Mexican neighbors
I have new neighbors (about 4 months) who may not be legal. They don't hardly speak English. They block my driveway with their cars! They have parties every weekend and play music loud until the wee hours of the morning. They let their kids run wild all over the block, screaming, in diapers and no shoes. The loud music even happens on weeknights. I have complained to them about blocking my driveway and the loud music. They still do it. They hang clothes out to dry all over the yard. They let people park their cars on the grass. I can't even determine how many people actually live there. It all bothers the hell out of me! I I am starting to develop a stereotype about Mexican nationals (not Mexican Americans). It seems they have no respect for their neighbors or the neighborhood. I am bothered by them, but don't want to feel this way about Mexicans from Mexico. I have seen better Mexican neighbors than this! Is it normal for me to be mad and feel this way?