My 3 year old says he loves the devil

I am a Christian. I have always been one as long as I can remember. My parents are religious and always talked to us about God and read the Bible to us. So I do the same. We attend church pretty regularly, we don't feel guilty if we don't go. There are no other kids at our church, just a few really old people and us. I like to listen to acapella Christian music, but not all the time, we listen to pop and country too. I grew up the oldest of 6 girls and really am not sure what is normal for boys. My son is very much a boy. He is very very hyper. From the moment he first saw a toy car he's loved them. My concern is because he talks alot about killing. We've explained to him that it's not appropriate. He says he wants to be a policeman when he grows up so he can kill bad people. Lately he has started changing that to take bad people to jail and kill bad animals, like wolfs trying to get him. Also, we have a lot of hunters in our family, even I used to, so we get a lot of deer meat. He has begun talking about wanting to kill animals and eat them. Yesterday when he went to take a nap and I told him to have sweet dreams he said he wanted to have scary dreams. That scary dreams are good and devils are good. Sometimes he says things like the Devil is sorry for being mean to God and is going to tell God and be in Heaven with us. This morning he went on a long story about something a dream maybe, I had a hard time understanding but I heard the phrase, "I had a picture of the devil" and then something else. Then my 2 year old daughter said, "No! The Holy Ghost is good and the devil is bad." Correcting him. He disagreed with her and got upset when I agreed with her. When I asked him if he knew that God loves him he said, "Not much though." So I talked to him and he seemed to resent the talk. I read some of his children's bible to him about Jesus being born and as a child. He seemed really interested and looked at the book long after I walked off. We read it pretty often & he has it on his shelf.
I've had several talks with his daddy because he watches things like Indiana Jones & Superman with our son. He's starting to see my concern and seems to be making an effort to keep the tv on rated G stuff when the kids are awake. I have a cousin who has had 3 boys and says her boys have never talked about killing, she lives in the country too. It's embarassing and I really don't want to talk to my family. I'm not sure how normal this is. If I should be concerned. If I am doing something wrong or not.

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Comments ( 135 )
  • newChristianmom

    I didn't expect to see so many sad posts. I expected that I'd get a little critisim, but surely didn't expect to see so many people downing God or rooting for the devil.

    I just want to say that my son is completely normal. After being a more seasoned mom (understanding him more when he speaks) and spending more time around other boys his age I see that it's completely normal for:
    1) a 3 year old to love everyone, especially if they love God and they've heard that God wants us to love everyone too. My own father reminded me of a time when he caught me laying on the bed daydreaming when I was about 6 years old. He asked me what I was thinking about and I told him that I was praying for the devil to love God, because I felt sorry for him not knowing what he was missing out on. So I think it's normal for a kid to want the devil to change and become a good guy.

    2) a boy who grows up in the country where killing and eating your own food is not only common, but necessary to look forward to the day when he gets to go hunting with his Papa.

    3) a child who has been read "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Jack and the Beanstalk" among other CLASSIC CHILDREN'S stories that tell of the bad character being killed, to think that bad guys are supposed to die when they hurt good people. So we talk about the moral of the story more than we used to.

    My son is sooo loving and makes me proud every single day or his awesome life. He tells me regularly that he loves God more than me or anyone else in this world and that makes me so proud of him. He is not going to grow up and become some detriment to society. In fact, I believe that he is an asset to our world.

    So many days I've read the responses and thought, "I wish I would have never written my story." I was so scared of not being a good mom that I was hoping anyone could give me some good advice. I came to the wrong place, for the most part.


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    • momndwifey

      This helped me so much. I too am a nervous mom scared and doubting myself as a mom but u r right and this ecouraged m so much. Praise God u wrote this. God has used it for good. :)

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    • cutiewutiewoo66

      i theach my children to worship the devil

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  • haleyxbailey

    i say move to a more kid friendly church. and contemporary services may make things more fun for him. and a sunday school where he can do fun stuff. as a small kid i always hated sitting in church and found it boring but i went to a church with a friend with a contemporary service and loved it and go to a church with one now
    good luck :)

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  • I dont think a 3yo could possibly the understand what the devil is and probably only likes his red suit and thinks hes another superhero

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  • Artanis186

    Atheism = ftw, though there is absolutely no point in tryin to convert you. Christians (no offense) are a pain in the ass and always thik that there IS a god, no questions asked, and they hate anyone that doesn't 100%% (exaggeratedly) agree with them.

    Perhaps it's not that he loves Satan, but he misunderstood. I'm sure you told him to love god, ad mentioned Satan somewhere around there. Maybe he couldn't comprehend and thought you said to love Satan. Hope this helps.

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  • themagpie

    okay first of all i'm athiest second lots of people have been saying *satanists* are evil... however the most common form of satanism is laveyan satanism. They believe that the ideas of god and the devil were created by normal people and so choose to worship themselves (i.e they will only do something is they benefit from it)the result they are incredibly selfish but not neccecrily evil. also the poster above is probably right plus christianity tries to force belifes on kids, and so the kids rebel.

