and impregnated if their side lost the battle; forced into slavery of just murdered along with their children, because there were no men about to defend them. That's a wonderful privilege, don't you think?
    I think you are a completely ignorant jerk with no grasp on reality.

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    • green_boogers


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  • daydreamer394

    The stupidity is strong with this one!

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  • regisphilbin

    women are the weaker sex

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  • sugartits

    yeah being held captive forced to marry and suck on foreign penis while your husband and children are killed or made into slaves

    i think id rather die in battle

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  • green_boogers

    Whoa! Men go to war, and we all get the benefits. To all veterans, thank you for serving.

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    Honestly I don't get how these same guys on here have all this time to stew over their hatred of women. They must have had some bad experiences with women or something... It's getting downright ridiculous. And they select the most random facts from history to try and support their hate.

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    • Ok, got it. So pointing out when women have privilege is hatred of women? Do you hold that same standard when women make claims about male privilege, that they hate men?

      I'm sick of feminists like yourself trying to use that as a shield. You're so up against one group having privilege over the other but you then attack anybody who is doing the same to the group you belong to and brand them as people that hate women, and then with the same breath have the nerve to claim you're for equality and cite the damn dictionary definition of feminism.

      I shouldn't of clicked on this post. I should know by now that any post that even considers females getting a better end of the stick would result in the stupid "women are victims and are so awsumz" mentality. *Roles eyes*

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      • NeofelisNebulosa

        You know what? Fuck you. I don't need your approval. You purposely pick the message out from my comment that YOU wanted to hear, so you could turn it around and attack me with it. You don't know a God Damn thing about me or what I believe. I'm not some whining feminist who wants all of the benefits and none of the responsibility. I practice what I fucking preach.

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      • NeofelisNebulosa

        These "priveliges" are imposed on us. It's not a privelige to be coddled and treated like children. All the "special treatment" women get was invented by men and imposed by men. I don't want any fucking special treatment.

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        • So the bills like VAWA wasn't pressed to gain by feminists (primarily women), the abundance of victim shelters for women, the compaigns for women (heforshe, walk a mile in her shoes, etc), the women only scholarships, and so on isn't supported and brought about by women and are only brought about by men?

          So what you're implying here by the "being treated like children" is that even when you've got privilege, you're a victim and men have more privilege because you have privileges?...Gotcha. I suppose that I could use that same logic in regards to male privileges I assume you believe men have but you'd say that it's different.

          No, you don't need my approval. I never claimed you do. Saying I pull out messages from you claim after implying anyone's saying you need my approval is ironic.

          It is you that made the comments. Don't sit there and try and claim that it was me that implied that talking about female privilege means you hate women because that was what you commented in regards to the topic of female privilege. You based your entire damn assassination tactics on the OP here based on them talking about female privilege. That was you, not me.

          You're not one of those whiny feminists, eh? You just complained about how women are badly treated because they have privilege...You SOMEHOW tried to make it seem like women were badly treated for being treated better. Then you claim you aren't whining?

          No. Just no.

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          • NeofelisNebulosa

            I didn't push any of that legislation through. I'm just a regular person living my life. You think women shouldn't have shelters? Okay then.

            You clearly have a problem and there is no use talking to you. I don't understand how someone could even think the way you do.... Kind of scary actually.

            What's wrong with saying we don't want that treatment? It isn't a privelige. There, does that make you feel better? It's not a privelige in any way. And I want no part of it.

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            • No, but you are in support of and are part of the group responsible for it.

              "You think women should have shelters? Okay then."
              - No, I was trying to point to the fact that while women have so many victim shelters men don't even have a fifth of that amount. Use your head. If you need something explains more then ask.

              Uh-huh. So here comes that part where you can't respond to points made so you're just going to disregard the opposition. Funny given you said you'll "finish it"...*Sigh*. The problem is that you don't have rebuttals and you don't know how to concede to a point so you're going to try hold on to your assumed validity while ensuring you don't address what harms your validity.

              "Kind of scary actually".
              - Uh-huh. Implying I'm a threat simply for saying you're wrong. Victim complex. I don't care.

              "What's wrong with saying we don't want that treatment?"
              - When you're a part of the group that does more to protect women and then bitch about being treated better...That's the problem.

              "It isn't a privelige."
              - Yes. Having your life mean more in the eyes of society is a privilege. Having your safety considered more than others so that there are more options is privilege. If you're going to sit there and bitch about how it isn't a privilege to have more options available to you then you are simply someone with a victim complex. You not wanting to be a part of it changes nothing. You're still in support of the group that tries to protect women more and more while hating what it is they do even when you're in support of that group. Regardless, even if you didn't want it, you have it, which is a privilege. This is essentially like saying "I don't want my arm." to an armless person and then complaining about how you're not privileged for having an arm simply because you don't want it while the armless person looks at you with the deserving "What the fuck?" look they give you.

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    • seekelp

      While I don't exactly agree with everything OP said, I do find it interesting that people interpret his opinions as "hatred of women." Just because someone disagrees with your opinions on gender politics does not mean they are pathological misogynists.

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      • NeofelisNebulosa

        It's just because so many posts like this have been popping up lately. I think it's probably the same handful of fellas and they certainly seem to feel a degree of bitterness towards women that I do not understand.

        I am a feminist but I love men. I never wish to see men diminished or have their manliness taken away. But I don't see why people are bringing up topics like this and trying to start arguments. All of this stuff is in the past anyways (at least the stuff the OP mentioned).

