My boyfriend is a vegetarian but he wants to try meat but his

My boyfriend is a vegetarian but he wants to try meat but his sister is vegan and blaming me when I never once mentioned how he should try meat. She says I'm a bad influence and that just because I eat meat doesn't mean he has to.

I told her he wanted to try on his own. He actually ordered a chicken sandwich when with her and she threw it in the trash and she was ranting at me over the phone about how he's raised vegetarian and she wants it to stay that way.

Is it normal my boyfriend's sister is getting involved like this

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Why is it not okay for you to "push" him into eating meat but it's okay for her to force him to not eat meat?

    I think answering that question will help you the most

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  • Somenormie

    Your boyfriends sister sounds a little controlling.

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  • RoseIsabella

    She should fuck off.

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  • litelander8

    Do they live together or something?

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Lol right? Who gives a damn what the sister thinks leave that hoe back at the house

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  • Tell her to stop controlling her brother or else.

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  • SwickDinging

    Why does his sister care so much what he eats? And why does he listen when she tells him what to do?

    That's very unusual. I would probably be having second thoughts about the relationship. Sounds like they have some sort of weird relationship that will cause you nothing but grief if you stay with him.

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  • Sanara

    Your sister is an asshole but unfortunately there are a few vegans like that. If he wants to, help him buy/order meat without the sister being there to sabotage it, just dont give her that chance. Its his choice.

    I have met at least one vegan in real life who actually isn't such an asshole and was understanding when I told them I just didn't physically thrive without meat. On the internet that seems quite rare. Since vegans are so rare in general where I live its hard to tell whats actually the rule and whats the exeption

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    • iEatZombies_

      I'm a vegetarian and so is my bf. We were both vegetarian when we met 14 years ago. I haven't met too many vegetarians and I've met fewer vegans, but I can tell you that bothering people about what they eat is not normal behavior from the vegetarians I know or myself. I have had more people feel bothered by me being a vegetarian because apparently me ordering fries from McDonald's is 'sanctimonious', but most people don't care what I eat so I know that this isn't the rule. It can just seem like it sometimes because negative comments tend to ring in our heads.

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    2 things: she’s a controlling, meddling busybody and he’s a spineless wimp for allowing her. I’d say get away from that psycho family.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Wow, she's a cranky bitch.
    Sounds like she can use some meat. About 8 inches.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    I trully hope this is a lane troll. Of not tell her to fuck off he can eat whatever he wants he's an adult

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