Mixed feelings about leaving church

I have gone to church for ten years but now I am burned out on it and I don't want to go anymore. At the time, I was looking for something to give meaning to my life and to be honest, this just doesn't do it for me. I have never really believed in "god" the way that Christians do, but I do believe that there is a definite meaning to life. I would consider myself to be a deist. The problem is that I am involved in the band and I really like playing music with the people I have gotten to know there over the past decade, but on the other hand I feel like I am living a lie and going through the motions of doing something that I don't really believe in.

Is it normal ?

Voting Results
93% Normal
Based on 28 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    It's normal to question these things throughout your life. If you don't feel confortable or committed then leave. It's not like you can't go back should you ever change your mind. It's about your spiritual fulfillment and the only person that can truly choose the correct path that can lead you to the most fulfilling life, other than God, is you.

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    Amen to that. After the pedophile scandals, I got fed up with Catholicism, and don't want to have anything to do with it.

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  • It is ok to worship god in your own way. God is within. If you feel peace by going to a church then that is fine. If you want to stay at home and give thought to god then that is also fine.

    Don't worry about what the church will think of you. Just know that peace is with you

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  • ajmcrobs

    If you are not finding something at that church that you need, try a different church. Church, God, and the Bible saved my life. Good luck!

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  • Archbang

    I recommend you not to leave the church.
    Please repent and be saved!

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  • suckonthis9

    If you are leaving religion, why are you continuing to promote this divisive behaviour?

    Which deity?

    You have used a term which divides people who believe in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, from people who have other religious beliefs, and which divides these people from others, who are not religious. The use of this term might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

    Why are you creating division in society?

    Please do not use -ists or -isms, as these further contribute to division in society.

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    • You confuse the hell out people. You are generally ignored and thumbed down but I will give you a tip...


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      • suckonthis9

        That's what I'm asking you to do. Stop. Stop spreading Archaic concepts around, like you just did, with the term which denotes a fictitious nether world.

        The sooner you stop, and think, the sooner I will stop.

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        • I never referred to a religion. God is a term used in many cultures and religions which denotes a deity of worship and the giving of life. I simply stated that God is within. In Taoism ( path,way,philosophy )god is the all and one with the universe. Peace lies at the heart of this concept. Did I say that I support Christianity and the church? NO. Did I tell the OP that is ok to worship their deity in any way they feel comfortable? YES

          You have stereotyped me in your reply thus creating a division in society.


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          • suckonthis9


            You are a brain-dead imbecile, who seeks only to divide people willy-nilly, and to impose your idiocy on everyone else. Isn't 4,000 years of endless war, hate, injury and selfish greed, enough for you? Just in the last day or so, at least seven people were killed, and thirty-five wounded, in just one incident (there were others). And it was all because of your (and people like you) incessant bullshit. Then you blame everyone else, but yourself for these types of events.


            "God", is a corruption of the Old German word 'gott', which simply means 'good'. It is not a thing. It is a generic term, which is synonymous with 'deity'. It was some other brain-dead idiot, 800 to 900 years ago, who thought up this brilliant idea of using a generic term, instead of the Proper Name for the deity in question. But you, and people like you, have not learned a fucking thing, in all those years.
            Why can't you answer the simple question, "Which deity do you believe in"?

            The 'way of Tao or Dao', is not a religion. It is a philosophy. People who believe in this philosophy, do not believe in any type of deity. But you can't seem to get it through your pea brain, that there are other people in this world, who do not think about the same nonsense that you do, nor do they welcome your idiocy.
            It was another idiotic English person, who insolently attached the -ism to the Way of Tao.
            Please do not use -ists or -isms.

            Once again, you have used a term which divides people who believe in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, from people who believe in other religious beliefs, and which divides these people from people who are not religious. This might be OFFENSIVE to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

            Why are you creating division in society?

            Oll Korrect. Yak-O.


            Please see Rule #10 & Rule #8.

            Rape; Repeat Offender, Profanation, Nonstandard, Vulgar.

            Contribution to Knowledge, Science and the Humanities = 0
            Extinct = 1

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            • Wow you must be having fun.

              Regurgitated disinformation is all you are and all you ever will be.

              I will leave you to it.

              Good day

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            • sinisteRouge

              Mr. Suckonthis9, you are an awful troll

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