My boyfriend is stupid

Keeping it short and sweet, my boyfriend just isn't the brightest. We fight every day because he does something ridiculous and it interferes with plans and conversation. When I say he's stupid, I mean that he's unintelligent. When I question him about why he does something, he can't explain it to me. We've been dating for two years, and this is the only thing we fight over... But it's making me question our relationship altogether. I know it sounds insignificant, but trust me when I say that it's bad. I'd like to be tolerant, but not when it interferes with what we do severely.

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Comments ( 74 )
  • Gidget

    stick with it or be single there all stupid

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    • Bright44


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  • Khajiit

    I love my boyfriend to death but fuck, I literally think he has a learning disability. I feel you, honey.

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  • Wendzilla

    I'm not a joiner but I had to sign up when I found this place while doing a google search about stupid BFs out of sheer boredom. I have bad new for the younger people with stupid BFs here, it doesn't get better. My stupid BF is 50, I am 49. I have been with him for about 7 years. He is a perpetual 14 years olld. He doesn't "act stupid" to get or stay out of trouble, he really is just as dumb as you can get. A couple of fine examples, he believes Central America includes Mexico and several southwestern states. He doesnt understand climate change, still calls it global warming and every time there is frost he thinks He's proven that it doesn't exist. He a republican and believes that Sarah Palin is brilliant and was just a victim of a dirty campaign by the democrats. I could go on but it's pretty endless, just when I think he can't surprise me anymore he comes up with more stupid thoughts. I don't even bother to debate with him because you can't use facts or logic on a person that has invented his own reality based on...well, I don't really know where he gets his effed up ideas from, I can't explain what I do't understand. I'm no man hater, my last 2 BFs were smart and could hold an intelligent conversation so I really don't know whats up with this guy. I'm hanging in until it's no longer amusing to me. Good luck everyone with you own stupid BFs.

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  • abdul009

    Hey!we are all stupid in some way

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  • TheGuruOfTheSauce

    Us men are stupid please be easy on us. Sometimes we do play stupid in when in a sticky situation though.

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  • Aja

    Your post is old, but if you're still out there, I need to THANK YOU for making me laugh!! I was sitting here on a Saturday night ready to cry cuz my BF is SOooooo stupid and then I saw your post! I guess they are all "stupid." Hope your baby turned out with your IQ.

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    • HoneyBee27


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  • It's good to know I'm not alone! Thanks. :)
    If you have any advice, please let me know. I'm trying not to snap.

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    • ijustwant2bnormal

      i feel sometimes to just tell him' wtf is wrong wt u?'.but i swallow it in.i wont/cant replace him.

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  • cmcopeland

    Oh husband is exactly like that! Drives me insane. We fight about constantly. I guess I am getting more and more used to it. However he will still shock me some times. Not much can be done I guess. Good luck!!

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  • bazwell

    The OP describes this situation as a potentially "insignificant" one, but I'd urge her to see that it in fact may not be as insignificant as she claims.

    For one thing, there is nothing particularly romantic, loving or respectful in feeling that your partner is stupid and/or unintelligent. If you genuinely believe that he is as much of a numbskull as it sounds that you do, one must wonder how exhausting it must have been to have stayed in a relationship with him for so long. Or maybe it's not exhausting, maybe there is a part of you that revels in the fact that you are smarter than him and have someone to condescend to. So we know he isn't smart enough to see his stupidity is being exploited, but what's your excuse and what kind of person must you be to have to make one?

    best of luck to you!

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    • You're right about that assumption. It is very exhausting, but I love him and the good times we have our worth it. I just wish I didn't have to go through the frustration! It's awful.
      As for it's significance, I know well that it is. It just sounds like a trivial concept in itself. This seemingly little thing puts us into holes that make us wonder if we should break up. I, for one, haven't been able to do it because of the second sentence up there.
      As selfish as it is, I do like that he makes me feel superior. Be that as it may, I would kill for him to be able to have an intellectual conversation with me.

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      • babssss

        i am completely in the same situation. Im not sure how long ago this was posted, but I feel like I am in the same boat. Im a 19 year old girl in a relationship with a boy who is exactly how you claim yours is.

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  • J

    Among the many stupid things my bf does, tonight was probably one of the most absurd moments. Our power was out and he began putting his shoes on and when I asked where he was going he matter in factly said, "I'm going outside to pee because the power is out so the toilet won't work."
    I honestly didn't even know what to do and I began laughing and through the laughter said, "Regular toilets don't run on electricity are you kidding me!"
    And then he proceeds to LIE and say "well I tried flushing it earlier and it didn't work." Yeah okaaaayy.
    Anyway that happened and I started googling "my boyfriend is too stupid" just to check and see if I'm alone in this horror. I see that I am definitely not alone,so thank you everyone for sharing your stories haha

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  • babyclary122

    I read the title *My boyfriend s stupid* and i can't be more in agreement with u. Im so fed up of dealing with boyfriend drama

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  • BlaBlaBla098

    I've been with this guy for 8 months
    We live together
    We are 26
    And he can't cook. Can't clean.
    Can't be responsible enough to
    Not get in trouble at work for
    Being on his phone.
    We were about to go through a car wash
    And he left his fucking window down.
    I had to tell him to close it.
    I also catch him lying about stupid shit
    We fart in front of each other but if he
    Sits on the couch and it makes a noise
    He blames it on his foot hitting the coffee table...
    Like... WHY?? I'm sitting right here I know
    That was the couch, why are you lying
    About dumb shit?
    I literally have to remind him to turn off lights
    And lock/close doors. Last night I told him to
    Keep the bedroom door closed so the a/c
    Will keep it cool, he leaves it open right after
    I say that!! And then does the same thing with
    Turning off the fucking laundry room light!
    I feel like I'm taking care of a child, he doesn't even know how to cook eggs how can I trust him with a kid if we get pregnant?
    His parents even told me early in the relationship
    That he needs to be told to do things and how to be responsible.
    Why the hell didn't you teach him that while you were raising him? He literally lives off of anyone that knows how to be responsible.
    And the fact that he's boring and a dud makes me not want to have sex with him.
    Least to say, I don't think after last night, this is going to last long. But I'm happy I'm not the only one out there with a dumbass boyfriend child.

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  • Lordthelpme

    This made me feel so much better as I just literally went in the room directly after arguing with my moron boyfriend, and so happen to Google "my bf is stupid". I feel like he can not possibly be as dumb as I feel or think he is. I also feel like 6 years ago when we first got together, his mom tried to warn me that her son was a moron and I took it so lightly, why did I do that?

    I just want to say that he is so loving, kind and generous. He does not have a malicious bone in his body, that's why I love him so much. He is just so damn lovable by everyone but he so damn stupid.

    I concur, my bf also has the IQ of a potato.

    If I went into examples now, I may literally cry myself to sleep. So, I just want to say thank you for letting me know I am not the only one who feels this way. It is very comforting.

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    • twistyheadmisty

      Hahahaha!! I got annoyed with my bf over some few days and he felt it, posted a sweet 9gag apology meme which I adored because he knows how to woo me sometimes. I only googled "my bf is stupid" or "my bf is disappointing". Now I see tru all of the comments, I'm just too much of a perfectionist on him, gonna make it up for him - I love my man.

