My boss took all my vacation days from next year so i have nothing

I got sick and our policy is if you have any covid symptoms, you can't come in for 14 days. I only had four vacation days left. We only get 10 days (two weeks) a year and we're not allowed to take unpaid. I already used six because of doctors appointments and for other personal reasons.

I had four left until February 2021 because I get ten days from the day I started work. We get them given to us upon our anniversary of our start date every year.

I got sick really sick and I told my work. They said quarantine for 14 days I'm not allowed in. I went and got tested on the fourth day so now I had zero vacation days left to use. I didn't have covid but my work said you need to quarantine for 14 total because that's the policy if we have covid symptoms even if we test negative. I said my fever is gone now and my sickness is going away I have no vacation days left to use. They said they will have to take it from next year so they took 10 days from me for next year so now I don't get any day off until February 2022. I went back in asked if I could just take unpaid they said no so now it's going to be a year and a half until I can get a day off.

Is this normal? I work six days a week at this place so as it is I only get one day off a week. Not having any day off for a year and a half seems harsh

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Comments ( 9 )
  • CDmale4fem

    I would suggest calling your state labor board and ask about it. The Covid stuff kind of overrules everything else and also we hear of so many false positive tests. Go get tested again.

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    • RoseIsabella

      This is the BEST comment! 🙂👍🏻

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  • I work six days a week at 65 hours, I know how it feels

    Is it possible to find a different employer? I really couldn't say anything about the legality of what they're doing, but there are supposed to be protections and stuff. Maybe you could talk to a lawyer

    Do you know what their hang up is on unpaid absence? Seems silly in this case. A new job might be better in general

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  • my_life_my_way

    It’s normal in most parts of the world where people can’t just be demanding days off as they feel like it. People in first world countries have become work shy.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      The US is the only first world country where it's legal to do something like this. Most give 5-7 weeks vacation for all jobs, not ten days. The US uses people.

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  • Aethylfritha

    Sounds bogus.
    I had to call off at my job cause im sick and have chronic illbess. The store manager tried to guilt me snd im luke " listen want me to call your boss and tell them you want sick people to come in during covid?? "

    He shut the hell up fast.

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  • SwickDinging

    Find a new job. Seriously. Life is too short to work for assholes like this.

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  • have_a_good_day

    Nigga you stupid. How yo ass only go get tested on da 4th day after yo symptoms started?

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  • jethro

    Well they found a way to give you a pay and for you to not lose your job. Be happy that they at least tried. But you can always quit. There are people out there that don't get vacations at all.

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