My bf push me down stairs
He was joking but the stairs was marble and i split on my head and broke tail bone, in hospital 2 weeks, he apologized but only come to the hospital once said it was my fault for not holding the railing
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He was joking but the stairs was marble and i split on my head and broke tail bone, in hospital 2 weeks, he apologized but only come to the hospital once said it was my fault for not holding the railing
yall should have him wheel yall outta the hospital in yalls wheelchair and orchestrate an elevator accident
Lol. Please be a troll oh please be a troll! How does this guy have a girlfriend and I don't!
I do hope he's not still your boyfriend. It's not joking to push someone down stairs and an apology blaming you is bullshit.
You deserve better.
Ask him if his next attempt at slapstick humour will involve shoving you in front of a bus or tipping you over the guardrail of a bridge.
If the guy is older than twelve, he's either very immature or pushing you down the stairs was the result of a subconscious urge to hurt you. Whichever it is, you'd be better off without him.