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  • Artsygirl101

    You think your boyfriend is an idiot? Mines worse. Were both 19. For some reason i said the word "pregnant". You know what he says to me? "Whats pregnant mean?" I thought he was kidding. I realized he wasnt and told him its when a girl has a baby in her stomach. He then says, " ohhh ok. I know what youre talking about. When she eats something and a baby gets in her stomach." I was like wtf?! No lol. I looked at him and said "didnt you learn sex-ed?" He says, "i blocked out 11th grade health class". All i kept thinking was "i learned sex-ed in 5th grade". So then i said, "so how did you learn about sex?". He says," one". Omg...

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    • Artsygirl101

      Annnd on top of that he has terrible ADHD. Hes on 40mg of ritalin which is insane. Its the reason he cant eat for days, the reason he has to take advil pm every night to sleep, and the reason he can slip into depression so easily. Besides it doesnt even help when hes on it. Hes still like "la dee dah la dee -squirrel!- la dee dah" on the ritalin. I tried telling him that he shouldnt be on ritalin because its not for him but he doesnt pay enough attention to do something about it.

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  • butherface

    1. Our nation is over run with morons. The fact that your boyfriend is just another one isn't shocking. On the other hand, none of us have seen any indication that you're any better than he is. We're all still waiting for that example.

    2. My ex is in his late fifties and he's about as stupid as it gets. I was extremely stupid for putting up with his shit for so long (five years). This brings me right back to number 1 on my list (you live in America, land of morons). But to entertain the masses, I could provide an endless list of examples of his idiocy.

    Lets see here....

    a. I was in a car accident. He tells me he will pretend to be the witness and tell everyone the girl who hit me was on her phone. This of course is after he has already called both insurance companies involved, claiming once to be my boyfriend with his own last name and second to be my husband with my last name. Now he can be "Joe Smith" the witness, who just happened to be left off of the police report. Idiot.

    b. He tore apart the kitchen in his house years ago but never put a new kitchen in its place. His children are now old enough to live on their own and be married. His daughter claims "I've never lived in a house with a kitchen or cabinets". And he will not invite his friends over because he can't hide the lack-of-kitchen. Curiously, he also won't get off his lazy ass and put up walls. Or replace the fridge that electrocutes you every time you try to get water or ice out of it. Moron.

    c. Apparently, it is everyone elses fault he is a procrastinator. In fact, some how he linked lack of sex with me over 5 years as the reason why he won't fix the "lack-of-kitchen" issue. Or clean his house. Or take care of his kids. Or do anything. His kitchen has been missing in action since before I was born (80). I have known him for about five years. I guess he can't do math either. Stupid.

    d. He refuses to divorce his wife, who left him right before I met him. She moved to another state (across the US), has a boyfriend along with a drug and drinking problem. His excuse for staying with her is that he gets tax money out of her and her kid. Strangely, he hasn't used them for taxes in three years. I know five year olds who lie better than he does. Talented!

    e. He waited until his "children" were 18 before he decided he needed to be "dad" and be "involved". Definition of "involved" = make my girlfriend take care of them because my x-x-wife has finally given up.

    f. The x-x-wife rents apartment space from him. He lets her destroy the apartment. It reminds me of a really nasty episode of Hoarders.

    g. He won't throw -anything- away. Ever. And don't you -dare- throw anything away -for- him.

    h. I have a SEVERE wheat/egg allergy. He didn't believe me so he made meatballs and told me they were wheat/egg free knowing they weren't. I never dreamed he'd try to murder me with food, so I didn't say anything when I got sick, thinking there was something else wrong with me. Later he told me it was "a test!" and he was so happy I had no reaction. Romance! Lady and the Tramp with a twist.

    i. He has zero ability to plan anything EXCEPT what he expects sexually. We have never once been able to pull out of the drive way without coming back because he forgot something. EVER.

    j. He actually said he thought it was "sexy" to see a porn video of a dog fucking a woman. He says "it's not animal cruelty - the WOMAN was tied up". And naturally, he said this in front of my friends, whom I made swear they would never tell a soul. Now we know what's wrong with his children.

    k. He let everyone live with him for free (4 kids, over 18), except me - he charged me rent and then yelled at me about the bills being too high. Way to bite the hand that feeds you.

    l. My boss sexually harassed me and another woman at work. The BF told me that I probably wanted it and liked it.

    m. He has been seeing the same therapist for years. Isn't it time to consider the fact that.... it may not be working?

    n. After my car accident, I was left temporarily disabled. Naturally, he asked me to -walk- to his daughters school for a special education meeting.

    o. And let me just top this off with.... He knew he had a deadly disease before he fucked me for the 1st time. He told me -after- he fucked me and tried to convince me that it was no big deal. I'm pretty sure that's attempted murder as is feeding someone something they are severely allergic to when you know they're allergic to it.

    And so, sweet heart, the only thing I can say is.... If this is what you want your future to be like, stay with someone you always argue and disagree with. Not a single day went by where we weren't screaming and fighting.

    Learn to let go. You'll be happier.

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    • twistyheadmisty

      You know that's what I don't get with us women, we don't have the balls to be straightforward with ourselves and know who's harmful to us or not. We carry the notion that "he'll get better, because I'll make him better" - that is too much work. We are vocal with our thoughts but we don't take action ASAP that's why we end up hurt.

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  • KatsukoKatastrophe

    To Sia327:

    I have a boyfriend just like hers. I am 15 and he is 16. We have a child together. I love him deeply. But, I want you to realize it's not just about "Dissing her boyfriend on some site." She came here for advice because she didn't know what to do, not because she wanted to dis on him. No, love is not about intelligence. But if it's something that bothers her she 100% has the right to get advice and ask for help. Because she may be deciding here shortly whether or not she wants to stay with him till death due them part. You have to think about that.

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  • 343Boy

    Are you sure he isn't just disagreeing with you? Maybe you just don't understand him. Could you actually give an example of his low intellect?

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  • zombiebutterfly

    You girls want to hear DUMB????? I will show you DUMB!

    1. I am a spelling Nazi, and I know this idiot has a learning disability, but HOLY S@#%!!!! When he texts words like "every" or "verse", he says "euery" and "uerse". HE CONFUSES THE V WITH A U!

    1a. One time he texted, "I'm mowing the lawn now, minus well shower later". MINUS?? I've heard of "mise", but MINUS???? SERIOUSLY, MORON?????

    2. He copies everything I text. For example, we were texting/talking about the movie Full Metal Jacket. I said, "Full Metal Jacket was a movie from the 80's". He texts back, "Full Metal Jacket was a movie from the 80's sounds awesome!" SMH

    3. He repeats himself. Every single FKN day he's complaining about the "hot and sticky hellish weather". His face gets red because of the heat and it gets "itchy", and his f'n allergies! I have to hear this EVERY DAY! I've been ignoring it, but now it's really starting to piss me off. And that isn't the only thing he repeats.

    3a. He has a bad habit of calling me sweetheart and mostly honey in every text he sends. One day he got stung by a bee. He said "Thank god I'm allergic to bees honey". Now I KNOW what he meant. But this moron deserves sarcasm. I said "You're glad to be allergic to bees honey?" Dumbass. Yeah, he corrected himself.