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    • cutiewutiewoo66

      theistic satanism is the one where you worship the devil

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  • roxynringo

    This site is completely useless if people are going to post ignorant, uninformed posts that lack any insight or value whatsoever. I'm disgusted by the many posts blaming the parents for brain washing the child, or choosing the wrong religion. It's plain prejudice to believe that your chosen faith or lack there of is the "appropriate" one. Many people have been raised Christian and have turned out to be just fine. There are good and bad people of every denomination and just because something didn't work for you does not mean that it won't work for anyone else... how ignorant. Educate yourselves before you give such destructive advise. Here are parents looking for help. Do you think the child needs help from an EDUCATED professional or do you think this is a stage he is going through that he will grow out of?

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  • Fleabitten

    A lot of the comments on here are disrespectful. I may not be a Christian, but I never heard her say she was a fundie. Nor is she trying to brainwash her kid. According to her beliefs, the devil is the prince of evil, so of course it would frighten her if her son said he loved the devil. Her son said he wants to kill things--that would frighten ANY parent!

    Anyway, if I was you, I wouldn't make it a big deal. You're son is probably trying ot get your attention. That's why he became upset when you agreed with his sister.

    Lay off the religious talks for a while because you don't want to turn him off to that belief system. Keep the kiddy Bible around, though, and other things like that. Maybe he'll pick them. If he does so, try to engage him in a simple, pressure-free converstion.

    Reassure him that you love him. Don't react too strongly to his statements of loving the devil or wanting to kill things. He's still a baby and doesn't know what he's saying.

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  • lwinnchick

    your child just wants attention. 3 year olds are too young to get the concept of "the devil". she notices you get upset when she says it and she wants attention. sit her down and explain that it's not ok to say that, and if that doesn't work ignore her. shell get bored. shes just a toddler.

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    • cutiewutiewoo66

      it is ok to say that

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  • HowardMoon

    lol the kid has good taste haha

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    • BLAh81


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  • Jim_Pfoss

    A three-year-old has no thought in his head except what you put there. Take the TV to the dump and read for enjoyment for a few years. Right now, you are fouling your own nest, and jesus isn't going to help you.

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  • cjwright79

    Probably your 3 year old does not take a kind view of all the religiousity around him, and this whole Devil business is just his way of expressing that displeasure. Lay off the God a little and he may lay off the Satanism.

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    • Lehcar

      I agree with that commoment fully.

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    • dividedhighway

      i agree.
      that's probably the best thing to do
      and another good thing to do is stop shoving religion down his throat, he's obviously choking.

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      • secretguy25

        maby the kid just hates jesus

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        • busylady1234

          that is pretty harsh don't you think!!!

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          • RaNdOmPoPcOrN


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        • maby You need to Learn To Spell.

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          • strats

            Maybe* you should too.

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  • jimmy45333

    Agree with the person above, to an extent. As an atheist it's hard to look at this objectively, but the LAST thing you should do in this situation is disagree with him and force what you believe to be correct on him. Let him learn by example.

    I don't have to be religious to know that christianity promotes essentially good treatment of people (except non-believers and gays...), where as satanism doesn't, so if you continue to act in a good and christian way, your son will see what is right - hopefully.

    Now child is inherently good or bad, they learn entirely from their environment. So like the above poster, anything influencing him comes from you or people around him. He has been influenced in a negative way so influence him in a positive way.

    They key being influence, not tell or force. He needs to understand, not just be blindly told GOD = GOOD DEVIL = BAD.

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    • cutiewutiewoo66

      actually the rules of satanism say not to harm little children or animals not to kill unless its a matter of life or death and to not be predjudice (like christians are to gays and non-believers)

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  • ladyluck31

    Your kid going straight to hell....

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  • anddrei

    there is no god. stop torturing your children. let them be normal. ofcourse he loves "the devil",because he just hates the religion you are shoving into him. somehow he knows you are wrong :) smart kid

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  • redspark

    I think he is going to be possesed someday that behauver is not normal for any boy

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    • Beanhouse55


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  • Blackk2390

    Slap him with the bible

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    • StupidKidd95


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  • HawkEye1211

    You have a demon child, He's possessed and will kill your entire family. You need an exorcism.


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  • Lambent

    Cool kid. At least he has his own opinions and isn't completely brainwashed right now.
    I suggest you throw away the T.V.
    Set the bible aside and read some fun children's books to him with lots of illustrations. Children's stories usually have some kind of moral so they'll come in handy.

