My 13 year old sister needs help

My younger sister is really down about this and I want to help her out. Please give me advice!

My sister is 13 years old and like me, is a prolific reader. She LOVES reading historical novels especially about the tudors, Henry the Eighth and his wives in particular. More specifically she likes books by Jean Plaidy, Emily Purdy or Phillipa Gregory. She takes these books to school and she thinks the kids are whispering about her taste in books.
I'm scared for her because she has got a lot of the problems I had in school and she reads my historical novels that I have for college (which I also enjoy) and I don't want her to suffer like I did. But she doesn't want me to help at all, she's having a terrible time. Please help me help her!

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Comments ( 21 )
  • aaa83

    I can't find anything wrong with her... She sounds intelligent girl... Please leave her alone... She's much better that a lot in her age....

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  • icanhascheezburger

    Could buy her a kindle or a nook and get those books on it, then she could read whatever she wanted to without anyone knowing what's on it; just a suggestion.

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  • emilydoll

    She sounds smart! Leave her alone!

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  • green_boogers

    She's exercising her intelligence because it makes her feel better than relating to her moron classmates.

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  • rawr:3

    dont change just get her into different books like cir do freak or fun intesting book she wont be teased about my oppinon

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  • polkadot101

    Good job that she is a amazing reader! My friend has a book cover that is like a little case for the book so all you can see is the book cover and it will probably work

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  • Albamq

    Are you sure you are not talking about my sister? She is that way too!! And to be honest it also drives me nuts!

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    • everlily76

      really? haha it does me a bit too but im proud shes so smart

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  • ghebby

    LOL WUT?
    Tell the kids to STFU and stop being jealous of your smartass sister.

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  • InsertBlankHere

    WTF, is this a joke? There's nothing wrong with reading. There are so many idiots in the world that don't.

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  • Legion

    Sges just doing what she likes. It is hard to deal with people who make fun of you for that. I read a lot, and i had problems with bullying up to high school. I used to get in trouble alot in high school, even with a couple of teachers, over stuff like that. (for the record, it wasnt just reading, I loved to ask questions and talk alot, and that pissed off a lot of people as well). Some people are intimidated by people who are smart.

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  • bleach_baby

    Tell her not to take the books to school.

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  • destiny.94

    Let her be who she wants to be.

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    • everlily76

      im not saying she should stop reading the books. im really impressed with her reading level at her age. if anythins im encouraging her. its just i know how bad it can get....

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  • georgienne

    I don't know what you went through, but that would help.
    If she's thirteen she's nearing highschool and it's likely no one will be interested in trading someone over books. Then it's only a short while and she's off to college where, without book knowledge, you're not only uncool but screwed. :p

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  • DannyKanes

    WTF are you going on about?

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  • Shes got a problem because shes reading a diferent style of books from others her age? -sigh- people will tyr find problems in everything nowadays wont they.

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    • everlily76

      yeah i know they even did it when i was at school. What's the world coming to?

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  • everlily76

    thank you guys! you are all right she's a really smart girl and I do try to keep out I really do but it's difficult seeing her so down. I was actually thinking about buying her a e-reader or something like that for her birthday next month, I just bought a jean plaidy and she asking me if she can borrow it already! I picked her up yesterday from school and she was a bit pale, I asked her what was up and she was very evasive is all. I want to know how to help her be happy at school.

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  • jensapa

    I think u should just keep an eye on her an only step in if u think she is in real trouble.

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  • If she won't actively allow you to help her, the most you can do is try to keep a subtle close eye on her and be there for whenever she needs somebody to talk to.

    Make sure she knows that she is loved and that her taste in books is perfectly fine, that the other kids are simply being immature and mean.

    I can see from the fact you posted on this site, that you care a lot for your sister and I'm sure she will be just fine, with such a caring and conscientious sister. :)

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