Moving, stuff, ghost, paranormal, demon

So I've been having this problem where my stuff keeps moving all on it's own. For instance, there was this time that I was making dinner. I had just been looking for a pot in my cabinet, and I couldn't find it there so I shut the door and turned around. I looked briefly in another cabinet on the other side of the kitchen. Again, I could find the pot, so I turned back toward the direction of the first cabinet I looked in. To my complete and utter shock, EVERY LAST PIECE OF MY COOKWEAR IN THAT CABINET WAS ON THE FLOOR IN A PERFECT CIRCLE. I kid you not, every last piece. I had heard nothing, and I was at home completely alone (I don't have any pets either). The maximum time that I turned away from the cabinet was probably 45 seconds to 1 minutes. This has happened several times in the past couple of days, and my stuff has also gone missing or has moved rooms. Each time this has happened I was home alone, and I am the only person who has a key to my house. Is this normal? Can anyone explain what this could be to me?

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21% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • CorruptedSoul

    One possibility is that you have multiple personalities... The real kind where one doesn't know the other exist so it isn't aware when the other moved something previously etc

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  • 123456789assssssss

    You're cookwear is trying to kill you, ask it nicely and it might stop.

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  • saacosta1998

    Put cameras on to see what's going on, i think you might have some demon problems, and if you do... Start praying and end it " In the name of Jesus, amen"

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    • violetkitten96

      Spiritual House Cleanings help a bunch, too :)

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  • here2help

    set up a camera system in your home. record everything, and when you notice something like this look at the recording to find your multiple personality ass moving things. there is no such thing as paranormal activity or demons or any of that shit. have you ever noticed how bullshit the tv shows are?

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  • TJCupid

    I had similar experiences on several occasions. I can give you theory. Accept or reject, as I do not necessarily advocate either. See what feels right

    First of all, do you live near the woods? A body of water? Some would claim that you might have an elemental spirit. This is a tough concept to grasp, as some claim to see them
    Others say that they can smell them (i.e. A foreign but not necessarily foul odor. Fresh cut grass, stagnant water, or any aroma or stench associated with that particular element).

    These "spirits" and their dispositions are controversial amongst those who believe in them. Most agree that they are "neutral" and are driven by the energy present in the house or in the property. For instance, a negative, volatile household would yield a nasty disposition from any elemental spirits. The opposite is true if the environment is positive.

    Others claim that low-level demons are responsible for this.

    The final explanation: Elemental or other (possibly human) spirits, or even spirit guides/guardians do this to slow you down, ad you might be moving too fast in life, ignoring the more slow and meaningful moments. (Example: A workaholic who disregards or neglects family, children, or overall well being in exchange for work).

    I noticed someone mentioned poltergeist. I would agree if these items were being tossed around and possibly broken.

    If it is an elemental spirit, the Solution can be as simple as instructing it firmly but not aggressively to go stay in the yard (or simply say outside), and that it can't stay in the house.

    If that doesn't work, you may need outside help from a reputable paranormal team.

    As crazy as these theories may sound, I have known of them to apply to several people. It can't hurt to try

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  • Data'sCat

    No we can't, because this is the internet. It's obvious that you would call a witch to determine it... it seems that the entity clearly is not malicious, so whether it's necessary to call the witch or not is optional.

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  • violetkitten96

    If you have anything related to witchcraft in any way, get it the heck out of your house.... I'm telling you that crap is real and has killed way too many people... I'm actually dealing with a sister- in-law who proclaims to be Christian but messes with this stuff in the house and I've been seeing stuff lately, but sadly can't do anything about it because it's my husband's parent's house :/ If I were her parents, I'd tell her to get rid of it before I do :/ But the point is, don't mess with demonic things... It's so dangerous :/

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    • Data'sCat

      ....Of course witchcraft is real. What the fuck does that have to do with "demonic things", you idiot?

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  • OriginalGodOfSatan

    Believe me, The god will don't help you with that, ofcource put some cameras and when you really will see something, try to get all information about your house, who was living in your house before to who started to live in your house first, try to find any information's, also you can invite Pastor from church to your house, when he will come, ask him, only he can tell you the true what is going on in your house... And it is not a Demon, if the ghost really can move things, then probably he is some of the highest ghosts, like poltergeist, if really it is poltergeist, the best you can do, is change your house, Good luck.

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