    4. I have a potty mouth, if you couldn't tell already, and he was talking to me, in my car, about his stomach hurting. I said, "Do you have to take a s***?" In a low whisper he says "Why do you have to talk like that?" Now.. he curses also. Things fly out of his mouth. But I can't say what I said? Why? Because of my gender? I'm in my own CAR! And to make matters DUMBER, when I ask him why he said that, he FKN says "What I meant was, I don't want you saying that in front of my mom". WTF??! I said "I WAS UNAWARE YOUR MOTHER WAS IN THE CAR WITH US!!" I'm INSULTED he'd actually believe I'd think that was his reason! He fails to realize my IQ IS TOO HIGH FOR HIM!!

    Now for the juicier, but dumber things:

    5. We spent the night at a hotel. I hear a noise, and ask if he farted. Guess what he says? "I don't know, did I?" .....

    6. During sex, I ask him if he came. Guess what he says? "I don't know, did I?" ......

    Speaking of sex..

    7. HE DOESN'T KNOW WHERE TO PUT IT OR HOW TO DO ANYTHING WITH IT! But yet he keeps insisting we get a hotel room!

    8. When discussing oral sex, do you know what he calls it? "Kissing down there". This person had the audacity to call me a prude when I told him I'm done with making out. Why did I tell him this? Let's rewind..

    0. First date, only three weeks of texting. We meet at a diner, and as he's walking me to my car.. he hugs me, and starts kissing me and moves down to my neck! I tell him to stop, and he tries it again! After telling him I'm done, he begs me and I give him another chance. Second date, it was a double with me and him, his friend and my cousin. What does he do in the parking lot? IN FRONT OF MY COUSIN AND HIS FRIEND!!! Third date.. we go to Dave & Buster's. Instead of playing games, CAN YOU GUESS WHAT HE'D RATHER DO! I wanted a NORMAL date for a change!

    Why would I stay with someone like that? Because honestly, it's hard finding someone. And I really did like him in the beginning. But now I get to see him for who he really is... Look, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't with him for money. The truth shall set you free!

    9. He has no real likes of his own. I tell him I like watching Pretty Little Liars, and what does he do? Watches PLL! I tell him I love Taylor Swift, and what does he do? Goes and buys some iTunes! And sometimes, he will LIE about it. "I love watching Dancing with the Stars!" Him: "Yeah me too!" Ask him about it, it takes him forever to respond, and he gets the answer wrong. Why? BECAUSE HE LIES! Why can't he just be honest??

    10. Apparently he let his ex girlfriend ruin his credit. He bought her furniture, and basically anything else she wanted.


    11. He has ADD, so alright, my cousin has it also. But he NEVER stays in his lane, he's always concerned with putting his arm out the window, fiddling with the radio, or putting his nasty hand on my knee.

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    • Dyinglaughing

      I'm dying . IM laying here next to the stupid mother f#*her I swear I loved yesterday n about to just out laughing.this stupid twit can't spell, forgets everything, and suddenly I want to pick him lol.your honesty is so funny

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    • zombiebutterfly

      12. He ALWAYS hits the curb. And I know sometimes, you can't help it when you park. BUT HE WAS DRIVING! And I told him straight up, you suck at driving, you always hit the curb. It took me 10 minutes to get it through his FKN skull that he hits the curb when he parks AND when he drives. He just refused to remember when he hit the curb while driving!

      13. He relies on other people in the car to check his mirrors for him. What if nobody was in the car with you, you fkn helpless moron???

      14. He made a U-Turn in the middle of the fkn city!!!!! For the first time EVER, I put my hands over my ears because I didn't know what was going to happen next!!

      I cannot have an intelligent conversation with him. I'd get more out of talking to a wall. Do I really want to spend the rest of my life with this idiot? If something serious were to happen, would I want to depend on him to help me or support me or anything? Maybe money wise.. he's not rich but he's not poor either.

      Oh and..

      0a. Back to our first date. If you can call it that. He's touchy/feely, I'm not. But throughout the dinner date, he kept rubbing my arm, then rubbing my leg. For a little while it's fine, BUT THE WHOLE TIME?! Then one time we were at Walmart shopping around. I was itching my back, and he offered to do it for me. He followed around me the whole time itching my back! Sounds great I know. But it was EMBARASSING! I also cannot stand when he randomly touches me while he's talking. It's like a small pounce or something.

      When will this IDIOT learn that there's a time and place for everything? When will this idiot learn that he needs to depend on himself??!

      He knows I love animals. For some IDIOTIC MORONIC DUMBA## REASON, he just HAD to tell me some story about his brother's friend who tortures animals. Insensitive bastard.

      15. He was meeting my mom for the first time, and wanted to make a good impression. He pulls out a black t-shirt that has a picture of Italy on it. FKN idiot got a shirt that was made for A CHILD!! It said "Lil Italy" and was about 4 TIMES TOO SMALL!! He said "Aw I thought it was cute!" So he squeezes himself into it, over his tank top, and on top of that pulls on a polo.. IN 90 DEGREE WEATHER!! He was sweating and I told him FIVE TIMES TO TAKE OFF THE CHILD'S SHIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      I know there's more to it. Like him saying "lol" after almost every text, right next to the honey's and sweetheart's. Sure, he's a sweet guy. But a total and complete moron. I don't think I can take much more of this. I just need to continue seeing green.

      It feels so good to get that all out. Thanks.

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      • shestarr

        I am dying in my chair, trying to keep myself from falling out of it in laughter.

        But I am sorry you are going through that. I though MY dude was dumb AF. I do feel a whole lot better after reading these. OMFFFFGoodness!

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        • zombiebutterfly

          Glad you got a laugh out of it, lol. That was a horrible relationship. I ended it, I had to. I couldn't take it anymore. His mother started controlling him also. And he's 30 years old!

          After I dumped him, he told me he was going to the police, telling them I stole his credit card, "I don't give a fk anymore" he said, all because he lent me $16. He also told me he was going to sue me for it too. I just told him to go ahead. He eventually stopped until the beginning of December, when he texted me "You said you don't like borrowing money!" And added something I texted to him.

          I just told him to move on. Actually, towards the final months of that bad relationship, I was in contact with a friend I've known for years, and now, we've been together for a month. He is handsome, funny, and extremely intelligent. And he knows how to work his penis. I finally got laid.

          So to all the ladies, if you can tolerate the stupidity, go for it. And kudos to you if you can. Because I couldn't lol.

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          • zombiebutterfly

            Some moments in my life remind me of the dumb times I've been through with this moron. I forgot to mention one of them.

            Went to the movies, and during the movies, a preview for the movie "Ouija" was showing. He actually told me he was scared. Now I understand people are scared of different things.. but A MOVIE ABOUT A OUIJA BOARD?! He really needs to man up.

            Then we went to dinner, and he took the bill from the waitress. He looks at it, puts it down, and gets quiet. I ask him what's wrong. He says:
            "I'm thinking in my mind?"
            I said: "Where else would you be thinking. What are you thinking about?"
            He says (in a slightly high pitched voice): "Uh I don' know!"

            Exhausting and irritating in so many ways. I know exactly what he was thinking.. he was thinking about how to get out of tipping our waitress more than $2. And I know this because he's done it before.

            I'm just so glad that is over. Maybe I should thank him. I guess after seeing me with another guy, my guy friend saw something in me. Now we're talking about getting married. So, maybe there's a plus to dating an idiot lol.

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      • Justpassingbyhere

        Wow, it's like you were talking about my ex for a second there. Met my ex at the gym where I used to work. He was assigned to be my PT. He didn't take his time and went straight to wooing me. Redflag no 1 but he came off as a quiet and decent guy and I didn't talk much with him except for fitness stuff and he literally follows a strict fitness manual that all PTs used so it's really hard to know from the beginning that he actually has very little COMMON SENSE about normal shit that people normally wouldn't have problems with.

