
Microsoft accounts are the worst. Look, you even need it for minecraft realms. They NEVER work, they are impossible to work with! You need it for everything, Skype, minecraft, etc. And this parental controls thing, HELL NAW! Who the fuck cares? These stupid accounts just get in the way and prevent you from doing otherwise, simple tasks.

I don't know what that is 1
I don't use dat crap 8
It's horrible 4
I love Microsoft accounts 5
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Comments ( 2 )
  • Andrew1121

    Well, without this Microsoft account there will be no in-game features that the company itself assured us that will exist (The new Tomb Raider will have certain micro-transactions included in the game), and to be honest, they did a pretty good job. Sure, it is annoying how everything MUST be connected to this account, but it is, after all, pretty easy to use this stuff, right? On the plus side, you get the XBox Friend Chat/Talk system on your PC, you can connect different Computers/Consoles together and pair with them... It does have a lot of advantages but some really annoying disadvantages. IDK from me.

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    • Shmendan

      But it makes me need to sign in like 10 friggin times in order for it to work. Some times it just says "an error occurred, please try again later"

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