My boyfriend refuses sex.

We are dating for almost three months. Our relationship is becoming pretty serious and I really love him. However I am getting fed up of waiting for sex. The problem is that he has been raped in the past (around one year ago) by a former male friend. We kiss and hug, but each time I put my hands under his clothes he already shivers of fear. We tried to move on slowly, but he always ends up crying or yelling at me. He tells me that I make him feel dirty or that I am disgusting. Eventually he apologizes, yet it hurts. I wonder how long it takes to get ‘cured’ of rape. Perhaps somebody has advice on how to sexually deal with rape victims.

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Comments ( 217 )
  • Jabawoki

    It's only been three months. You shouldn't be pressuring anyone to have sex ever let alone after 3 months and ESPECIALLY if he's a victim of sexual abuse. It could take a years for him to get over it. If you really cared for him sex wouldn't even be an issue

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    • fjo5183

      I would do that to my girlfriend too, because I have a small penis and was afraid of her seeing it. I also faked that I was raped so that she wouldn't know the real reason why I didn't wanna undress.

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      • ToxicCrayons

        That's ridiculous.

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  • yeathatgirl

    I think the person that submitted his story is utterly ridiculous. Apparently you do not love him if you can come on here and complain bc it's taking him so long go get over being RAPED and you need dick. That's sweet. Really. You obviously are lacking the class and are too young to handle this situation. People that get raped NEVER get "cured". Every person they meet will be held at arms length for loads of time before any kind of relationship can form. It's something you never get use to. The self hatred anyone would crush a weak person like you in seconds. I feel bad that you are the person he decided to try to return to normalcy with. I think he's showing courage and true feelings for you by trying to engage in a relationship in the first place. This is an issue that will take infinite patience and time. Even a shrink isn't gonna fix this. There's nothing that will.

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    • Craig860

      Fuck him, he got laid why can't you

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    • dan90655

      also another thin male rape victims react alot diferently then males there reactions are alot more ilogical and could almost be considdered weird one of my buddys cusins got raped around 16 and now after about 3 years hes turned into a a bisexual man whore (sorry couldent come up with any better discriptive words)

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    • imreal


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  • I think you're going too fast. Rape victims take a while to come to terms, if you will, with their bodies. It doesn't matter what gender you are, if you get raped it will take a while. It might seem hard but you should stay with him. He needs you now. He's already taken the first step to recovery by getting a girlfriend. When he's ready, he will let you know.

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    • Aryan

      Hi Darling!!! Don't Worry about that! It is neither too serious about that! Let him know that this is Important for every human being to grow his/her family! Everyone does that...His Parents Too done that! So don't create an issue of that he has been RAPED!{Although he has been Raped by the same Gender/SEX}
      Understand him Nicely But not by putting your hands into his Shirt!

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  • americanhoney

    I just love that koiFISH wrote masterBAIT.... Hahaaa

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    • ToasterClock

      i lol'd

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    • secrettellings

      haha same. funny.

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  • koifish

    Masterbait. He needs alot of time. He's going through alot of trauma. Don't ever get mad at him for it. Put yourself in his shoes.

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    • GenPirate

      Continue spelling it like that and you may win the fucking retard award. But seriously maybe it's because the author of this piece of shit is ugly as fuck and her "boyfriend" will only fuck her if she puts a bag over her face.

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  • tani

    Guys, really?!? Being raped is more than having a penetration without consent. You loose control over your body, someone is breaking one of the most important thing in you; your self esteem. The guy got raped by a friend, how can he trust someone now? Can you imagine what the guy is going through?! He will have trust issues for a long time and it is not overreacting. He cannot have sex because it might remind him the failure of trusting the wrong person, add the fact that nobody cares about how he felt. When we say "stop" an the person continues, and it is someone you trust, you dont understand what is happenin and you feel betrayed, disgusting, you feel like a cum dumpster. That feeling is not something that goes away. Its been 5 years since i got raped and i start to recover. No offense but its not with a stupid bimbo like you that it will get better. You complain because you want sex when he gives you what you really need; love, trust and affection. Do him a favor and buy urself a dildo and suck it up. Its because of freakin selfish princess like you that some of us never recover. If you are afraid of something, will he force you to do it? No. Because he loves you and he understands. As for the gay and rape joke in the comments, i almost hope you suffer as muh as i did, as he does to maybe stfu. Grow up

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    • shadowmario

      he might never have sex with you. move on

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    • sundaisie

      why do you assume he's a good guy just cuz he got raped maybe he shouldn't have started the relationship if he couldn't handle it. A normal healthy relationship has sex in it especially after 3 years >.>

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      • nikdakidsmith

        three months**

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      • Mztellitlikeitiz

        couldnt agree more

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      • sheilarae1987

        she said 3 MONTHS not years, wth?

