My boyfriend has toys.

Ok so Im dating this new guy and he has toys. Not like grown up toys like little kid toys Starwars, batmans crap like that. He keeps them in this closet in the hallway. I was watching my nephew for the weekend so I took him to my BFs house and there was nothing to do so I let him play with my BFs toys. God that sounds so weird. Anyway he opened them and played with them for a little while it was fun. My bf came home from work and well he wasn't happy. He wasn't mad but he was I don't know like disappointed that I let my nephew open them. They're fucking toys! thats what they're for!. It's like who the fuck cares. its weird enough he has this closet full of unopened toys. Like he never opened them as a kid or something. I didn't even know they were there. Im tempted to just give them to goodwill. He hasnt really said much else about it but I mean is that weird or what?.

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Comments ( 20 )
  • dirtybirdy

    This took an unexpected turn...

    I assume he was collecting them in the hopes that they would be worth money one day. It was very inconsiderate that you let your nephew open them. Just because toys are meant to be played with doesn't give you the right to just let someone play with them. They weren't yours and what if they happened to be gifts for someone? Did you not think?? You ruined any potential monetary gain that they may have provided in the future. So I would be pissed if I was your boyfriend. Its not like he sits home all day in his pajamas and plays with toys. He was saving them for a reason.

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    • If he didn't want the toys to be opened, the idiot should have said something before he left, knowing that the child might want to play with them. Why is everybody here so harsh on OP?

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      • dirtybirdy

        The toys were away in a closet in a house with no kids. Even if they were in view and the kid wanted to play with them, she should have said no. God forbid anyone say no to a kid these days, jeezus!!! He shouldn't have to explain that you don't open things that don't belong to you. Seems to me the boyfriend didn't know the kid was even going to be there. Either way, OPs attitude is childish and inconsiderate. She saw toys at a grown mans house and got all freaked by it, and since she assumes that all toys are meant to be played with thought it was all cool to open things that weren't hers. You wouldn't have been mad or at least annoyed if someone did that to you based on the thought that they were in fact something of value or future value?

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        • I would have done the same thing if i was there with my nephew, with the difference that it would be me playing with them toys instead of the little bastard.
          Either way, sounds like the guy OP is dating is an eccentric weirdo and the whole situation seems a little funky to me. I call shenanigans.

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          • dirtybirdy

            Oh I do love shenanigans mister crusad3s. I've got the number on my speed dial if you need it.

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          • Troll.

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  • Sinep

    That's a hobby, a lot of people do that and it's completely normal.

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  • penpal21

    Agree with dirtybirdy...that's the first thing I thought of, too. Unopened toys from 70's, 80's, and 90's can be worth a ton of money to collectors and there are markets for them. I think you should move on from him. He deserves someone much better than you.

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  • imadragon

    So he collects comic book figures. You should respect his interests.

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  • Complex18

    You sound really inconsiderate. I hope he dumps your sorry ass.

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  • Dot123

    What a bitch. Letting your nephew opening up your bf's collectibles.

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  • Avant-Garde

    They aren't mere "toys" for they are ACTION FIGURES! Bow down to their awesome power!

    Seriously, even if you don't like his interests, you should still try to be supportive. Don't try to change him.

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    • Razaa

      lol omg thats what he says

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  • White___October

    It wouldn't be a good idea to give them away to goodwill, unopened toys can be worth a truckload of money. I guess therefor your BF was disappointed they had been opened. The packaging might be broken, there might be scratches on them. Anyway, they're worth far more unopened than they are opened. By letting your nephew play with those toys all that money went down the drain.

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  • megadriver

    What's wrong with you? I got model cars too, but my girlfriend doesn't seem to be bothered at all. In fact she likes the fact how the models are always clean.
    And the guy was probably collecting them. Stuff like this brings back memories and in time can even make you rich.
    And BTW: Were the toys yours? Why let someone play with someone else's stuff. That was very inconsiderate and quite foolish on your side!

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    • Razaa

      He was collecting them and for a long time. I feel so so bad. Im trying to replace them but I can't ever find the ones he had and they are just so expensive I had no Idea.

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  • gashlover

    you should have let him play with YOUR toys in your bedroom nightstand before you let the little bastard get his grubby little hands on your bf's collectibles.

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  • Razaa

    Follow up, I didn't know. And why is everyone so much madder then my BF at me?. Now I feel bad Im gonna hold him extra tight. A few nights ago he was outside having a smoke. I snuggled up to him and told him I was sorry. He flicked his joint gave me a peck on the forehead and said "Its ok, he seemed happy" (my nephew). I wan't to replace them as a surprise but I don't know were to buy them. I need a star wars black vest guy a Vader and a batman. I tried ebay but no luck finding the ones he had. :(

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  • Thatguy777

    You dumbass! Why would you open something that he hasn't opened in years!? He's either collecting them or planning to sell them. You should always ask before getting into anything. If you have so much of a problem with him having toys that you can't date him anymore, I hope no man will be unlucky enough to cross your path.

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  • GreyWulfen

    I thought we we're talking about sex toys, lol.
    Anyway. I think what you did is somewhat wrong. Never thought there might be a reason to it why they are unopened? Maybe they are meant as a present, or he collects it... maybe something of personal value, so he has the right to be mad at you.

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