My best friend goes into intense detail about her sex life

And I mean IMMENSE detail. She sends pharagraphs upon pharagraphs about what her and her boyfriend do in bed. From the positions down to quoting the exact words they extange. I am a virgin and I have never had these types of talks with anyone. So this is all kinda new to me. Is this normal girl talk between two girls supposed to be? Also why is it lowkey kinda akward/uncomfortable to hear about this? Please help!!

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Comments ( 8 )

    I'll ber most of it is hype. You should try changing the subject and if that doesn't work just tell her you don't want to hear it. Other than that if it really bothers you, you may have disown her as a friend.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Yeah its weird. Usually chics will just comment on the dudes dick size or something and thats all the details they share

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  • kikilizzo

    I dont think that's normal. Only person I ever knew who did that was a tranny, so a man really with other words, who for some reason tried really hard to befriend me out of nowhere. That person would always talk in detail about their sex life and i'd just sit there like... okay... Until I just ghosted one day.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Do people think what they do in the bedroom somehow makes them special?

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Just tell her that it makes you uncomfortable. Why does she even think her best friend wants to hear that shit anyway? Lol

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    That's not normal lol.

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  • kelili

    No, I would not lie and say that I've never talked about sex but I've never went into those details. Or if I have happened to go into details I do not mention the name of the person I've done it with. And it's been years since I've last talked about sex with a friend.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Plenty of women talk about sex more often and in more detail than a lot of men. It may surprise you due to lack of experience but it doesn’t sound out of the ordinary to me.

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