Men talk about their penis, but you never hear a woman.. about her vagina.

Why are men this obsessed with their own genitals that you must bring it up everywhere? Hell, even fucking Prince Harry wrote a book about himself, and whaddaya know? He had to mention that his royal penis nearly froze off when he was traveling somewhere extreme cold. Like that had to be brought up. Wow.

When do you ever hear a woman talk so much about her vagina?

Why do we normalize men obsessing over their own genitals?

I don't know. 0
Never noticed until now. 1
Now that you mention it... really is quite excessive. 0
Insecurity causes men to obsess over their own penis. 3
Because it's a joystick. Literally. 1
Oh women do talk a lot about their vaginas and their periods and stuff. 8
Maybe umm have you considered that those men might be into penis? 0
Yeah it's a gay guy's thing. 2
No! Straight men do this too! 0
Even women are obsessed with penis: look who created this poll. 0
Penises are beautiful. That's why. 1
Prince Harry does not represent us men. 1
Most men obsess over breasts and vaginas. We just can't talk openly about it. 1
Because penises are so visible, and we literally see it every three hours while peeing. 0
Because men these days are obsessively masturbating. 0
Penis. 4
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Comments ( 24 )
  • kikilizzo

    Men do not have much going on in their brains that isnt related to sex and their own penis.

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    • But most geniuses are men. How does that work?

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      • ospry

        Most *recognized* geniuses are men. Historically speaking, the fields that geniuses work in were restricted almost exclusively to men, creating a kind of positive feedback loop

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        • Are you denying the value of computer technology to today's world? While using a computer...

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          • ospry

            What logic did you use to come to THAT conclusion? Women were kept out of most scientific and technological fields in the past. The fewer the number of women working in the field means the fewer the number of women there were to be identified as a genius. The fuq does that have to do with me using a computer?

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Normalise women comparing and boasting about clitoris sizes!

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      has a small clit

      drives a lifted suburban

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    • Do clits even have sizes?

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      • SkullsNRoses

        Yes, and higher levels of testosterone can enlarge the clitoris. The more you know.

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  • Clunk42

    "When do you ever hear a woman talk so much about her vagina?"

    You've never heard of Amy Schumer before?

    Comment Hidden ( show )
    • Oh I wouldn't know. I've never been to any of her comedy shows. Do you feel like she sounds like most women you meet in life? Is her routine like an exaggerated parody of how most women normally talk in daily life?

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      • Clunk42

        I don't know how women talk. Most men I know don't talk about their penises, either, though, so I think you're just hanging around the wrong crowd.

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    • Iambillythemenacetosociety

      That reminds me of the tampax ads.

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      Not the OP but that woman is a real dumpster.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Let's be happy that most women don't talk about their vaginas. I noticed the chicks that make pervy jokes and talk about pervy shit are normally fat, socially awkward women that have nothing meaningful going on in their lives. I used to be one of them and hung out with people like that. Was NOT in a good place in my life back then. XD

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I voted penis

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Dudes who talk about their dicks are usually insecure about the size of it. If you're dick is normal size you dont think about it.

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  • Holzman_67

    There’s a suburb where I live called wanneroo, affectionately nicknamed wanneroot and girls from there are known to talk about their vaginas frequently

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  • Anonnet

    Oh women do talk a lot about their vaginas and their periods and stuff.

    I'm being serious, there's been multiple occasions where I hear girls go straight to the vag when they're only talking with other girls. Sometimes it's periods, sometimes it's pregnancy, but other times, it's sex. Really, if girls are talking and the conversation turns towards dating or celebrities, watch out. Hearing a group of girls scroll through Tiktok together is straight-up emasculating. I once heard a coworker loudly proclaim that she wanted to sit on a certain rapper's face. It got no reaction the first time because it was awkward, so she said it about 10 more times.

    It's usually younger women, but you don't have to search far to find discussions from female comedians and celebrities talking about their vaginas, either.

    Meanwhile, I've mainly only heard guys talk about their dicks in relation to being good in bed. The thing is, since sex is the ONLY topic that surrounds penises the majority of the time, it gets brought up with about the same or less frequency.

    Unless it's gay guys, obviously. Then the penises are flying about the room.

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  • litelander8

    I talk about mine all the time. Lol. But I guess normal chicks don’t.

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    • Ah okay. I guess I've heard it among girls. But not really when guys were around to hear it. And most of the talk was really medical and more about health and just helping each other out with pads or tampons. It didn't really go beyond that or get sexual.

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      • litelander8

        I talk about it infront of dudes too but it is definitely a “bro-talk” kind of thing. Lol. I’m not talking in a sexual way. More matter of fact-Ly.

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  • Doc69moose

    Some women have a clicker longer than a penis..

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    • Yes penises come in all sizes.

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