Most of my week is occupied but..

Most of my week is occupied and the only days I get time for myself is from Fridays to Sundays, yet my mother has the audacity to say it's fine if I can't go to her house to "babysit" my 16 year old sister and then text's me that she's not in a good mood to talk to me at the moment.

There's been moments where she'll ask me to do something but when I say I can't because I'm busy or tired, she'll complain about it until I feel guilty. Either that or the rest of the day she's in a shitty mood. She's had the habit of using people to get what she wants, and when I am able to do something for her it's suddenly:

"Aw you are such a good girl" "you are a darling" like I'm a fucking child. It's cringe and it pisses me off because she's done it for years now. She'll even do it when I'm doing the bare minimum.

I try to be nice about and not let it get to me but I honestly have had enough. Even my siblings know it.

Note: we are maōri/Pacific islander from Nz .

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Comments ( 4 )
  • RoseIsabella

    That sounds hellish, if it was me I would just go no contact for a while.

    Also look for books on boundaries, and on codependency.

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  • kelili

    I feel you.

    I think that the parents don't even realise how manipulative they are sometimes. I like my mum but sometimes she acts like she doesn't care and other times complain about me not caring.

    I'm tired of the constant roller coaster in how we interact and now I don't go there often and she doesn't call.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Move further away from her so that it's no longer convenient to baby sit.

    I made sure that I put a lot of distance between myself and my parents for some very good reasons.

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    • We live in sepereate suburbs but I can't move cities due to certain circumstances at the moment.

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