Modern parenting iin?

I see this a lot now. A child being downright ugly and disrespectful to their parents, and the parents asking the child what they want and instantly giving it to them. Is that normal? It seems to be now, and is it normal that it upsets me?

Voting Results
32% Normal
Based on 28 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Nokiot9

    I saw some 3 year old kid with a iPhone and headphones on at the vet today. That pissed me off. It's a sense of entitlement that's instilled at a very young age. It can be pretty damaging. To the person themselves and society in general. These kids grow up into shitty people most of the time because they're parens don't know what the fuck they're doing.

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    • VanioVanio

      Well I'm gonna get a lot of hate, but... I think children should be good at technologies young.. Probably after 10 years everything would be with phones and computers. I'm not saying that is good to give 3 year old kid an iPhone, but if you are 8 i think It's the right age. My opinion..

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    • Mytwin295

      I was at the apple store yesterday and I saw this girl who was probably 9-10 with her mom and she wanted an iphone but the mom kept telling her that she was too young for a phone but the girl kept complaining so the mom stormed out of the store with her saying that she wasnt gonna get the itouch she was there for.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I think a lot of it is because the parents aren't very involved in raising their own children any more. They pawn them off on preschool under the guise of early education, but it's really just day care for the too busy parents. And then on to public school and more of the same.
    So the kids don't see the parents as the boss, but really the caregivers when they aren't at school. The parents feel guilt at their lack of involvement in raising their children, so when they are together, they won't be the parent, but in trying to curry good favor from the children, accede to their wishes all too often, creating these spoiled, bratty, undisciplined kids.
    I'm all for a woman's right to choose a career over raising children, but if both parents choose a career, I believe it is totally irresponsible, selfish and unfair to the children, to have children at all.

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    • Andurlittledog2

      Well gypsy when I disagree with you I state it but I am with you 100 percent on this answer. :)

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    • anti-hero

      It was easier back in the day when a family could survive or even thrive on a single income.

      Otherwise, I agree with you.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Interestingly, a few days back I calculated what my $75.00 a week income in 1962 as $598 today.

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        • anti-hero

          Taxes were lower. Plus full time min wage after taxes now is under $1000 a month. So you were making double or what two low income people would make. See how it works?

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          • thegypsysailor

            I still think it is possible for an American family of 3 to live well on a single, middle class income. They just don't get two fancy cars, the biggest entertainment system on the block and a new Iphone the second day it comes out.
            Americans are too materialistic. They'd rather the cars and toys than raising their own kids.

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            • anti-hero

              I can agree that is a problem too but so are outrageous medical and education costs. As usual the truth is somewhere in the middle.

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            • handsignals

              A lot of individual debt in Merica is loans for operations and medical procedures.

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  • theseeker

    I agree with you. I don't care what society thinks. Kids need more discipline. That's why kids have no respect for their parents and many kids are obnoxious these days. Thinking back to my own childhood, there wasn't much tolerance for that, or I would be so fucked!

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  • howaminotmyself

    Hmmm...i smell a double standard. Either they give in and look like bad parents or they dont and the kid screams and they get called bad parents....

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  • LuxM4G

    Well, I agree that a child shouldn't possess a cellphone until the age of 15, or even 18. My sister got an iPhone 5s at 13, she failed the 9th grade in elementary school, mainly due to lack of study, because of the impact the phone and social networking had in her.

    It's wrong to raise children based on materialistic rewarding, rather than emotional caring. It's hard to resist to the temptation of the outside world, especially for children, but perfectly doable. Aslong as there is true love and respect for the parents.

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  • dirtybirdy

    My niece is like that with her mother because her mother is a piece of crap who who whines about how no one understands and blah blah blah, and my friends son isn't really a brat but he gets his way all the time. It sickens me. Yuck. But ya, I see it everywhere.

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