My 3 year old says he loves the devil
I am a Christian. I have always been one as long as I can remember. My parents are religious and always talked to us about God and read the Bible to us. So I do the same. We attend church pretty regularly, we don't feel guilty if we don't go. There are no other kids at our church, just a few really old people and us. I like to listen to acapella Christian music, but not all the time, we listen to pop and country too. I grew up the oldest of 6 girls and really am not sure what is normal for boys. My son is very much a boy. He is very very hyper. From the moment he first saw a toy car he's loved them. My concern is because he talks alot about killing. We've explained to him that it's not appropriate. He says he wants to be a policeman when he grows up so he can kill bad people. Lately he has started changing that to take bad people to jail and kill bad animals, like wolfs trying to get him. Also, we have a lot of hunters in our family, even I used to, so we get a lot of deer meat. He has begun talking about wanting to kill animals and eat them. Yesterday when he went to take a nap and I told him to have sweet dreams he said he wanted to have scary dreams. That scary dreams are good and devils are good. Sometimes he says things like the Devil is sorry for being mean to God and is going to tell God and be in Heaven with us. This morning he went on a long story about something a dream maybe, I had a hard time understanding but I heard the phrase, "I had a picture of the devil" and then something else. Then my 2 year old daughter said, "No! The Holy Ghost is good and the devil is bad." Correcting him. He disagreed with her and got upset when I agreed with her. When I asked him if he knew that God loves him he said, "Not much though." So I talked to him and he seemed to resent the talk. I read some of his children's bible to him about Jesus being born and as a child. He seemed really interested and looked at the book long after I walked off. We read it pretty often & he has it on his shelf.
I've had several talks with his daddy because he watches things like Indiana Jones & Superman with our son. He's starting to see my concern and seems to be making an effort to keep the tv on rated G stuff when the kids are awake. I have a cousin who has had 3 boys and says her boys have never talked about killing, she lives in the country too. It's embarassing and I really don't want to talk to my family. I'm not sure how normal this is. If I should be concerned. If I am doing something wrong or not.