My babies are lizards not stupid drooling human baby blobs!!!!!

OKAY, i have just been DYING to say this: i love lizards and frogs an stuff, or just animals in genereal. i don't how people deal with those sweaty messy globs called babies. UCK! i can't help it! i am completely dedicated to animals. i have never been into princesses and that mumbo jumbo all my life. AND I'M EMOTIONALLY ATTCHED TO OBECTS! i love dragons. they are not mean! i would get shot in the heart to save an animal.
i want to make a difference. everyone hates reptiles!! I LOVE THEM WITH ALL MY POWER!!! I WILL PROTECT WHAT I LOVE!!!!! i hate babies, i LOATHE babies. I DESPISE babies!!!! and the thought of being pregnant makes me sick. and goochi- gooing
a pregnant person makes me all irked and want pass out. on the other hand, i goochy goo my preggy gecko all the time. i don't care about all you psycho paths who hate animals. if you feel the same way about animals, or a phyciatrist, please, TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!!!!!!!!!

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46% Normal
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Comments ( 18 )
  • Shrunk

    I like all animals too... reptiles, amphibians are so cute! I hate bytches who are like EWW A SNAKE , hey it's cuter than a fat pregnant lady, right... I mean if some1 wants to have a baby that's fine, but it's nothing beautiful, it's not a fukn miracle to be preg. so why attract all attention to themself?? but it is so cute when animals are preg, because they are so selfless, they will do everything to prepare for their baby without whining ''ohhh the pain ohhh could you do this and that for me'' babies are kinda gross and boring, but after 1 year when they start to become independant, it's kinda cool
    there is nothing wrong with u :))

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  • The_Drummer1281

    Your pretty close minded to think everyone hates reptiles. Ive got a room in my house just for all my reptiles. Babies are not for everyone but i dont see how anyone can refer to them as blobs, you were once one too and now your just a complaining blob

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  • Babel

    i dont think your normal but i do agree with you, kinda. babies (people ones) can be VERY annoying and sometimes they even get on my nerves for no reason at all. and i personally find baby animals a lot cuter (like kittens, baby bunnies, etc.). and i think reptiles are cool too, i dont hate em but i guess i'm not obsessed with them like you either

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  • Mutt22

    I love animals too and esp have a soft spot for the reptiles. Currently my only reptile is a Crested Gecko but I've had green anoles and other species of geckos, I would love to house more reptiles but I don't have the space yet and I'd have a snake if I had my own place by now -_- I simply love the scaley creatures.

    However I don't agree with your hatred of babies. Like everyone else said you were once a baby and well babies can't help being babies sure they can be messy and annoying at times but they can't help the way they are. And besides babies usually grow out of it at one point or another.Though I agree most other baby animals have a more cuter appeal then a human baby, maybe if babies had fur XD.But yeah that's my opinion but I still don't hate/dislike them.

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  • alexskc

    I think everyone I know is like that...

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    ..And yet a story/post like THIS makes it onto the site but mine doesn't. Awesome. This isn't retarded or anything.

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  • BoredGuy

    cool story bro. go fck a lizzard, let us know what type of mutant that will produce

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  • XxDanixX

    Not evryone hates reptiles but pleasee, its not right to talk about babies like dat

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  • saxyme5689

    i love all animals apart from spiders and i think your normal but i also like babys and couldnt live without my little or big sister so you are normal but lots of people like reptiles actually

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  • MajorKusanagi

    I would say its not normal, but I feel the same way. Love animals, think they're adorable, love reptiles and amphibians (used to want to be a herpetologist), and think babies are pooping, crying, balls of responsibility and not very appealing. It doesn't matter if you used to be a baby, she's not now and hasn't been for a long time and can't help if she doesn't enjoy them.

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  • Enizzle

    Who let this wino stumble into the library to spew a bunch of pro lizard anti baby propaganda? Have another one and shut the hell up.

    I'd also lime the 12 seconds it took me to write this back, as that's time I could've used to either flip through 5 channels on tv or get 7 strokes into a masturbation session.

    Oh, and fuck lizards.

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  • idontthinkimnormal

    Well, I have lizards and cats and dogs and rats as pets- I love animals. That's normal. And I feel attachment to them- sometimes more than humans. So that part is normal, too. What is not normal is hating babies- perhaps you saw something that traumatized you about the facts of life?

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    • MahBoi24

      Seriously? It's perfectly normal to dislike babies! I know quite a few people who don't like babies at all. They're disgusting, at least in my viewpoint. Yeah, for the most part people seem to think they're "cute", but not EVERYONE has to like babies. And it's a wonderful thing there are people like the OP. Society as a whole seems to favour babies rather than animals, so it's about fuckin' time that there are more people who care more about animals, especially animals that many people don't find "cute". But seriously, lizards are adorable in my book!!!

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  • alv1592

    What are obects? I love animals too..but I also love kids and want some of my own someday. You were a baby once. You know that, don't you?

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    • MahBoi24

      ...and your point is?? Gotta love wannabreeder logic.

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      • alv1592

        just one time, you were what you call a "stupid drooling human baby blob." It's okay to have no desire to have children, but you're a bit over the top.

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        • MahBoi24

          You still make no valid point. You sound like a retard when you mention our having been babies at one point. Being a baby and disliking babies when you're an adult are completely different. Typical breeders.

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  • Hmm, nothing wrong with loving the animals, but maybe slightly obbsessive? As for hating the babies... And getting ill over pregnant mothers? I'm pretty sure thats not quite right. I'll have to agree with an above comment that this may be induced by some trauma relating to babies, perhaps forgotten about or surpressed, or maybe even with no distinguishable link. Either way, it's nothing to get too worried about, however, if you ever did decide to have a child with someone, or became pregnant some other way, i'd advise seeing a doctor as soon as you could, and asking about the possibilitys for therapy ect.

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