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  • jess8888

    He is just differnet , it doesn't mean he hates jesus just that he likes the oppersite of "normal" i don't think there is anything wrong with that :D

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  • hrhmarissa

    I have a four year old little brother who's a lot like your son. He says a lot of weird stuff too. Don't worry about it. Probably a lot of it is just some little thing he heard somewhere and then expounded upon with his imaginative little brain and he most likely just does it for attention. However I actually agree with his point of view. After all Jesus said love EVERYONE and I'm sure He loves even the devil. And the thing about saying he's sorry and coming to live in heaven is really an amazing thought. After all, the whole plan of happiness is that we come to earth to learn and we all mess up but then the atonement allows us to repent and come to live with Him again. Those who go to outer darkness only go because they had such freakin' big pride they refuse to repent. Now think how wonderful it would be if the devil gave up his pride and repented.

    As to the killing, at least it's killing bad guys. I don't think your son is cross wired at all. However you and I know that he shouldn't be thinking about killing at all. And although he'll probably grow out of it and it's not that big of a deal you should still work hard to teach him in his earliest years the difference between good and bad right and wrong true and false. For more info see this really amazing sight. but first you could read this page and then see what articles and audios from the last one would interest you

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  • try converting your whole family and yourself to Buddhism. its much healthier than fundamentalist Christianity and your kids will grow up to be normal people.

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    • icepeople

      Did she say she was a fundamentalist? No. And I very much disagree that Chriatianity is by nature, unhealthy. I agree that in many intances people have been doing terrible and even unhealthy things under the banner of Christianity, but if you study it's basic teachings(despite what many may have done otherwise) you may find that there is strong advocasy for remaining peaceful,even in times when being peaceful is the hradest.
      Christianity in itself is peaceful, but I will be the first one to say that there are so many of us Christians that truley need to re-learn that aspect.

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    • residentuvDOOM

      Hey, buddism isn't the best religon. I know some pretty fucked up ones too.

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    • ledzeppelin91

      the the stuppidest thing i've ever heard ..

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  • angelbaby1980

    Take him to a therapist. If he has oppositional defiance disorder or conduct disorder and you get him treatment now, you'll likely prevent him from developing antisocial personality disorder (i.e., becoming a sociopath) as an adult. Sociopaths are incurable. They never developed a conscience. You may also want to have the kid baptized. He may need spiritual support through this.

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    • Cutiewutiewoo666

      he should worship the devil like i do

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  • god hates your children plain and simple

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  • ABTchristianMoM

    I heard a comment up above about attending a more kid friendly church. That I think was great advice. If you live in an area where that is not an option maybe take drive to a city where there is a good sunday school program every other week or so. hope this helps. :)

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  • isitnormalsucks

    I find christians repulsive

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  • Cutiewutiewoo666

    christians are gay and fags and the devil is awesome and i dont like you at all i wish you were dead and i want to kill you and if people under 5 as much as mention killing people then they grow to be serial killers and they cut ear to ear smiles into their faces and you can stab people with a crucifix

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  • Beanhouse55

    I know this is ancient by now and probably no one will read this but that was an awesome story. The comments were mostly boring though- a lot of tldr, fundamentalist atheists, people giving good advice. Some of the one liners were pretty cool though. Really disappointed in the devil apologists. You steal all his thunder and that makes you real faggoat lolololol

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  • Riddler

    Alright this is an interesting question. First he says he wants to kill bad guys. Perhaps he believe bad people need to die since they have done wrong. This seems like a very simplistic view of the world and I could see where a child would develop it.

    Cops kill bad guys therefor they are protecting us. Now when he says the wolf he might have some fear that a wolf is going to eat him. If he was read something like little red riding hood he might think wolves are bad and they might try and eat him. So in order not to die he must kill them.

    If he was given the story I was about the devil the devil betrayed god and god disowned and banished him. Maybe he feels like the devil should be given another chance and he didn't mean to anger god.

    Also Indiana jones and superman are not bad. Indiana jones is an archaeologists and finds artifacts. Super man saves people. If your son says he wants to kill and eat animals and your family is full of hunters he is going to see that and think its normal. In reality our burgers come from a cow. Most people don't stop to think about it but that is the truth.

    I don't think im qualified enough to give you a very good answer though. Maybe try asking someone that is trained in child psychology.

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  • Suomiman

    The only problem here is you.
    You should allow your kids to choose a religion (or no religion) that they see as true and making sense. Dont choose for them. If your kid wants to be a satanist well, I see no problem.

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    • Beanhouse55

      Ya! I mean Jesus he's 3 years old! Let him have a life already!

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  • Avant-Garde

    My suggestion would be to try a more "peaceful" religion like Buddhism and taking your son to a therapist.

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    • Beanhouse55
      Two of countless references on the blessed peacefulness of Buddhism

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    There is no devil lol

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    • Beanhouse55

      There is no son olo

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  • nAt2017

    Perhaps he's merely trying to sort through his religious thoughts. He's still young. Give him some time.

