Mom threatened to kick me out over a piece of wood

So basically I have this really cheap ugly portable clothesrack in my room and I've been cleaning up and realized that I don't need it. It takes up a lot of space and looks like crap so obviously I don't want it in my room. My mom however wants it but has no room to put it anywhere else. I told her to find somewhere to put it or I'm throwing it out. She had one of her world famous temper tantrums and threatened to kick me out if I don't keep it in here. I would move out but I don't really have anywhere to put my cat. I'm 18 and pay rent so I think I should have a say in what goes in my room.

Keep it in your room 7
Just move out 17
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Comments ( 14 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    oh no it broke!

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  • bbrown95

    Is this the same mom as the hoarder mom who kept all of her old clothes and makeup in her kid's room IIRC?

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    • Yes. Sometimes I feel like I'm going insane because she just doesn't see how nuts she is.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Yes it is, an ex of kept all of her stuff since childhood, it took up an entire room. I was like “why” and she said “cause it’s my stuff” lol. Describing what it is instead of why it’s still there. I know another who does it too and I’m very sure they don’t have any insight into why they do it in the slightest.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Can it be taken apart to take up less space?

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  • raisinbran

    Screw it to the ceiling so it doesn't take up floor space, then knock out the drywall and rip out the insulation for extra square footage. Also if you're on the ground level you can remove the floorboards and store crap in the crawl space.

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  • Boojum

    When dealing with people, it's always better to pick your battles carefully rather than responding emotionally when there's conflict. Are you really willing to die on Clothesrack Hill?

    As others have said, it is her house, and she has the right to decide what goes on in it. You have the right to believe her decisions are silly, unfair or even totally irrational, but none of that really matters if she has strong views on some topic.

    If your mother freaks out over the idea of getting rid of an unused clothesrack and the thing has no sentimental value whatsoever, that suggests to me that she has problems, and it sounds likely to me that removing yourself would be better for your mental health. That might not be possible at the moment, but if you make it a goal and you start to take positive steps towards trying to find your own place, it might make living with her more tolerable.

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  • dappled

    How much space does your cat need? My aunt's cat used to sit on my lap and so was technically using the same floor space as me. You don't say whether your cat is dead or alive, though. When my aunt's cat died, she had it stuffed and I found that I didn't want it on my lap any more, as I have an intolerance of stiff cats. I only like the bendy varieties.

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  • someone0noone

    ok. so. it's not yours. you don't want it. you're paying rent for, presumably, a room of your own. As in leasing space. but are you paying rent with a legal contract? if not, you're just giving her money and she's letting you live here. Technically if you make it legally binding, then it would be your private space and the "landlord" probably shouldn't be able to put their stuff on your temporary 'property'.

    anyway, if you're able to afford paying her rent.... why do you not just move out?? better to pay that money to someone better.

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  • noneoftheabove

    First world issues

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  • jethro

    Move out and get your own place. Basically it's her house and subsequently her rules. Rent or not. If you were in an apartment, you just cant do whatever you like just because you are paying rent. The apartment still belongs to the landlord. So suck it up buttercup or else move out and be on your own.

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    • I don't pay rent just to put money in her welfare ass pockets, I pay rent so I can have my own room in which I can do as I please.

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      • jethro

        Fine. Then move your butt out of her house and get your own place. Problem solved.

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  • rocketdave

    I had a similar temper tantrum from my mother and grandmother, then I found out it was my house and chucker them both ouy!

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