        After three days of texting and talking about normal stuffs like interests and families and all, despite his mistakes in spelling in all of his text, I didn't think much of it coz i have lots of guy friends who are just lazy to correct texts so all in all, he came off as a decent guy to me and we started going out. I started realizing how he lacks common sense and how unintelligent he is as I started to get to know him better after that.

        What bothers me the most is that he is such A NARCISSIST and a SORELOSER that cannot take criticism even if he just did or say something EXTREMELY STUPID. Here's the stupid stuff he did or say:

        1. His English is bad but he always pretended like he understood every single thing I said and then give replies that have absolutely no relation to what I just said coz he didn't understand at all. We are not native English speakers but English is the 2nd language spoken here in my country so it's natural for some to use only English in conversations. I have no problem with any language spoken basically, if he finds English difficult, he should have just told me and I can just speak our mothertongue language but he always gave me the impression that he understood everything and wouldn't tell me he actually didn't get it at all and you know why? Because he actually thought that HIS ENGLISH IS GREAT which boggles my mind.

        He can't spell right. He says things that have nothing to do with what I just said, gets extremely defensive when I corrected him, saying "I KNOW THAT!" when in truth he doesn't.

        2. He thought that if his "thing" can get hard and produce semen, that DEF proves that he is FERTILE. What an idiot!

        There was a time when I introduced him to my friends, two guy friends of mine who were interested in asking him about supplements because they work out too. He recommended them STEROIDS like come on, my friends knew that without him telling? They were slightly disappointed but asked if he can give them pointers to cut naturally without dangerous stimulants. He tried to convince them that steroids are not harmful at all and it gives great results fast and that he has been taking it for 10 years straight.

        UH OH my friends and I look at each other. We know what Steroids can do to men who take them in a long run and one of them side effects being INFERTILITY. So my friend questioned him about it. OMG I SWEAR TO GOD, he laughed in a demeaning way as if my friends were the ridiculous ones and answered, "oh about that, don't worry for the last 10 years, my "thing" can still get hard and semen still comes out of it, OH and a lot too...." looked at me, winked and said "if you know what I mean..."

        O.M.G he seriously thought that just as long as he can "come", he's fertile! So proud saying it too. WHAT AN IDIOT!

        My friends laughed so hard and he became so sensitive and left the diner we were at. I was pissed because he was being so childish so I didn't go after him but he didn't leave. WHY?

        3. The third reason he's an idiot, HE CAN'T DRIVE. Now hold on a second, you might say oh wait that's not nice. Driving requires more of body reflex than anything else so what does intelligence have to do with this. Well, HE FAILED THE WRITTEN TEST 5 TIMES. I'm harsh I know but the written test mostly consist of common sense questions anyway and this just proves it. This also proves that he needs to depend on someone ALL THE TIME due to his own incompetence and his lack of skills in areas required to survive.

        So even after every fight he will wait for me because he needs a ride home. In the car, he will become all emotional and shit and every time he just HAS TO CRY and call me a BULLY. Save me lord! What a BABY!

        4. He lies all the time but he can NEITHER LIE PROPERLY nor CAN HE KEEP UP WITH HIS OWN LIES. He will lie to his boss that the reason he came to work late is because it was raining and he rode the motorcycle except for the fact that his boss is fully aware that no1. He doesn't have a motorcycle let alone a license, no2. IT WASN'T RAINING! Everytime he gets caught lying he'll have this surprising look on his face like "Omg, how can they know I was lying?!!!"

        There's more but I just can't really. Sometimes guys are really good at covering these things by being quiet at first but they can't hide it forever. I was glad to have found out about this about three weeks after we started going out and end it immediately. I actually found out way earlier but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but nah, he's just unintelligent and too proud to admit which makes matters worse!

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        • SaraPt

          Speaking of dumb boyfriends

          My boyfriend is German and I'm Portuguese so we communicate in English, it might not be his first language but he gives a spelling error in every sentence I swear and I know from his friends that he's the same in German.

          When we met he smoked weed every day and i told him that he had to stop or I wouldn't want to be with him and he said he would but sometimes I was going to his place after work and he looked so high and I would ask him if he smoked and he would lied and say he didn't, wtf?. He had to lie about this so i would be with him. And he is even dumber when he is high

          He doesnt work, he just collects the money from the government because he is "studying", even though he fails almost every subject. It's so frustrating to see him fail and there's nothing I can do. He's a grown man so he should have more ambition

          My boyfriend doesn't work out for ages and he has a body of a 13 years old which is not attractive. And he could be so handsome but he's just a lazy ass and doesn't like to get out of his bed. This is so dumb because he just doesn't care about himself at all, he just likes to do the minimum possible.
          And the dumbest part? I made him go to the gym with me and he would just stare at me while I exercise and i would ask him wtf are you doing? And he said that he just wanted to speand time with me.

          Did I mention he is a geek and his only interest is to play video games?

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      • Sosickofit

        LOL. I HAD to reply to this, I know how it feels. The struggle is real! My ex boyfriend used to say "minus well" too and I wanted to strangle him. He said a LOT of things incorrectly like that. Really stupid things that made you say, are you LEGIT FKN retarded?! My god. I am about to post my long rant on here tomorrow but just had to reply to this right now because holy sht I have been in your shoes and some guys are SO stupid, did we date the same guy?!

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        • Shazoom

          If complaining about something, my boyfriend says "thats my pet pee". Not peeve, PEE.

          He also asked me the other day how to put the number 18,000 into the calculator. "Like, how many zeros?"

          I couldn't make this crap up.

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        • zombiebutterfly

          Lol We possibly did. If his name is Mike and from Pennsylvania, then yes. Some guys are too stupid, but he was the number one. I don't think I've ever met somebody so dumb in my entire life! The struggle is definitely real, and hard to tolerate.

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      • rubyredkiss


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    • mti_mkavu

      Too much dumbness in one
      Im dunb too but this is next level shit

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    • Jojo1623

      Oh. My. God. I was sitting here so frustrated thinking about how dumb and thoughtless my boyfriend is so I googled for some advice and didn't think I would end up crying laughing. Lol you made my day!!!!!

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  • BrusselSprout

    I was going to say something, but I think you might wanna take a look at this article sister haha,

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  • hellokitty21

    I swear my boyfriend is sooo dumb.

    He always lose his cards i stopped counting. He has to request for a new card 5x now. And so many times he'll forget his card on one place and luckily someone will return it to us.

    One time we were looking for a hotel online. We were looking for hotels in Lakewood, washington. But his dumbass didn't put Washington so when he booked a hotel he didn't realize that he booked a hotel in lakewood, Vancouver! Oh my god i will never trust him in booking a hotel ever again.

    Whenever we're planning for something and i say an idea so logical he will say "smart. You're so smart". in my head i was like "that's not smart. You're just not thinking".

    He ALWAYS FORGET where he put his keys and phone and many more! That's why for our anniversary i bought him a Tile. It's a gadget that connects to your phone so that whenever you forget where you out something, all you have to is click something on the phone or vice versa and there will be a ringtone. It's THAT BAD to the point i really bought him that for our anniversary.