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    The King's harem? Can you tell me which time period and culture you are talking about? If you're talking about ancient Roman times, they did not have kings. Foreign captured men and the foreign women were captured and sold into slavery. The lucky women became maids for kinder, richer Romans. The unlucky ones became workers under poorer conditions or became bedslaves, where they could be raped brutally.

    Slaves in this time period had no rights. Female slaves were their master's property, and he could choose to rape them at any time. Others were sold into brothels, where obviously they had to have sex with many men each day. If they were lucky, it was a slightly higher class brothel.

    If you want to bring up another time period, I'll be glad to research it and tell you what inequalities women suffered during it. Obviously the male slaves during this time had shitty lives too. In this case, it's more about the slave owners vs the slaves than the men vs the women.

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  • chained_rage

    They should divide this planet in two halves. Let men live on one side and women on the other side.
    Once a year, men and women (only the ones who want to) would meet at a place to have sex. Then they part ways.

    Let everyone struggle on their own and see how they miss what the other party brings to the table.

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  • NathanScot

    Simple qn,if you lived in a country where going to war was compulsory and they chose 1 person per household...would you let your mother or daugher or sister go to war and you stay behind seating on the couch.What kinf of man does that.We are men and our first job above everything else is to protect our loved ones.Thats why we go first.Thats why men and boys are killed and women left.Cause if you dont do that as men you know we will eventualy come to settle the score for taking away what we care about and love.This is not even an argurment.We cannot sing about being men,about being brave in times of peace then in times of war you start talking about equality.Fuck that.Go be a woman then and stop calling yourself a man.

    Now that said,i do agree that women nowdays have taken this equality thing too far.Its not even about equality anymore.Its more about payback.Women want to be treated as equals and also as the 'lesser' gender when it benefits them.Good example...Women say they are independent and dont need a man to do anything for them.Thats well and good for them its tbeir choice.The same same women expect men to pick up the tab everytime you take her out.They expect you to pay her student loans and credit cards and they expect you to take them on holiday.Now i have no problem paying for this things...after all its my job as the provider to do this but i wont stand for that i am independent dont need a man shit.You cant have your cake and eat it.You are either equal with men in which case you will share respinsibilities but with the men doing the lions share cause any man worth his salt will not allow his woman to do more than him Or you are completely independent you run ur own shit in which case my only contribution is to give you multiple orgasms.

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  • Male privilege, eh? All I know is that you're going to get a ton of hate for this. It's become an unwritten rule here that you're not allowed to point out these types of things.

    I agree, though. This whole idea of female oppression and male privilege always left me confused given that even today there are more things beneficial for women than men. Hell, selective services are still something put on men in the US.

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    • I thumbed you back up, it doesn't really make a difference but it's something.

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      • chained_rage

        I thought I was the only guy you liked to thumb :(

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        • I don't put my eggs all in one basket.

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      • Yeah, notice that not one of the people thumbing down left a comment. They're thumbasses. Too cowardly to directly respond.

        "Women are great, women are victims, women are the best, men have no issues, women suffer far more than men in every way"...That's essentially the IIN group think when it comes to gender issues. Wouldn't surprise me if most of them had those fuckin' ridiculous SJW hair dos either.

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        • charli.m

          Maybe people just know there's no point "debating" with you because your idea of logic is twisted to suit you, and everyone else who doesn't agree is wrong.

          Ok. Go into rabid attack mode now. I won't be reading it.

          Oh. And remember to say shit about strawmen. You really seem to love that word.

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          • Yes, ofcourse. My idea of logic is twisted. That's why they won't argue the point.

            IIN. The place where people think that you can be proven wrong without actually having your point addressed, and then calling the logic of others twisted. Har har.

            *Sigh* This place is just incapable of discussion most of the time now. If they can't prove their point then they just try to disregard the point rather than address it and then call others logic twisted.

            You litrally don't even know why your logic is twisted here.

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        • NeofelisNebulosa

          I never say men don't have issues, you idiot. Men DO have issues that they still have to face. Did you ever hear me say that? No. But I'm sick of these fucktards posting every day on IIN about how easy women have it. They started it and I'll finish it.

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          • Who claimed that YOU stated that? Nobody. Did I? No. You need a lighter for that strawman? Clearly the group think comment was an exaggeration towards the dominant thought process on the topic.

            Oh, how fuckin' TERRIBLE it must be. Women get all these campaigns, all these shelters, all this media coverage over how terrible their lives are compared to men's even from the damn president of the USA, but GOD FORBID some people come on a damn site and do the same for men. God. Fucking. Forbid.

            Oh, you'll finish it, Rambo? Don't overestimate yourself.

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            • dynamohumm

              By the way I thumbed you down for some of the comments you made here but I also have noted after your comment earlier about us being too cowardly to replying to you that if someone (like Autumn1492) has the temerity to respond you immediately go into attack mode.

              For gods sake you are 22 years old! Stop being so fucking bitter about the so called women/men's equality....We Fucking Get It! You don't think it's fair and you are entitled to your opinion, but please, please, for the love of god, please stop whinging about it!

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            • Barracuda

              Ahhh the internet. Gotta love it!

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        • slings_and_arrows

          I think you may have coined a new word!

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          • Thumbasses? Yeah, I'm trying to get the ball rollin'. ;)

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