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  • alexrobyyy

    He might be the Antichrist

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  • Narutofan

    He could be doing this if he does not like church. Sometimes young ones develop the cognitive ability to know how to get kicked out of things they dislike. He may also feel insecure. In his young mind, maybe he feels that many bad guys and animals will not cooperate by any Christian means so he is compensating for the insecurity by becoming a vigilante.

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  • skyrim

    I'll let you in on a little secret, there is no god

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    • Beanhouse55

      Ill let you in on a little secret: the fully initiate of every religion knows that *gasp*. One goes through stages of spiritual growth through the religious construct appropriate to time place culture and circumstance. "God" is a focal point. Any saint of any religion will tell you that. No god at the highest level of understanding was ever meant as an explanation of the natural world. But behind the cultural masks of all gods is to be revealed the great fill-in-the-blank after you've drowned your ego. Bah whatever you won't get it

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  • Nakkiel

    I think it is fairly normal. Our society values freedom over all, and in the watered down god vs satan story it can easily sound, especially to a child, like satan is the one fighting against an oppressive ruler for freedom. It is a subjective story to begin with, and leave out the parts where he wants humanity to suffer and it really does make him the good guy in the story. Its like leaving out the part of the american civil war where the south were slave owners, other than that all they were trying to do is secede from the union.

    As far as him talking about wanting animals to die, unless hes actually hurting animals or graphically talking about dismembering them I wouldn't worry too much. The media has a lot of violence, and you aren't going to completely keep influences like that away.

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  • FinDuMonde

    I think you should leave your little boy alone and let him follow Satan! He would be FAAAAR better off! Instead of shoving the bastard jesus down his throat, let his Satanist beliefs grow and prosper; he will have a much better life that way than what you are giving him with your christian bullshit! Give up your little bitch jesus and accept Satan yourself! You would be better off and so would your son. I accepted Satan when I was 11, wrote and performed my own dedication ceremony, and have been very happy ever since! I wouldn't change a thing (I'm TOTALLY serious about this, by the way). I am also one of the kindest and most humble persons in the world and wouldn't hurt a fly. Your son could be the same way. LET HIM ACCEPT SATAN!!! He's aligning himself with a fantastic God, while you yourself are following a total asshole loser of a "god."

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  • I think me and your 3-year old would get along lol.
    Btw, i read this book where a little boy talked and thought like that because he has major self esteem issues so maybe your son might have a bit of a low self esteem himself. He probaly doesn't mean the devil as literally as you think and it's more about him using it to project his feelings.

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    • Beanhouse55

      Ya I bet you'd get along. You could show him all the fun to be had without pants right. Be his little mentor right

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  • Mysterygirl1

    um...mayby stop him from watching too much t.v. because this can set a bad influence on little kids im a christian too.

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  • Duke

    Don't wanna tell you how raise your kid but I'd smack him in the mouth and tell him not to talk like that.

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  • XHaol

    Oh please... all these people trying to force religion... ok I'm sorry that was a little rough saying that, but if that's who he is, then that's who he is. You shouldn't love him any less for it. He's still your flesh and blood. Besides, he's 3 right? He has a long way to go in life. He probably barely understands the bible anyway.

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    • Beanhouse55

      Ya I agree. And I'm tired of parents forcing their language on infants and toddlers. Let them talk how they like! They're just expressing themselves. O and grooming and not shitting in your pants? What is this nazi germany? He's 3 years old! He clearly knows who he is and is struggling in your abusive brainwashing prison of a household. Hands off my ovaries!

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  • jean

    Your kid is my brother HAHAHA....

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    • Beanhouse55

      Your kid is my mother HAHAHA....

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  • Sean666

    HAIL SATAN!! That kid is going the left hand path! Let Lucifer guide his steps!

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  • Gidget

    dont convert your faith Christians rock! lol but neways its good that you teach your kids about faith but he is prollie just going through a phase alot of little kids like to say things to shock there parents example if u exposed your kid to bad words like alot of parents do i assume u dnt but he word say bad words for attention thats all it is he wants the shock factor to see how u react he knows the devil is bad prollie the only bad he knows kids learn how to get negative attention before they learn to get positive attention

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  • HickorySticks

    One day a 3 year old will say he loves bananas, the next the devil, and after that car rides. Its just a stage. Let it go.

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  • oddlyenough

    People above are being the intolerant ones, not catholics. Plenty of religions have things in them that one needs to take in faith. That's what religion is, idiots. Besides, Christianity in general, Catholicism in particular post Vatican two, has become a leading voice for the poor and marginalized in society. Actually the Vatican wrote a document called rerun nevarum, about the rights of workers in Europe during the industrial revolution. I've read comments about how Catholicism is intolerant towards non believers and homosexuals, when honestly they aren't. Try reading a document called Nostra aetate. Catholics view sex purely as a tool to procreate, and both heterosexuals and homosexuals are expected to behave as such, ie no sex until marraige. Since man and man and woman and woman cannot procreate, they are expected to remain abstinent. Most religions are all based off othe same principles, and common threads can be found through all of them. They advocate community service, helping those in need, and forgiveness. Most of the injustices one hears about today in regards to religion, like the caste system in India, and the discrimination of women in the middle east, are a result of twisting the religion to excuse and condone their actions. Moreover, those above me who are negatively commenting on religion give the impression of ignorance. Oddly enough, I have no claims to any religion in particular, but attend a catholic high school. As to the three year old, he's three. Don't worry about his soul until he's old enough to fully understand the concepts of your religion. And even then, remain patient and understanding. Ultimately it's his decision to make, not yours.