    It's so frustrating

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  • cinnabon7

    I've came to the conclusion that most men that are "nice guys" fit into this category. The few that are intelligent tend to be too cunning, evil, manipulative is the problem. My boyfriend is an overall good person, friendly, fuzzy, warm, like a big, dumb, teddy bear. He doesn't listen to simple instructions, even after engaging in a whole conversation. He just nods and agrees but doesn't absorb anything he's just been told. He forgets what time to be around to get our daughter from school, even though it's the same time everyday. Same, consistent instructions, as well as a reminder conversation, yet he still forgets and I have to uber ride to her school. When I express that I'm mad at him he doesn't address anything I'm saying and tunes out his own stupidity instead of at least owning up to it. Leaves his wallet, money, cigarettes and iPhone out in the open in his vehicle, as if it can't be stolen. Constantly loses place of his wallet, and even called and cancelled his bank card and it turns out his wallet was under the bed the whole time. Throws clothes of his own on the floor, thinks cleaning the toilet is dumping bleach in the bowl, won't wipe the seat, or clean the rims. Why? Goes up and sniffs rotten meat left behind in our old apartment's fridge as we're moving our last items left even though I tell him "don't open the freezer the electricity has been shut off for a week and it's been a heat wave, the meat is bad that's why the apartment smells". He still opens the damn freezer and pukes everywhere then says "I had to check, I thought it might be a dead animal in the apartment somewhere." Wtf? How? Why? He makes stupid choices then still copes an attitude if you suggest or tell him something for his own good. I still would love to have a son one day, but I just know he will be just like him and I'll be raising the equivalent of two big dumb boys for the rest of my life. I just chalk it up to be thankful for what you got since it could be much worse than just "stupid". A lot of the meanest of men are just "stupid" too. Patience is needed to deal with most men they are so damn slow.

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  • Pipsqueak44

    I feel your pain. This guy ou've been dating for about a year and he's the dumbest guy I've ever known. Seriously, i think he fried his brain on weed when he was younger. Sometimes I'm just like are you fucking kidding me. He's a 45 yo man with a freaking 10 yr old brain. Omfg . I honestly do not know how he's made it this far in life without life destroying him. Luck I guess. Holy f.
    And i swear to God he has ADD/ADHD, omfg. He has the patience of a gnat.I'm constantly telling him to chill out and calm down and relax, and be patient... omfg. Banging my head against a wall. And don't even get me started on hearing him talk on the phone with people- like if he had to call the bank or something. He sounds like a damn moron. I'm like "give me the phone". Jesus.
    Did I mention he is 45 years old?????

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  • HoneyBee27

    You are not alone!! My bf kills me with the crazy comments he makes I just want to thank you because I soooooo needed to hear this well read this.It's so crazy how the dumb bf can be everything I ever wanted but the dumb comments really get to me. But i dont think i could ever find another like him. We have to deal with it I guess there are pros and cons to this something told me to Google my stupid bf low and behold I found this!!!! Thanks

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  • Guest1234

    I literally laugh/cried over your post hahaha. I couldn’t stop laughing and half cried. I realise this post is 3 years old but thought I’d comment anyway. I love my boyfriend but sometimes I just think he is so unintelligent compared to me. Then I get angry and feel bad for being angry. I hope your baby is doing well.. must be getting big now! :)

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  • sadhana

    Same is the case with me. but fortunately I am still unmarried to him.
    WHat is the solution to fix such a person along. Did you figured out any trick so far. Kindly reply.

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  • Beyondme

    Omg this post is making me feel so much better. I have a boyfriend Ive been with for 3 yrs. Hes got heart he tries he really does. But my God hes dumber than a fencepost. I dont know even where to start. Ok today, we parked at Walmart so I cld run in and grab an air mattress. Simple task. But when i got outside and walked back to the vehicle it was nowhere to be found. I walked around trying to figure out where we parked. And He had moved the vehicle and was waiting by the doors not paying attention as I walked right by him not aware he'd moved. He was doing something else not watching. And I was left wandering around the parking lot for 10 mins looking for him. When i finally found him on his phone. I tried to explain to him that was frustrating as we were driving away. And he drove right through a red light. I was just like omg.
    One more stupid pointless urgument.
    Its like hes just dumb and doesnt get it. Anyways..
    We bought an expensive bedroom set last year. And we moved from one province to another. His job was to move the dresser. He drove it in a rainstorm with no tarp and destroyed a $2000 dresser. Theres certain words he cant pronounce like words like "spaghetti" and "Stability" and other shit I cldnt pronounce when I was like 6. I asked him what he thought a mortgage would be on an 800 thousand dollar house and he said $1800 a month. Once he was golfing and he picked up a rattlesnake and it bit him on the hand. It was a juvenile it clda killed him. He thought it was a garden snake. The other night he went into the kitchen while I was sleeping and without his top teeth in. Tried to chew a big peice of steak. He started choking and woke me up puking and choking all over the white carpet. I tried to do the Heimlich maneuver on him. Luckily he didnt die. It slowly worked its way down his esophagus.
    He is so dumb that I tried to explain there is a forest fire in an area called "Elephant hill" and all he could say was "what? elephants on a hill?"

    I have tried to be happy with him but my 10 yr old son even calls him an iddiot.
    How can we have children together? I couldn't leave him alone with a baby. Hes just dumber than shit. I love him but omg. I wish I could think of other examples because its kinda funny. But Im too busy drinking a vodka soda to try to deal with his dumb ass.

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  • gratefulforthis

    I was going to say that he is stupid but when I finished all these comments I just want to say that I'm grateful that my boyfriend is much more intelligent and not as dumb as how people described their boyfriends here. I had a good laugh and it made me feel better about my boyfriend. Sure, sometimes I cannot understand why he can't comprehend what I want, and sometimes the things he does doesn't make sense... The way that he thinks sex is all just about penetration... And he can't talk to me much except about sex... And he won't understand why I want to spend more time with him... Doesn't know how to cook or do basic chores... Won't talk to me at all in school and keep making jokes that aren't funny. See, this happened not just once, he ignored me all the time I was beside him and trying to talk to him and then burst out laughing because he said it was funny and he was just making a joke. But he is loving at times, and although I'm kind of tired because I need to chase him all the time, as he doesn't initiate conversations or even search for me, I love him. And I really hope that he's the one for me. Sometimes I just wonder whether we should break up as he's kinda dumb but people tell me that's because of his young age. All I can say is he's medium idiotic. But I love him to bits. Thank God.

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  • Sexysheep20

    Please help !