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  • *Cinnist*

    Thats something your either going to have to stick by him for or leave him for. Its going to take a good while till hes actually is ok with anything sexual. Hes still in deep trauma and may need more help than you can give him. If your fed up maybe its time to move on, because that is not going to solve itself over night.

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    • RedRabbit

      Your comment is very practical.

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  • TheAwesome11

    You can't be "cured" from rape. He will hold this trauma for the rest of his life. The fact that you are so selfish that you are frustrated due to 3 months of dating without having sex tells me you really don't care for him much at all.

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  • mysti446

    The fact that you say "cured of rape" tells me you don't even begin to empathize with what he is going through. If you truly love him stop thinking about your own needs and worry about his.. If you can't do this you need to leave so his healing can begin!

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  • Poomplex

    You said yourself you love him, if you did you would wait. I think the guys got balls dating someone after that i would be a wreck myself, so what if he doesnt want to have sex at the moment its not that important, dont let your desires ruin what could be a good relationship

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  • poof!gone122

    YOU ARE SOOO INSENSITIVE!!!!! I don't blame him for that at all. That's something that will haunt him for the rest of his life and you think that he's gonna just pop up and be like "I'm all better! Take it off!" NO!!! Goodness. Try talking to him about it and helping him out through this.

    By the way, love does NOT equal sex. And 3 months is no where near long enough.

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    • Paradoxical_existence

      I agree, my rule is 6 months or im not gonna do you.

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      • VioletTrees

        I agree that the person who asked this question is selfish and insensitive, but can we not make this about judging people for how soon they choose to have sex in a relationship?

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  • bleach_baby

    I am just finished my second year of studying to be a psychologist, specializing in sexual abuse and incest related traumas. As much as it goes against my instincts as a soon to be psychologist to judge anyone, I think your post is amazingly selfish and shows a phenominal lack of empathy. Your boyfriend may never be sexually normal again. I understand that it hurts when he insults you, but he is just taking it out on you because he is naturally full of anger about what happened to him. To be honest, I don't think that you sound old enough to deal with something this serious, you sound out of your depth. If you do love your boyfriend, support him, get him some serious councilling, and be incredibly, incredibly patient. Don't push him for sex, at all, it will only scar him further.

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  • If you really love him wait and be there for him

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  • sarah11111

    go buy sex toy and stp thinking with ur harmones and wait a while...i mean he was raped by a MAN that was his FREND tht wud be very tramatizing for him so be kind and caring not a horny jerk

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  • He was raped a year ago. By one of his friends, who he trusted. That friend violated that trust. WTF do you expect. It takes some rape victuims a LONG time to get over something that terrible thats happened in their lives. I dont think he should go as far as calling you disgusting, but think of how you would feel if you were raped by a friend. I think he has alot of courage to be in a realtionship this early. I know I wouldnt be able to do it. Stick with him or leave. Either way GTFO yourself. Just sayin'.

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  • BlueAlice

    You're being incredibly heartless!

    Frankly, he doesn't deserve someone with an attitude as selfish as yours.

    People aren't "CURED" of rape... it can stay with them for the rest of their lives.

    If you truly loved him, you would be there to support him. Have you even bothered to suggest he sees a counsellor or - SHOCK HORROR - that he can talk to you about anything he needs to?!

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  • RedRabbit

    Two simple choices: Have patience or move on.

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  • no.worries.

    You are nothing but a naive little girl to be perfectly honest. It sickens me to read what you have just written, you have only posted this beceause you don't understand. You don't understand what it is like for him and let's bloody hope you never do find out, I was raped when I was 15 and I am now 18. Since then no man has been worthy of my trust, a stranger raped me and I've come to terms with that but your boyfriend was betrayed in trust by a friend. I can't imagine the pain he is going through. I suggest you break up with him if you are going to carry on being as naive and selfish as you are because to be honest he doesn't need any more pressure or upset in his life. He doesn't deserve it.

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  • andrian007

    I echo most of the points here already made: rape has serious psychological consequences on the person (male or female) and many people never fully recover from it.

    If you love him that much, you have to persuade him to see a shrink or else he will remain damaged for the rest of his life. Sex is the least of all his problems here. If he feels small or that he is nothing more than a sex object, he will always have low self-esteem for the rest of his life. He will be refusing you sex for a very very long time until he can get this sorted out.