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    • Beanhouse55


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  • rebel2010

    Three-year-olds have an over active imagination and love to shock. Your three-year-old is testing the boundaries of his world.

    Personally Lucifer is a nice guy if you get to know him. Jesus is too focussed on pain and misery. I can see why small children would find Lucifer more interesting than boring old Jesus.

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    • Beanhouse55

      Lucifer son of Venus?

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  • bunnylittletreetrunk

    jim_pfoss is right on. YOU AND NO ONE ELSE ARE SOILING YOUR OWN NEST. You can't have a serious conversation with a 3 year old about very much. You have to keep it simple. You'll have time to worry about his accepting God later on in his life, and if you are truly a Christian & have read your Bible, you know that no child is going anywhere but to heaven b/c they are innocent. Leave the child alone.

    Do you remember the story of the garden of Eden? Adam and Eve were innocent until they learned of good and evil. Stop sullying your child's innocence with concepts like God/Devil. Children are afraid of the dark as it is without thinking about the principalities. When you go into worship, your children should go into a church nursery or a children's church. If your church doesn't have these, I suggest you look for one that does b/c I have a feeling that you go to a preachy teachy hell fire and brimstone church & it's probably damaging that kid's mind to sit there and listen to someone you look up to talk about God and Satan and Hell and death and sin and cruxifiction and all of that stuff for what? an hour?

    My son couldn't even sit still for 10 minutes when he was 3. I almost even doubt this is a real post, b/c 3 year olds don't pay attention to a crazy mother when she is rambling on about her own security in her salvation, which is what is going on her. You are making your problems your childs. So, back to Jim Pfoss. He is right.

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  • ReaperAJ

    The advice started off really good on here and then a little down the way it went skew with the OMG's and GET HIM HELP! ODD!!! ADD!!! POSSESSION!!! OMFG! Get real people. This child is NORMAL! As a few posts mentioned at the top of this thread, most little boys are drawn to violence - normal, it's a male thing to hunt, survive and protect, something primitive that's prevalent in all of us no matter how civilised we are. As for the devil thing, I'm sure he's just pushing your buttons - testing the boundaries as all toddlers do, or repeating something he saw or heard somewhere and has twisted a little due to his lack of ability to fully understand what he has picked up. Please don't go the "your child is disturbed route". When you find him killing animals in the basement and pulling the wings off flies, then maybe you have a little Dahmer on your hands or a Damien perhaps (still that concept doesn't resonate with me as I'm as atheist as they come).

    Having said that, my kids do attend Sunday School as I believe in giving them choices and for now I will give them a fair taste of Christianity until they decide it's not right for them and turn away or convert to something else that suits them, it's their choice. However, I don't believe in forcing it on them or going overboard. The bible is a good teaching mechanism for good ethics - but to bible bash your 3 yr old is torturous and far too in depth to expect him to understand it all to perfection.

    My son is now 10 and trust me, he's told me all sorts of nonsense from the time he could talk, from the devil whispering to him and telling him to hit his sister, to him telling me that the devil said he must kill me just recently when he was cheesed off with me because he didn't get his way. There are times some of the stuff he says sends chills down my spine as I think "OMG Dahmer" and then I bring myself back to reality and realise he doesn't do other troubling things such as the basement and killing kittens thing and I accept that he's just getting my goat. He has gone through a whole range of stages from killing the bad guys and being a cop to wanting to be 'gansta' and steal cars for a living. It's just their imaginations and what they are subjected to around them. I have switched off all access to MTV and so on now so he is not exposed to that sort of thing and I also keep a check on what cartoons they watch as some of those things are frankly troubling and send out a message of violence to developing minds.

    The way I deal with this sort of behaviour is to just sit down calmly and talk to him when he acts up. I appeal to his conscience - sometimes when you reverse rolls with children it's easier to make them see your point of view or to feel more empathetic towards the side they are acting out against.

    Furthermore, although I don't personally have issues with hunting for survival - I do believe that young children shouldn't be exposed to it until they are of an age that the

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    • Beanhouse55

      I can see you really care

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  • Grymlocke

    He loves the devil?

    That is really really adorable. The boy is more godly than any pastor I ever knew...well minus the killing stuff, but I doubt he really understands the implications of murder at this stage in his life.