    So my boyfriend is 21 he lives at home and is studying to be a firefighter . All of his friends think he is stuiped because he asked if giraffes eat corn .... And he talks like a 6 year old childn. He sticks out his tongue and goes pbbbbbbttttt . And he always makes mistakes with his words like saying spark the car . He twists his foot like a little girl would while asking for some ice cream. He does baby talk . Cries a lot over the smallest things . He has to eat and sleep on time otherwise he says he will get cranky and hangry . He plays with his 13 year old sister like a kid would stepping on her foot pushing her . And then goes mom my sister is hitting me ! They do the whole I'm not touching you game . And he doesn't wipe his butt I always have to make him shower and clean it for him . His mom does everything for him and is over controlling . He is really bad with time it takes him all day to do simple things like clean his room because he gets distracted and starts to play video games . He's addicted to porn and wNts me to do the stuff he sees on porn . And he is a total pervert stares at other girls asses . And one day we went camping and he literally said I'm going to go hunt for rocks 😐 . I said are you joking ? He says no I think it's fun . Meanwhile there isn't a single rock in sight for miles and he's doing that instead of spending time with me like the trip was meant for. He likes his space can't handle a lot of stress and basically turns red and explodes like someone from a cartoon. We argued one day because he clogged the toilet and couldn't fix it so I tried and I overflowed it even more and he went ballistic . I thought it wS funny but he was so angry because I didn't want to clean up his poop. He got so mad he was blowing steam out if both ears and he packed all his bags and left :/ . He also isn't very touchy he rarely touches me I always initiate it I'm always kissing him or rubbing him or holding his hand . I feel like I will Always have to chase him. We never went out to do anything fun besides the park once a month and we mostly had a lot of sex and he played video games or layed in bed most of the time we were together . He likes to call me a bitch sometimes not often . And he's very bossy and hates not getting his way . He is a gym junky and always put that before seeing me unless he was tired that day . And he wants to go hang out with other girl friends when he barely spent time with me . One day he told me he wNted to hang with this girl because she was amazing . Why don't you date her then I asked lol ? He can be very insensitive and not even care or think before he speaks. And one day he kicked me out of his car on the side if the highway because I was poking him too much . It was a 5 hour drive and he said he didn't want to talk at all so I tried to get him to be happy by poking him and he said stop and of course I didn't because I was playing around and then he grabbed my hand and squeezed until it hurt to get me stop . And I kept poking this time just to piss him off for hurting me and then he grabbed my hand squeezed it as hard as he could and then threw it down and said leave me the hell alone . I guess I was really annoying . So butt hurt I turned off the car while we were driving not knowing at the time that could ness up the transmission . And there were no cars behind us for miles so I didn't think it would do any harm . But he swirved and abruptly stopped the car making me almost face plant into the glove department and he yells get the fuck out of my car !!!!!! And I said look I'm sorry I wasn't thinking and he said get the fuck out now before I call the cops and take your shit or I will throw it out with you . So sobbing I got out of the car and sat on the ground with all of my things and he drove off . Then he came back and said get into the car and I did not want to because I was a little scared of him at this point . So he he grabbed me by the arm and forced me to get back in needless to say it was a quiet car ride back home . He also pushed me one time because I hit him with a pair of shorts. I know it didn't hurt him and I wasn't trying to hurt him but still he pushed me . There's been days where he won't even come over because he doesn't feel like it and he hates talking on the phone and told me he's tired of hearing about my problems because I have a abusive mother who I still love but she hurts me often and a dad who is absent in my life and no friends by the way I was 18 years old living alone in a city I knew no one but him . I lived in a big house all by myself and he was never there to support me . He wouldn't come when there was a Guy trying to break in because he did not believe me he said it was just the wind next thing you know one days he's over and there a man peering inside my window. But I still love him becahse he's the only friend I've ever had who I'm pretty sure doesn't want me for just sec because some days he would dance with me and spin me around . He would hold me and rock me back and forth when I was crying . And he would tuck me in like I was a baby which was lovely and he would make me lunch every morning for a while. And I felt so close to him he's my first love. It wasn't always this bad he was great at first . Now since he's a firefighter we barely see eachother. And he bought me food whenever I asked . But we have been dating for a year and 8 months and I just moved back home very far away in Florida and he's back in Chicago. I've been trying the long distance and I just can't do it anymore . He forgets to text and call and some days I don't hear from him at all until I'm sleeping . And he's impatient says he needs to play the video game while we talk or he will get bored :( please give me some advice will he ever change ,? He says he will marry me and give me a beautiful life. He claims he was a jerk because he didn't make much money and he had to help me buy grocery's a few times and I didn't have a car so he drove me everywhere and that was what caused him to need space .he's never had responsibility before . And I would always have dinner ready for him I always gave him sex and to make him happy played video games with him . I did everything I could for him . And he still wanted space and we didn't even live together his mom told him he'd go broke if he lived with me . I even wrote him poetry and sang love songs to him gave him massages foot rubs and anything he asked if do . So why would he need space and regret everything he did now that I'm so far away.

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    • twistyheadmisty

      Girl, that's your fault of making yourself a doormat just because you have a rocky childhood. I won't give any compassion for you bc you wanna stay with this man who will abuse you later in life. Abuse is not love.

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  • Sexysheep20

    Please help !
    So my boyfriend is 21 he lives at home and is studying to be a firefighter . All of his friends think he is stuiped because he asked if giraffes eat corn .... And he talks like a 6 year old child brat. He sticks out his tongue and goes pbbbbbbttttt . And he always makes mistakes with his words like saying spark the car . He twists his foot like a little girl would while asking for some ice cream. He does baby talk . Cries a lot over the smallest things . He has to eat and sleep on time otherwise he says he will get cranky and hangry . He plays with his 13 year old sister like a kid would stepping on her foot pushing her . And then goes mom my sister is hitting me ! They do the whole I'm not touching you game . And he doesn't wipe his butt I always have to make him shower and clean it for him . His mom does everything for him and is over controlling . He is really bad with time it takes him all day to do simple things like clean his room because he gets distracted and starts to play video games . He's addicted to porn and wNts me to do the stuff he sees on porn . And he is a total pervert stares at other girls asses . And one day we went camping and he literally said I'm going to go hunt for rocks 😐 . I said are you joking ? He says no I think it's fun . Meanwhile there isn't a single rock in sight for miles and he's doing that instead of spending time with me like the trip was meant for. He lik

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  • Blenderswhirr

    I had to teach my boyfriend the seven continents. He's 21. When planning to meet somewhere, he often ends up in the wrong city, even for work. He misspells and mispronounces words all the time: cartboard, ice ring, conversate, disposable thumbs, fruton (futon), torch (torque). When I try to correct him, he'll argue that he's right, but refuses to look it up. Another thing, he asks me random, obscure questions like, "what time does the store close" or "what kind of oil does my car take" as if I'm a walking search engine and he can't Google things himself. He aspires to have 0% body fat and won't believe me when I say that would literally kill him. His car broke down and once it was towed to a street, he refused to deal with it even though the street does monthly street cleaning and gives tickets to anyone parked there during that time. After he got a new car, I told him to call a company that picks up and buys used and broken down cars. He refused because they only offered him $20. Each ticket is $60 and if you don't respond in three weeks they fine you for being late. Fast forward one year later, his debit card is on hold because he owes hundreds in parking tickets on that broken down car. He's gotten two tickets for driving in the carpool lane ($270 each). He didn't know it was meant for two or more passengers. He thought the carpool lane was an express lane for people who want to drive fast. He still calls it the express lane. It took him four tries to pass the written test and when he did he only passed by one point.

