Most weird or vivid dreams you've all had

What are some of the more vivid dreams you've all had?

I've had some strange ones myself. Dreams that don't make sense to the point where I don't even know how to describe them in words. Not nightmares nessesarily, most of them haven't been scary or horrible, but they have been weird and even fascinating.

From what I know, one of our reasons for strange and vivid dreams is that only two out of three parts of our brains remain active when we sleep. The part of our brain that deals with logic and reasoning shut down, but our creative side remains active, even more so than when we're awake. And the third part of our brain, our memory bank remain active also. It's why in our dreams we encounter people and things that we know and remember from when we're awake. And our creative side then plays around with that and makes everything we see altered and even bizarre versions of our memories from when awake. And we then see and experience things which defies logic and are sometimes very very weird mixed up with our memories.

I'll give you a an example of dreams of mine. A woman I knew once when I was 20 something in my real life, and who I found beautiful was in a dream of mine, but in my dream, she was a spider. But according to my dream memory (not my real life memory), she had always been a spider and it was not something I was just finding out. And also, this song kept playing which in the dream was an obligatory part of her entering the room (very strange shaped room too), and in the dream it was a song I'd known for years. But it was a song I never knew in real life. It was not a song that exists in real world. But in the dream, the song was quite familiar. And, I also was somehow able to feel how she was feeling, like I remembered being a spider too myself.

I told you I've had some weird dreams. And, what's even stranger is that that was not the strangest dream I'd had. There are some I've had that were too weird for me to even know how to begin describing them.

If you want to know of any other dreams I've had, you can ask in your comments and I'll respond. But I'm also wondering if you could comment some examples of some strange dreams that some of you have had

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Protagoras

    Theoretically, cannabis suppresses dreams. Even though I keep my toking habits limited to strictly Friday and Saturday nights (or during the week if there's a concert) I get intense vivid dreams when I take a tolerance break. My most recent T-break dreams were pretty intense, with a notable two I can think of...

    One dream I was a jihadist who blew himself up. Fortunately, I was alone in an empty public bathroom so I didn't kill anyone else when I did, but I felt like the dream was deeper than that, digging into a fear I have. When I exploded, It wasn't like a regular explosion, it was like a loud balloon popping with some of my guts (covered in a beige-yellow slime) slapping onto the bathroom mirror and slowly sliding down. The fire alarm went off, but I noticed I was still completely aware of everything that was going on in the aftermath of my attack. I was obliterated, but my vision was stuck at the last spot I was alive, unable to move my sight around, just staring straight ahead for the rest of my life as life continued on around me. It was like I was a completely paralyzed ghost, it felt like it lasted for 5-10 minutes before I woke up.

    Another T-break dream I had involved me flying out to Seattle to visit a friend. I was staying at a hotel, for some reason I was sitting on a pool chair on top of the complex staring at the clouds which were moving quickly in and out, like a fast time lapse video. Anyways, some little kid between the age of 5-7 is up there too, and he decides to jump off the building into the pool (which was several stories high) When he does, I hear a loud smacking sound towards the ground and then a bloodcurdling scream from a woman... his mother. Out of nowhere, I'm suddenly at the pool, witnessing the aftermath of the fall. The woman is carrying her dead child , his skull was partially protruding out of the rest of head.

    They are so vivid and intense, it feels so real. Shit is crazy

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    • Those are crazy dreams, blowing yourself up and then seemingly being your ghost and seeing the aftermath of it, and then seeing a kid jump and kill himself and then seeing the bloody remains. That is crazy shit. Sometimes, we dream of things from what we remember from the real world, like in your case, you probably saw similar situations (bombs, suicide) in the news and in movies, and your memory bank from that activated in your dreams

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  • Lestat565

    I recentlyhad a dream that I was getting ice cream at a local shop. I looked and saw that there were three flavors available chocolate, vanilla, and flesh flavored ice cream. Idk how I I knew it was flesh flavored but I’m like I don’t want to eat flesh ice cream. It sounds gross. Then the person behind the counter moos at me like a cow. And I’m like. Wtf your one of those people. How the hell can I get some ice cream now. Fucking moo people. Then I woke up

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    • Weird. It's like the dream was the reverse of real life where people eat cows, eat beef. But in your dream it's the reverse, someone mooing, being a cow and serving flesh flavored ice cream.

