Music, sadness, happiness, crying, melancholy, songs, balads

Recently someone posted that Abba's Dancing queen made them cry and it made me think about some songs... More specifically songs my parents love. It's like there's a bitter-sweet feel to them. You listen to the oldies your parents love and you smile and think of them, but at the same time those fond memories are shadowed by the fact your parents are aging. And one day they will be gone. And those songs will be more bitter, than sweet. You'll be reminded forever of how things were, not being able to go back to those moments.

My mom and dad for example adore Starship's Nothing's gonna stop us. They would dance to the song on special occasions. Birthdays and Christmas holidays. And when I see them I get a tear in my eye. I'm happy about them, but at the same time I know this won't last forever. Just like the song's fame died out, so will they... I love pretty much all the music they like and there's always a sort of sadness that comes with those songs that never seems to go away.

Anyone else get this mix of fond memories and happiness and a mix of sadness and depression all wrapped neatly into one melancholic package with a slight, hidden sweet note?

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Comments ( 2 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Eighties new wave is very nostalgic for me, and my family.

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  • lordofopinions

    Yeah. The song "Abraham, Martin and John" by Dion.

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