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  • Kakarere

    Well my boyfriend doesnt even know what a poached egg is. :-(

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  • Fancy_Nancy

    wow, thank goodness, i'm not alone. Actually I stubbled across this as a result of my boyfriend doing by far the most unbelievable absent minded action that hes done thus far in our 3 year relationship. Im actually pretty fricken perturbed about this actually. So heres what went down. I bought a new washing machine today ok we both carried it down to the basement. My job was to put the hot and cold water hoses on the machine and his was to put the drain pipe on. So get this as im putting on my hoses, i needed to use a vice grip to tighten it. so as i proceed to do so after ive already tightened it as much as possible with my hands, my bf says to me while supervising ok now turn it counter clock wise , and now that i think abou t it actually he was wrong with that also cause it was clockwise which was the right direction, but anywho i was like ah come off it like please do you mind. As it was clear that it was already done up as it was supposed to be. Anyway so he proceeds to put the drain pipe on, so he bends down and within 2 seconds hes back up and hes done. which appeared to me to be a little to quick for that duty to be completed but i looked at it and figured like how could it possibly be he musta just been that fast. so i second guessed my self.well im sitting here about an hour later and im needing the bathroom so i get up and as im passing the basement door i can hear water flowing so i instantly open the baSement door and what do i see but my entire fricken basement covered in water and from where did that water appear but that bloody drain pipe. its littlecbits of absent minded things everyday, like cooking chicken on a pizza tray, or dumping dirty mop water in the tub and leaving it there , or using a dirty cloth over and over to wipe a table down, or unclean supposed to be cleaned dushes and on and on. daily. Can somebody anybody help me please? how does one overlook this type of absent minded bullshit. its driving me bonkers literally. how should this be dealt with, please helpful advice needed.

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  • JLhelp

    Oh my god. The amount of people here having the same issue as me! I'm 24 and my BF is 25. But he's an utter idiotic stupid person. I have no nicer words to describe him. Sure he is loving, does everything and anything for me. Loves me to no end. BUT!! he does not have his own backbone. He basically loves anything and everything I do. I cannot seem to have a proper intelligence conversation with him because I'd end up so damn frustrated by his stupid replies. I can't even understand how can someone have no logical thinking.

    1) he'll suggest we go watch movies BUT when I asked if he has booked the tickets, he'll be like oh I was waiting for you to tell me to book it. When I clearly said OKAY. He needs a DIRECT instruction before doing something

    2) He gets confused with the town road that he has been LIVING IN FOR 25 years of his life!!!!!

    3) he does not know the name of the roads he takes on a daily basis?!? Yes you can be bad at directions but not a complete idiot

    4) he owes his cousin money and he had the idea of borrowing more money from other people to pay his cousin back. WHAT FUCKEN IDIOTIC CENTURY IS THIS?

    5) his 'good friend' duped him into doing money laundering by telling him to transfer big amount of money on his behalf because his 'friends' bank Acc is OVERLOADED with money.

    6) he uses the word AFTER-Ing. For example, we were watching a bank robbery show. He'll go like the police is AFTER-Ing the robbers. WHAT THE FUCK? & he goes on and says to me, well how else would I explain it. FUCKEN STUPID MY GOSH

    7) whenever I ask him a question, he'll answer back with a question & then he'll be like " what ? I thought you knew"? God damn it if I knew I wouldn't even be asking!!!!

    I can go on and write a book about my stupid boyfriend. There is so much more. I'm beginning to lose my feelings because there is nothing attractive about a guy who does not has his own stand, or ambition or interests. Other than following his gf like a pup. Also, he does not have any friends left because every time he gets into a relationship. The only friend he has is his girlfriend. I swear by, I thought I was clingy before. But no this is obsessive!!

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  • abnormal163

    I came to read this today as I did a Search 'how to get rid off stupid partner'...although there are points here that makes one laugh yet, this is a serious matter. If one's partner's IQ is way to far-off from one's own, unless the partner has many other qualities that can come into play such as exceedingly kind or a great artist etc talents..., otherwise, it will be days of disagreement and misery (every time a challenge in life pops up which as you know is an everyday affair..). And stretch that out to years and it can be a burnout. Unfortunately, we do live in an era of fast development and we have to try and keep up. We can also decide to live in remote communities but if you think about it -- whether in the cities or in the remote areas: survival needs an operatively sound IQ. And my experience tells me that low IQ is self-made namely that the person is too damn lazy to care enough to upgrade him or herself... and also, a low IQ person will never be responsible in character as they always wait for you or someone to tell them what to do, and when things don't flow smoothly, they will simply say it was your fault (their greatest asset: knack for alibi). Low IQ people lack the desire to take up challenges in life and face them with their own wits, which is why their IQ never improved with age! That is what I found. The worse part of being low IQ, and luckily this does not apply to all low IQ people: Is the worse ones tend to set conflict internally with the family or friends that they are more familiar with as they fear the 'great outdoors' - they fear knowing who they are and having to work harder to better themselves. Believe me if your partner's IQ hasn't been following up in some ways, tell him to buck up or beat it.

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  • Bright44

    Kjmska: you are hilarious. I laughed so much about your post, specially the part of the IQ of a potatoe. My boyfriend is stupid too ... Lol
    Hope everything is going well with you guys and the baby!!!

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  • Tajs

    My BF is a complete idiot. I don't need to make all the examples on here, because frankly it's so exhausting to mentally tolerate on a daily basis.

    Here it is; plain & simple (ha) I asked him one evening to turn my granddaughters (I'm a young grandmother) pillow right side up, a cartoon picture on front of pillow and she was fidgeting to get it set up right, so she could go to sleep.

    I swear I almost swallowed my tongue when he looked at me with dumbest expression and asked; "what do you mean?" I thought instantly of how basic that is to know. I said to myself, in my head for it was trying so hard to find its way out of my mouth. "Shut the front door, he is a total idiot" wth!!

    Now. I feel horrible, I don't want to hurt him, but I cannot continue this way.

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  • MiserableWife

    My dumb husband-child :

    1 . asked me today: "area 61 is where we keep the aliens, right?" (referring to area 51, and as if we have a zoo of aliens stored there casually)
    2. I had to tell my husband it wasn't ACCEPTABLE OR OKAY to let our 19 month old child to eat 6 Popsicles after dinner.
    3. Thinks a can of black olives is a healthy lunch.
    4. Thinks a bowl of strawberries is an acceptable meal for a toddler.
    5. Uses jam before jelly when making a PBJ (he thinks if you get peanut butter in the jelly jar it'll make the jelly mold) I thought the opposite was common knowledge?!
    6. Calls a PBJ a PJ and doesn't understand why no one in the world he's ever met knows what he's talking about when he asks if anyone wants a PJ

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  • Someoneagain

    The reason I am scared is because this long distance will be lasting another three years and I understand that I am probably not seeing the whole depth of the problem. I don't want to loose 3 years just to find out that I actually can't be with this person. And knowing myself, I know I can't be with someone incapable or stupid. Why I am even got involved is simple. As a human being he is the most amazing, caring, loving, forgiving as they get. After life time of assholes this guy was like a breath of fresh air. So confused.

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  • Someoneagain

    Guys, reading this made me scared. And of course I didn't find this post accidentally. I have a ldr with a wonderful guy...whom I starting to suspect of being not intelligent. This is so awful. Even our first date was awkward but after he followed up with a phone call telling me how much he liked me I figured he was just nervous with a stranger.'s been almost a year now. We have been physically present with each other just few times. Here is what bothering me. He talks really slow...I mean, there is an awkward more than few seconds pause after each of my sentences...ok, eventually I got used to it. Then he repeats the things I say to him...more than normal and often out of place. He also repeats my gestures and actions. If I flip my phone upside down he does the same. While saying good bye I teared up, few min later he called me to tell me that he teared up when he got on the So unnatural and obviously a lie. He can make no decisions on his own...I have to analyze the situation out loud and come up with the solution which he sticks with and keeps repeating my own arguments. We are planning to spend two weeks together over the holidays and introduce each other to our respective he bought the tickets for our travels and I was floored...if any agent could sell worse connections and times I would be very surprised.

