Millennial in constant existential crisis - pls help me feel less alone?

I am a millennial frightened of the future.

My gen X friends and boomer family keep talking about buying more properties (property no. #3), while it's as much as I can do to pay them my rent money and I'm stuck wondering 'How is this fair?' and 'Why do I even bother?' and I just hope more and more that some tragic fatal accident will take my life before I'm 60 and feel like ending it, because clearly I neither have a house nor a marriage partner nor kids nor any kind of sex life, which they all had when they were my age, and I barely even have a stable employment contract and even then my employers treat me like sh*t, and I've got a prestigious degree I wasted my youth to study for while they just partied through theirs and sailed along fine. What will be left for me if I even manage to retire before I die? And even if I do scrimp and save to buy the most modest of properties, what sort of investment will it be except a means of paying my own nursing home fees, if I live that long? Let's hope I don't, so that at least some other poor bugger can benefit from it instead of those greedy corporate b*stards.

I hate that I envy them. These people from older generations are people I care about and I want them to be happy and well, but how can I quash the sinking feeling in my stomach when they blithely talk about contributing to one of the very reasons why there's no future for me, or any family my pathetic, shrivelled ovaries might still be able to provide by the time the miracle finally happens, if it ever does?

I don't want to die, but I think on balance that it would be better if I were dead. It would make better sense of everything if I didn't exist. Like a shot at the doctor's that you're phobically scared of taking, but know is for the best.

Does anyone else feel this way about their future?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Meatballsandwich

    I'm a zoomer, and I feel the same as you. The past two generations have been completely screwed-over by Boomers. It's hard not to envy them.

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  • ospry

    Why do millennials act like the only purpose in life is to one day own land or a house? Hundreds and hundreds of millions of people every day live happy, fulfilling lives while renting. How and when did home ownership become the sole metric for happiness and success?

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    • Because our parents always acted like it was. Their idea of success for us was:
      *Get good grades
      *Go to uni
      *Get a good job
      *Earn enough money to pay for a deposit on a house

      And getting married came into it somewhere too.

      The deposit on the house was the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If ever you came into a large amount of money, like an inheritance, they told you to save it up to pay for a deposit on a house.

      We patiently followed their advice up to the end of the uni bit, graduated, then realised we had been betrayed... not only were there relatively few good paying jobs accessible to people who had good arts degrees but had no influential connections, but house prices skyrocketed out of first-time buyers' reach anyway because our parents' generation was busy buying them up and as the population increased, and the supply didn't keep up with the demand (not that we'd have been able to afford properties anyway by that point).

      Guess which generation is going to inherit more real estate than any generation before it? The feudalism that could result, the relative poverty of people with no inheritances or an inability to manage their inheritances, and the lawsuits between siblings, just don't bear thinking about.

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      • ospry

        Decide for yourself what's important. What your parents define as success is completely irrelevant

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        • Easy to say...

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  • Tommythecaty

    Millennials don’t give a fuck.

    So stop being such a puss and stop giving a fuck.

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    • Ergo, I am not a millennial?

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      • Tommythecaty

        You may be one, but are not acting like one.

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