Moving, stuff, ghost, paranormal, demon
So I've been having this problem where my stuff keeps moving all on it's own. For instance, there was this time that I was making dinner. I had just been looking for a pot in my cabinet, and I couldn't find it there so I shut the door and turned around. I looked briefly in another cabinet on the other side of the kitchen. Again, I could find the pot, so I turned back toward the direction of the first cabinet I looked in. To my complete and utter shock, EVERY LAST PIECE OF MY COOKWEAR IN THAT CABINET WAS ON THE FLOOR IN A PERFECT CIRCLE. I kid you not, every last piece. I had heard nothing, and I was at home completely alone (I don't have any pets either). The maximum time that I turned away from the cabinet was probably 45 seconds to 1 minutes. This has happened several times in the past couple of days, and my stuff has also gone missing or has moved rooms. Each time this has happened I was home alone, and I am the only person who has a key to my house. Is this normal? Can anyone explain what this could be to me?