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  • Seesparks

    I'm not sure if anyone still uses this post but when I found it I was relieved. I'm going through this situation with my ex, who I unfortunately live with. Before we signed the lease we lived an hour apart and only saw each other on weekends. Well, you sure get to know someone really well when you live with them. His intelligence level, or lack thereof, caused me to break it off but I still have 6 wonderful months until the lease is up. Here are some examples of the stupid shit he says that is making me feel like I am literally going insane:
    1) I found that the washers in our building suck at washing clothes, so I only use them when I absolutely cannot make it to the laundromat. We go to do laundry and he says "I think that's enough clothes for this washer, they might come out dry if you add more." I stared at him and then said "what the fuck are you talking about" in which he responds completely serious, "you said the washers don't wash your clothes completely. I thought that meant they come out dry."
    2) his mom pays his bills for him (car payment, car insurance, and phone bill because I take care of everything to do with our apartment) and we find out his insurance has been $60 lower than he's been giving her for about a year. He says, "she probably didn't know it lowered because she pays it online." I asked him, "what are you talking about? You think she goes on there and just throws out a number to pay and they take it out of the account?" He literally thought that they don't give you a total amount due.
    3) When he lived at home, his family ordered dinner almost every night. He would call it in and give his card number over the phone. Well we decided we wanted to order tickets to a local sporting event, and he told me I had to order them because he doesn't trust putting his card number online because it isn't secure.
    4) he spells everything that ends in "ing" with an e. Manufactureing, driveing, comeing, etc. I'm like dude there is autocorrect now, so you're CANCELING the correct spelling and entering in the incorrect one.
    5) I told him I wanted to start eating healthy. He said he will take me to Olive Garden for a healthy dinner and then tells me that Apple pie is healthy because there are apples in it.
    6) were driving one day and I said I'm so tired and can't wait to sleep. Then I say "did you know that they've done studies on sleep and you don't actually make up sleep? So if you get 4 hours one night your brain doesn't actually make up those lost hours the next time you sleep." What's his response? "Nope that isn't true, when you have long busy day you sleep better."
    7) he starts arguing with me "you say you want to lose weight but you eat a whole thing of ice cream." Oh he means Arctic Zero which is 150 calories a pint with a whey protein base. "That doesn't matter you still eat the whole thing."
    8) he punches one of the doors in the apartment and it leaves a giant hole. On the wall DIRECTLY next to that, he punches it and leaves 3 distinct knuckle marks. He calls maintenance and tells them we broke it moving a dresser. When I say we've been here for 6 months and there's knuckle marks right next to that hole, he says he'll just tell them it was me. I laughed and said go ahead it'll be great to compare the knuckles with my puny ass hand moron.
    9) the last one I'm going to mention is the first one that made me really realize he has to honestly have some type of disorder. So we each have small things to do around the house after work, we agree on them each morning. One time he had to vacuum the bugs (we were getting ants badly) and put the dishes in the dishwasher. I come home after working late and asked why the dishes were still in the sink. "I was vacuuming bugs." "Well you weren't vacuuming bugs for the last 3 hours." "Because there were no more bugs to vacuum."

    I feel like I'm going insane.

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    • twistyheadmisty

      Have you talked to him about his faults?

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    • Bright44


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  • kickinass

    I know this is a really old question, but i feel that these comments are hitting particularly close to home.

    My boyfriend is not only stupid, he is extremely immature.

    1. He doesnt know of any other store than walmart. He has never even bought anything online. He said he wanted to buy me something fancy for my birthday one year and he brought me to the walmart jewelry desk to find something. needless to say, we walked out empty handed.

    2. Like i said, he is extremely immature sometimes. We were on a date to the movies one time and my ex boyfriend shows up. He is best friends with my ex and my ex's girlfriend is my boyfriends cousin. he does not understand why this would be awkward to me. Anyways, my ex shows up with his new girlfriend to our date at the movie theater and my boyfriend gets so excited that he runs out there screaming like a little kid and jumps on my ex. I was so embarrassed. He then convinces my ex to switch movies and see the same movie as us.

    3. he does these things all the time and it is so fucking embarrassing. he'll act like a 6 year old whenever he is offered candy. i am not exaggerating in the least, except for the fact that it isn't candy, its any form of meat. Every time i try to say something to him, he tells me to calm down.

    4. he needs clarification for everything i ever tell him. he asks me at least three times every command to explain it again. this is especially irritating because i live on a farm and he sometimes helps me out with my chores and it takes me forever to just explain to him what to do five times.

    5. he doesnt understand that some people i would like to avoid. he is one of those good people who dont dislike anybody. He's like a golden retriever in that way, he just wants to embrace everybody. i tell him which people i dont like and he doesnt listen, he will call them over to chat and theyll talk for hours.

    These are just a few of the stupid things i cant stand about him in case anyone is still reading this. i have plenty more examples where that came from.

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    • twistyheadmisty

      "He's like a golden retriever in that way, he just wants to embrace everybody." Hahaha! Similar to my bf but I love how he tells me to calm down because I have anxiety.

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    • Pea1234

      Girl that's just my boyfriend traits. I want to explode when he's like 'calm down, breath, relax'

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  • ienquire

    I love my boyfriend and respect him too much to make him feel bad about himself so I will try and say this nicely, My bf's IQ seems to be low. I think my general knowledge is fairly good so I find it difficult to speak to him about what interests me.

    His spelling is horrible. When he wants to type definitely, he types defiantly. I always thought it was a typo but now I know he actually thinks defiantly is pronounced as differently. He spells through as throw. He confuses he's with his. Ok so maybe he was that kid in class that mistook a "2" for an "s" but don't you grow out of that.

    Now look, I don't think everyone should be the same IQ level but I do feel that you need to be compatible with your partner and I don't think we are but I love him and feel somewhat sorry for him.

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    • Aja

      My BF has a lazy brain. His thoughts just seem lazy, especially thinking ahead. Thinking about anything beyond this moment seems off limits to my guys brain. But...when it comes to being non-judgmental, accepting of others, a heart of gold and someone who thinks the world of me, he is ALL that. I on the other hand am admittedly judgmental and very leery about people without getting to know them first. Find where your BF excels and I'll bet you'll find you do not. Who gives a crap if he hits the wrong keys or "thinks" he's hitting the right ones. Who gives a crap if I've mentally beat a subject to death 10 minutes before my BF even thought of it. Was it really that important, as in "important" in the grand scheme of things pertinent to that precious breath of life.

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  • LilyBest

    My boyfriend is the same, and we've been together for almost 6 years now!
    The main thing he seems really bad with is basic English skills! It really gets under my skin. For instance I always have to look at his resumes and cover letters before he sends them because they're always full of grammar errors! We're 23 so its kind of ridiculous.
    I've learned to accept it though, even though sometimes it just drives me up the wall he can be so dim in something so basic!

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  • Sia327

    If it bothers you why are you with him? Also sounds pretty rude how you could easily dis your boyfriend out on some site...if you think of him as stupid I think he's wasting his time dating you because love isn't about intelligence it's about whether you can look past the flaws of a person and accept them not criticize.

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  • ThatOneOtherPerson

    Any examples?

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  • Break up with him

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  • Cosmicgiggle

    One major thing you DONT have in common. Vim sure it's troublesome.

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