    Think about it. If he loves the devil honestly in that innocent way that only a child can, do you think the devil could have any power over the boy since the devil's power is traditionally rooted in hate?

    Most likely what it is is the boy has a very optimistic view on the world where everything has a fairy tale happy ending, where even the devil turns out to be one of the good guys in the very end. It only reflects the goodness that is within your son...It probably wont last when he hits puberty.

    For now, unless he actually starts to go Damien on you, just let him enjoy his innocence.

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    • Beanhouse55

      Killing is good too. He just wants them to go to heaven

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    • Grymlocke

      Also I like to add, that the devil does get a receive a lot of bullshit about being evil. Ever read the Old Testament? God does a lot of messed up things. If you were to asses God's psychological profile you would find that he has a lot in common with Kim Jon Ill .

      The devil is only allegedly evil. Innocent until proven guilty in the court of law.

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  • stevenmichaelcollett

    Wow you christians are fucked up in the head! Superman? Indiana Jones evil? what the fuck is wrong with you? OMG! As in Oh my goddamn!!! I mean the kid is a boy and no shit he's gonna like satan because the bible says he is evil and duh!!!!!! Like little boys like evil things, well and gross things. Maybe its faze or maybe we have a new satanist on our hands either way let the kid be a kid let him grow up and if he so chooses to be a satanist who fucking cares!! Christians need to get a life anyway.

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  • Alquen

    I'm sorry, but I find this extremely hilarious.

    This is the reason why I don't agree with teaching children (especially that young) about religion. How would he have come to that decision if he knew nothing about god or the devil? He wouldn't. All he knows is what you and other people tell him, and at that age kids are very rebellious so it's not really too surprising that he's acting that way.

    Also, it's not unusual for young boys to like talking about killing things.

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    • Beanhouse55

      You should be sorry and your apology is not accepted

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  • Katy5543

    Let your kid belive what he wants to belive besides he three years old. Just leave him alone already if he likes the devil then fine. I don't know how your right etheir really all this 'God is great' stuff it's just a belief. You can't 'force' your child to beleive stuff just let him do what he wants.

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    • Beanhouse55

      Ya he's three. Let him have a life. I'm sure he's got kids of his own and you're still trying to mother him. That's just morbidly obese

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  • screamtillyoudie

    Stop trying to convert people?

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  • firedude66

    Start worshipping the Devil...once your son sees you doing it, he will automatically rebel and turn to god. Then you will live happily ever after in a candy house with unicorns who fart rainbows every morning.

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    • IveGotBallsOfSteal


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  • IveGotBallsOfSteal

    Give him a guitar and let him rock the world lol. he's three. Don't start pulling that weird thinking hes possessed bullshit. he'll hate you for it and probably be like the red dragon when he grows up.

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  • wwalkingwolfw

    your son is 3. he's got hearing a lot of different things but isn't capable of knowing what it all means. he's just taking what he sees and hears around him and putting it all together, verbalising it. it means nothing. at his age, and depending on his i.q. as well, he might not know what he's talking about, who satan actually is, what his goal is on earth. trash the t.v. it's not good for anyone nowadays.

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  • bboy765


    He has great ideas- follow the leader- KoRn

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  • drileyn

    Wow there are a lot of comments. So who knows if anyone will read this.
    Anyway, while I haven't finished my Psych. degree yet, I have studied a little bit on child development. A behaviorist Psychologist might say that the boy likes the results of when he says these things. In another words perhaps it is not solely about killing or Satan, but instead is about the attention he gets when talks about these undesirable topics. Perhaps if you ignored him when he talks about these topics it would go away.

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    • Beanhouse55

      Have you considered the possibility that you're gay

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  • 1 thing so say (why u worried) ??????

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  • Punk4Life

    I would be extreemly concerend but not because of the talk of killing people or animals the devil thing is not anything that iv ever heard. I mean in a chrisian home, a child actually being attracted to satan is verry strange when i was a boy i always said that i hated satan and the fact that he said thaat he hopes he has bad dreams is kinda scary id suggest a therapist or counsler

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  • To be honest, I was like that as a kid too. My parents never put religion on me, but the world did. This is why no one should teach religion, and we can be happy, worldly people. Yay!

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    • Beanhouse55

      Ya why don't people with religions stop shoving them down the throats of people without religion so people without religion can shove atheism down religious people's throats

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  • SquareWheel

    I agree with Jimmy above. Never force these ideas on your children. He may very well just be looking for a response from you. He's three years old, not a psychopath.

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    • Beanhouse55

      Which are you a three year old or a psychopath?