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      • Lestat565

        I suspect it’s because I use cbd oil. But the science behind if cbd oil effects dreams is inconclusive at best. But I’ve also have these weird dreams when I was on hydrocodone for a broken leg to manage pain. Thought that drug also gave me night terrors.

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        • I've been on methadone, and that had given me some of my strangest dreams. If you read below my response to another commenter about being in a weird factory with animals that were alive and made of chocolate and a nonexistent flavor that was only familiar to my dream memory.

          You ever have dreams where you see something that doesn't exist in real life but in your dream it's something familiar and you remember it, but in your real life you don't and have never heard of it?

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  • IrishPotato

    How to cook a cat with your coffee maker 
    After I posted this on the Swedish version of Coffee Machine Cuisine people got very upset. Some of the things they called me was idiot, cannibal (?) and they even said that I’m the reason for the low status that cats got in this society. I don’t get why people are so upset?! It’s no worse than eating a cow, pig or a chicken if you ask me. And hunting must be the most humane way to kill animals for food. 

    It all took place on a warm and sunny day when me and Dan were out at our cabin with all of our cats. Since we got so many cats I figured that I could shoot one of them so I released them into the woods and began the hunt. First I thought that the fat one, Gucci, would be an easy shot but she managed to escape surprisingly quickly. It was the sun that eventually was Iggy’s downfall. She is quite photophobic you see so she could hardly see where she was going. And BAM, easy shot for with your coffee maker 

    R.I.P. my little sweetheart. 
    5 hours 
    1 cat 
    ½ red onion 
    1 pimiento 
    1 clove of garlic 
    2 ½ dl coconut milk 
    2 ½ dl cream 
    2 tbsp meat extract 
    Juice of lime 
    Skin, fillet and chop the kitty cat. Start your coffee maker, grease the heater and place the pieces of your cat onto it. Fry it until they are cooked throughly and tender, it will take about an hour (it depends on what cut of meat you’re using and how fresh it is). Remove the meat and wipe the heater. 

    Chop all of the remaining ingredients that shall be chopped. Put a dollop of butter into the carafe, let it melt and then put the onion and the garlic in the carafe and fry it for about half an hour. Season with ginger. Add coconut milk, cream and meat extract and let it cook for two hours – it should get really warm. After that add the cat meat and wait a bit longer. Finally add pimiento pieces, lime juice and season generously with freshly ground black pepper and just a little salt. Turn off your coffee maker. 

    The best way to serve this delicious cat stew is accompanied by a glass of a tasty red wine and freshly baked bread.

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    • HonshuWolf200

      I use to tell my cats how much I wanted to slice there throats, drink thee blood and cook them. But I was just expressing how much I love them in my weird/morbid way.

      So freaking cute, you just want to eat them. Cats are awesome!!!

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    • Dreaming of making a recipe cooking your cat? Maybe saw something similar in a movie recently? And also, since our creative part of our brain activates when we dream, sometimes our memory part doesn't activate hardly or at all. Like my dream of a beautiful woman I remember from my real life past but in the dream she was a spider and always was, our creative parts definitely take off to high levels.

      I had another dream once of the inside of some big factory with lambs, pigs, and a few other farm animals which don't exist in real life but in the dream, I knew of them well already. And they were alive but they were also all chocolate and another flavor which doesn't really exist but was a name and flavor that I knew and remembered well in the dream. And people would lean over and take bites as they were drifting by, and asking me to try one. And they were all being sent down these long chutes (shaped like roofless waterslides) and in a little bit of water in some moments, but no water in others. Then the animals disappeared and there were all these people going down the slides/chutes for fun

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  • shuggy-chan

    One time, I dreamed i had a donut, and then I wanted 2 donuts

    And i got another one, but then I remembered I don’t like donuts

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    • That dream's not that weird, but sometimes dreams are more plain and less weird than others. Your dreams often are a products and alterations from our real lives. Like when I've had dreams with my mom or dad in them, or dreams of seeing my deceased grandparents again, it's because I've thought about them recently (or sometimes even more distantly in the past) and our memory section of our brains from when we saw them then activate in our sleep.

      I've also read that dreams can predict the future, but I don't really believe in that. I think that has more been due to if something happens to us in the future and we had recently dreamt of a similar thing happening, it's just because it's something that we've thought about and has been a possibility all along of something that would soon happen. And we'll then dream about it because it's stored in our minds already from us having thought about it.

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