Most of you are jewish

Well, I guess you were expecting some kind of troll post, weren't you? You should know bettah than to try and outsmaht your mutha! You haven't been taking your medicine recently, have you? You're trying to leave mother a widow AND childless??? I shoulda known what would happen if you went off to that bigshot college of yours, you nevah listen to your mother! That girl you've been seeing - do I know her mutha from somewhere? Is she Jewish? I haven't seen her at temple. Please don't tell your mutha you're seeing some shiksa girl! Ooohh, I shoulda figured you'd do this, you're just like your fatha, gallivanting around giving your mutha a heart attack spending your time with all those easy women who only want one thing. Please tell me that you at least wear a sweatah when you're out breaking your mutha's heart, that last thing that I need is to find out that you've got pneumonia when you should have gotten a medical degree by now (and about those lungs, mistah bigshot - DON'T FORGET YOUR INHAILUH, YOU KNOW WHAT ALL THAT BIG CITY AIR DOES TO YOU, SWEETHEART!). And why haven't you worn those socks that I got for you, do you not like them? Oh, you prefer the otha pair that I go you? So you DON'T like the otha pair that I got for you? Oh, I see how it is. But don't worry - I'll just be sitting here, heartbroken and lonely because you're too BUSY to coll your mutha. ALWAYS too *busy* for your poor old mutha.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    You forgot to mention your brisket Mrs Wolowitz.

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    • It's to die for!

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  • Grunewald

    I would consider it an honour if it turned out that I have any Jewish ancestry.

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  • Ewwcheesecake

    Damn called me out on not taking my meds ADHD this week

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    why cant you be more like mrs cohens boy?

    hes a DOCTOR

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    • That's okay, sweetie! Go on with your little president of the United States thingy, just know that we don't consider fetuses viable until they've graduated medical school.

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  • normal-rebellious

    A very worried mother, my culture might be similar but I'm not Jewish, I have fish and chips for tea, go to Hot Chicks And Chips for something to eat, and eat petrol station sandwiches and drink a petrol station coffee. If anything I'm not thawing hotdogs in the sink, I go to Wendy's and begin eating hotdogs, and I use tartare sauce on my fish fingers, and wear a beanie and black coat, with long hair, I watch horror flicks on tubi, and doing so I drink beer with beer nuts, namely Foster's, and mind you I eat pasta, resulting in pasta takeaway in the process, it's nice and hot and my fave is rosé chicken. I go shopping for nuts, and have a coffee shop coffee with them urbanly in the process.

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      Right on.

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  • kikilizzo


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