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  • maya617

    i'm not even gonna try reading all these comments made, too much of them.
    this is what i think: your son is 3 years old, which makes him totally impressionable. obviously he didn't come up with this devil stuff on his own. he probably heard something or saw something that made a lasting impression on him. could even be your pastor in church mentioning the devil all the time in his sermons or something.
    i'm not christian, i'm an athiest myself. but you really shoud watch what you say and what is said around your child, don't let him watch shows with any violence in them, and stop mentioning the devil around him.
    another thing, u say your family are hunters, so why are u surprised that he sais he wants to kill animals? u obviously do. children respond to their enviorement, its perfectly natural. u should make sure his enviorement is positive in all ways.

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  • subway12345

    mabye you should try to encourage him to read the childrens bible and make up like superhero stories
    about god d jesus and tell him how great he was.

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  • Just_wanted_to_post

    jesus christ people, it's a fraking 3 year old kid. he's perfectly's only in america i see people getting worried over the slightest weirdness in other people. and what's funny this "weirdness" i s actually pretty normal. give the kid time. in a few days or weeks he'll be talking about something else entirely

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  • CalamityBullet

    its too late. son of the devil that is...

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  • olivia82

    Tell him that wolves are good. Tell him it's ok to hunt or even be a vegatarian. Tell him that we are at war. Tell him that a long time ago the devil didn't exist.

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  • StupidKidd95

    good kid.

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  • MissTrademark2317

    Explain to our little boy that the devil is a very bad "man" and he does bad things to good people. You should pray for him, and yes, talk to family about it. Someone is giving him these kinds of influences. I've never heard anything like this before. My little brother was very concerning when he was young, but not to this extent. If it does not get better in the next year or year in a half and is not just a phase, then seek some counceling for him. Maybe he should be professionally evaluated. Ask him if someone has been telling him these kinds of things. A person at daycare? A family friend's child or someone who has him alone? A babysitter? Good luck on that, I'll be praying for that one.

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  • Nefarius

    How can there be good without evil? If you believe in god you have to believe in the devil, too. How can you explain otherwise that we don´t have heaven on earth? Is your god a bad one? So, if she loves the devil she just chose one side of your religion that is as important as the other one. But anyway, just believe me, there is no god and no devil and if you would not have brought god into play, she would not care about the devil!

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  • faithgrowslove

    You poor mommy. Why are so many people who supposidly are not interested in God, nor chrisianity wasting their time talking about a topic they supposidly don't believe in? It's amazing how veheminately a person will deny God and Christ. If you don't believe, why talk about it??? Live your life, move on, ignore us.
    Mommy, as a true follower of Christ, I suggest you go to the Bible. Don't let ANYONE tell you what to do. Let God. He will show you. The Bible has ALL our answers. Truly they are all there. Pray and fast. No this is not good and you know it. You don't need to post something on this site to ask others what they think. your spirit already told you. Have faith. Trust your gut. You know what you have to do already. I know you do! God knows your heart and He knows your little boys heart. Pray!

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  • Zombiegamer

    Dont worry about it, im sure the super devil just gave him some of his marmalade.

    You should fear him as he is atleast 6 inches taller than the regular devil and rides on his badapass flying hog!

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  • Brasileira

    I'm not saying you do this, since you're son is so young... but if this really concerns you you might want to monitor the types of entertainment your son is into (ex. video games, tv shows, movies, music, magazines, etc. I know kids as young as your son who sit glued to the tv all day... not that you let him, of course).

    As for him saying Satan would be with God because he was sorry, I can kinda sympathize. When I was little, it was very confusing to me to hear things like "Jesus loves everyone. So should you." Little kids hear that and they start to think "Well, shouldn't I not hate Satan?" He's too young to understand the concept of good and evil. Give it time. Keep telling him the difference between right and wrong, don't focus it so much on God vs. Satan. Eventually, he'll realize what's going on.

    As for the violence, part of it I think is just part of being a little boy. Another part is kinda disturbed that your kid fantasizes about killing animals and "bad people". Again, I'm not trying to offend you, but that's a warning sign of serial killers. They start out killing animals. Maybe send your kid in for some therapy.

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  • oldandhappy123

    uh yea plain and simple your kid is possessed you need an exorsism

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  • MooiePop

    Your child is being manipulated and possessed by the devil!! Throw it out and try for a better one.

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  • Lehcar

    haha, satan isn't real!

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  • your kid's probably doing it because he knows it makes you mad, so just ignore it and he'll stop

    It's like, about the same as a kid thinking the bad guys in a movie are cooler than the good guys. In fact that's exactly what it is.

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  • candid

    This is very interesting actually. He sounds like a free thinking little boy, and very sure of himself which is kind of cute, even though I'm not an atheist or a devil worshipper or anything.

    But I think if it wasn't for you and your church he probably would not have even heard of the devil in the first place, and his ideas about killing probably also came from things you exposed him to, although I have heard similar things said by other little boys of all backgrounds.

