My best friend's son is 8 yrs old and obese
He weighs 99lb and is a normal height for an 8 year old boy. He looks VERY overweight. His parents are in total denial that he has a health problem and every time I try to get him active he gets winded. He's obsessed with always getting food. Sometimes I take him out places alone and people give him looks. His mom gets mad if I try to discuss health (she is also obese and I'm really in shape). I haven't directly said anything about the boys weight to her yet out of fear of how she'll react. What should I do?
Nothing! The mom will never listen to you and it's not your place. | 10 | |
Try to spend more time with the boy and show him healthy habits by example | 12 | |
Tell the mom she has to do something or her son will die young or get diabetes etc | 12 | |
Other, please comment on your thoughts | 4 |