Millions of tiny spots is it normal?

So since I was young I've been seeing millions of tiny 'spots' when I look into the sky or when I look anywhere! It's creeping me out. To be honest, it looks like I'm seeing a bad tv reception. Now I've asked some of my friends and they say they don't see it. I call bullshit. Anyway, is it normal??

Voting Results
62% Normal
Based on 68 votes (42 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • Same here. I just assumed it was from the film of moisture that covers my eyeball.

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  • SuperBenzid

    That would be the movement of red blood cells in the back of your eyes, easier to see in bright light. Some people, with severe anxiety can see them at all times due to hyper awareness. Everyone can see them but some people notice a lot more than others.

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    • ZaidRudy

      I guess I need a chill pill then.

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  • IrishPotato

    Everyone sees them.

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  • DeAmOn

    I have elongated corneas (slightly football shaped) and I see what looks like microscopic cells floating across my vision during the day. At night in the dark I see billions of lightpricks. I've had it since I can remember. Bet there's millions like us out there.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Same here. Sometimes, I'll see what looks like microscopic strings. Those really freak me out. As for the dots, I've been seeing them ever since I was a small child who had made the statement of how I was strange and didn't belong. I kid you not, but right after I said it I started seeing a billion dots. Years have gone by and I've grown used to it. However, I do occasionally wonder about them and what it must be like to see through another person's perspective.

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    • Hyper-sensitivity to light usually causes this.

      I started to get the flood of dots because I smoke alot of dope, something that is known to cause light hyper-sensitivity.

      Because eyesight constantly fluctuates in people, forever adjusting to condition, you don't even have to be outside or in a lit space for it to happen.

      It's not harmful, so I wouldn't worry if you've always had it. You're just a bit more of a vampire than others one could suppose.

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  • intellectuallychallengedmaybe


    its probably normal. just not common. what else do you see?

    is everything the same shape? distorted? bigger? smaller?

    does it look like TV pixels?

    can you zoom in/out if you focus real hard?

    keep us posted.

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    • ZaidRudy

      Yes everything's the same shape but only distorted. It's like there's a million cells moving here and there, but if I don't focus on it. It doesn't bother me as much

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  • NateWest

    Yeah.Im pretty sure i have that bad tv reception thing to.I just always figured it was because i had bad eye sight.

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  • FluffieBunnie

    I see this when I sit down or stand up too fast. I always assumed it was blood pressure related like another poster said. Is your bp normal?

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    • ZaidRudy

      Yes it is.

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  • Shrunk

    I don't think OP means floaters, but it's like tv static over the whole field of vision, it's only noticeable when you concentrate on it though

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    Yeah, as Darkoil pointed out, the condition is called Floaters. They're figments of protein (apparently) deep within your eyeball that float around, and when the light strikes them, you can see them moving around, especially on a bright and sunny day.

    I have them too and I'm pretty sure they've been around since I was a little kid. I'm pretty positive they are harmless, but there's a small percent chance that they aren't. Just to make sure, I'd see an optician.

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  • Darkoil

    Is this what you are referring to -

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  • suckonthis9

    Have you asked a Physician about this?

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    • ZaidRudy

      I did once, he couldn't really give me a proper answer for it or maybe he just didn't know much about it. Did online research and the closest I got to was visual snow but its not to that extent.

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      • suckonthis9

        Try a different Physician.

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