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  • sepia

    Spawn of Satan

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  • bdsmboy

    i used to be religous because of my grandma who was evangelical when i was about 6 i said the same this may be a bit extreme but she showed me some pretty fucked up images of the devl ripping people limb from limb and went in to extreme detail of how it all happens and what would happen if i continues to like the devil which scared the shit out of me at the time(although at the time i was also scared of edward sicsor hands) and i wouldnt even mention the devil after which now im athiest and im basically back to the way i was headbanging to a bit of old iron maiden (which is seen as evil)

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  • illbethejudgeofthat97

    Your child might be confused. It sounds as if he loves God very much so and wants to please Him. I would suggest reading more of his children's Bible to him and taking him to see a Christian child psychologist or to meet with someone from the church. That would probably be best. Whatever you do, don't take him to get secular help. He needs the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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  • icepeople

    Keep teaching him about your faith. He is still very young and has alot of growing up to do. Also understand that it's natural for young boys to be a little aggressive, and some are more aggressive than others. Just be there for him and be consistant when he starts to stray from the right path, and be patient, understanding; be loving, but restrain him appropriatly when you feel you need to. Sooner or later it will all sink in and he will become a good man.
    And another thing. Don't listen to those guys who tell you to 'not shove religion down his throat.' They have absolutely no right to make that call. He is YOUR family and he is three years old. Your faith is a part of your life and the life of your family. Teaching him your faith and taking him to church is something that your family does together and is a part of your lives together. No one has the right to tell you to cut that part short. When he is older he will make his own decision anyway and when that time comes and he decides he wants to continue in that faith then so be it.

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  • raafi

    A 3 years says he loves the devil?
    good boy!

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  • activecatcow

    Take that boy to church. Satan is all over that boy.
    you should get him an exorcism.

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    • gorillaz_09

      No that is most definately not the thing that should be done in this case - Exorcism is an unbiblical outdated practise. Read the New Testament all Jesus did to exorcise demons was pray over the person and command them to leave, He gave his disciples and therefore us, full authority over evil spirits and sickness and disease therefore if we encounter any of these (and it is not likely the case in this scenario) then all we need to do is believe with all our hearts, souls and minds that Jesus has the authority and command the spirit, sickness etc in Jesus name to leave the person!!

      I respect that you may have your own beliefs in this regard but please confine your advice to fellow believers of this archaic exercise!

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  • Spritzy

    Kids who are growing up with Bible-crazed, God-crazed parents end up rebelling at some point in their life.

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    • Beanhouse55

      Someone didnt pay very close attention...

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  • busylady1234

    omg!!! i saw a show about this i think it was one of the haunting shows. that is so not normal for a kid to talk about such things. my son always says how much he loves jesus and he goes to church every sunday and attends a really good school that teaches about christ. not to be judgemental because i would be embarrased as well if i were in your shoes. but honestly i would seek help from a priest. this could be a sign of the beginning stages of possession. i hope everything works out for you and your family because that is really scary especially if he is talking about killing things like he gets an enjoyment out of it which is not normal what so ever. i will pray for you and your child.

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    • Cutiewutiewoo666

      your sons a faggot so are you and i teach my duaghters to worship the devil

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  • Ninebitacid

    Maybe you and everyone else on here should learn more about Satanism. I'm not a Satanist, but it isn't about murder and devil worship. It's about believing that you can be your own god, and not have to believe that a virgin got fucked by jesus and a talking snake told a naked guy to eat an apple.

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    • Beanhouse55

      A triumph of your local education system clearly

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  • missmeow

    Kids should not learn religion. It's brainwashing them because they don't understand. You can teach good and bad without holding god and heaven over their heads.
    Lay off the religion and let him grow up and decide for himself where his faith lies. If you leave him alone about it he will probably grow bored and passed it

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  • Eljanco

    The best kids to ever exist are those who know the devil is god. Now, that is a good kid. And you do not let him see superman, to me you are a bad mom. 6666666666666666666666666666666

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  • Niehil

    That kid is a genius, the devil is not evil, only misunderstood, and maybe he's a little Demented, but that's cool, he'll make a great adult, not putting down children with free thought. Like you're doing to your children by limiting the information they intake.

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    I would strongly advise trying to continue your brainwashing of this boy. He obviously knows that there is more to what you are telling him. My father is a pastor, and my family tried to brainwash me as well, but at about 15, I realized that there are WAY too many cracks in faith for it to be even slightly provable. IF YOU CONTINUE TO BRAINWASH YOUR HIGHLY GIFTED CHILD, YOU WILL PAY THE ULTIMATE PRICE. He sees through your lousy lies, and WILL CORRECT YOU when he is older. He doesn't have the resources yet to prove you wrong, or to humiliate you, but once he finds science, you will suffer for trying to make an intelligent person waste their time with irrelevant delusions. I am 20 now, and I DO NOT respect my parents for failing so miserably at life. You will not succeed. Remember this post.

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  • jackyen97

    Well Ma'am you have a little goth on your hands.. my brothers a goth if you need help with anything to stop him please message me.

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  • fuckallyalls


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