My boyfriend has toys.
Ok so Im dating this new guy and he has toys. Not like grown up toys like little kid toys Starwars, batmans crap like that. He keeps them in this closet in the hallway. I was watching my nephew for the weekend so I took him to my BFs house and there was nothing to do so I let him play with my BFs toys. God that sounds so weird. Anyway he opened them and played with them for a little while it was fun. My bf came home from work and well he wasn't happy. He wasn't mad but he was I don't know like disappointed that I let my nephew open them. They're fucking toys! thats what they're for!. It's like who the fuck cares. its weird enough he has this closet full of unopened toys. Like he never opened them as a kid or something. I didn't even know they were there. Im tempted to just give them to goodwill. He hasnt really said much else about it but I mean is that weird or what?.