My...problem...advice, please

Warning: grossness ahead.
Put simply, when I take a dump, my ass kind of hangs out a bit. Like, it's not a huge prolapse, but it's becoming a problem. It rarely goes back in on its own, so I have to stick a finger up there and push it back in. Otherwise, it chafes and becomes swollen and painful. I'm very tight and have no problems holding anything in, so it's weird...

This is immensely embarrassing, and kind of scary. How do I bring this up to a doctor? Have you experienced anything like this? And of course, is it normal?

Voting Results
11% Normal
Based on 19 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Not normal. Sounds like a hernia. Go to the doc asap. I wouldnt want to go to the doc for ass problems either but its necessary for this.

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    • NKZ

      haemorrhoid, not hernia.

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  • VirgilManly

    Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor about it. They've heard everything. You can even begin by telling your doctor you feel embarrassed but you're having a problem back there, down there, however you want to phrase it.
    Good luck but talk to your doctor about it.

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  • mlbryan44

    Have you been getting fucked up the ass? Tell the truth now.

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  • NKZ

    No, this is a grade 3 haemorrhoid, go see a doctor. you might need surgery.

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  • creampawf

    Tell someone you really trust, like a person whose been your friend FOREVER or your doctor. Seriously.

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  • kyan33

    i be going straight to the doctor and i can assume he seen/heard worst things

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  • JD777

    Sorry you're having to deal with this. First, don't strain when pooping and take a stool softener so your BM is easier to void. Second, you really should see a doc because it could worsen, preferably a gastroenterologist.

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