    So... you say you really love him? Well... now is a fantastic time to prove it. Let's see if you if you will stick with him right until the very end. May I recommend you don't use the word 'love' lightly? You know, there are obligations attached to that very word.

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  • firetruck

    If it annoys you now then ask yourself will it annoy you in 10 years. Rape can scar a person for life and you need to be sure you can life with that.

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  • He probably needs professional help.

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  • Pookie

    Do not pressure him. He needs time to heal. It may be years before he is able to have sex. You have to decide if it is worth it for you to wait.

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  • ThatKidOverTh3re

    My gawd woman, he was raped by a dude, hes probably scared crapless of any form of intimacy... I would be if i were raped by a woman D:

    I wouldnt say theres anything to lose in sticking with him though, its not like hes using you for your body...

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  • Megan10

    This post disgusts me. I was raped when I was about 9. I am now 20... and trust me, there is no "cure". Show him as much love and support as you can. But give him his space.

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  • normaliscrazy

    you really shouldnt be mad at him, hes been through a tramatic thing in the past and needs time to get over it. he probably wants to have sex with you but just can do it because it probably leads his thoughts back to when he was raped you need to wait and wait as long as he needs tbh. he probably just needs you to respect that.

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  • lovebuzz1025

    In my experience as a rape victim, you can never truly get over rape. But eventually you can have sex and enjoy it. Sorry to say, a year is not nearly enough time to get over that. If you really think about it, three months isnt that long and sex doesnt make the whole relationship. i do feel bad for you though these people sound really judgmental.

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  • dina

    He needs something special therapy.
    Like councelling or meet doctor.
    And be patient.

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  • Nitastar

    He was raped around a year ago and you been dating for just three months WTF do yo expect? Seriously! He has SO much courage to being with you despite of his HUGE trauma and aparently your selfisness! When I was 5 I was almost raped, thank god I wasn't but just that was really traumatizing. The feeling that I still can remmenber was the strongest one: FEAR. I was terrified. No wonder he is.
    I agree with most of the coments but especially this ones: yeathatgirl Ashyy sarah11111 tani.
    Buy toys and as Mag!ck said: love waits.

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  • Mag!ck

    Love waits

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  • supeflyred

    He's insecure, as a girlfriend you need to help him get over his problem, talk to him about it, tell him how you feel. But most importantly, dont push him, its just provoking more aggressive behavior and eventually he'll lash out.

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  • LoveYouBabe

    wow don't push him so much. I have the same issue and I am very sensitive now because of what happened.

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  • kellstar

    Be patient, he went through something very traumatic! Buy some sex toys and be understanding! Imagine if it was you and he started getting mad, it would make u feel so much worse!

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  • CountessCoolout

    Can't you just have sex with someone else if you need your hole filled that badly? Three months is nothing, leave the dude alone.

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  • Stop being horny and respect him... What would u feel like if u were raped?

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  • spotlessmind

    everyone is going crazy over this rape cure thing. i honestly just think she picked the wrong word to describe it. maybe heal would be a better one.
    you've never not been able to think of the right word to describe something before? jesus, people, take a chill pill.

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  • blondie0h3

    woww. thats something serious. i mean, im sure it fucked him up pretty bad in the head. i wouldnt get mad at him for it. i would pleasure myself in the mean time and be patient with him. he may need professional help.

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  • Maki_P

    Your boyfriend suffered something horrible, he needs time to heal. He probably needs your love and support to recover from the experience, be patient and stay by his side (unless your relationship is bad of course, don't stay with someone out of pity)

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  • derker

    You sound like a bitch. Fuck off a leave the guy's balls alone. You've survived how many years without sex? A few more aren't going to kill you. Jam a fucking zucchini up your ass if you're that desperate.

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  • sillygal73

    That is horrible that your bf got raped. He should go to counseling and if you love him you'll wait until he is ready and if you don't love him just move on.

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  • dr.penis

    he was raped! leave him alone, how would you feel in his shoes

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  • dom180

    It takes as long as it takes. If you love him, let him get over it in his own time.

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  • JayantKumarZ

    oh n get a dictionary lol u never get "cured" of nythin. u only re-"cover" it n (subconsciously) adjust n accept with the new circumstances n think that nothin happened cuz tht experience is virtually over but trust me its not... u dont change the past... u create another present on its foundation making it "look" like (only to ur society, not even urself) that past was never there...

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  • You don't fucking cure from rape. That's bullshit.

    But aside from that, I think you should just wait, he needs time to get over what happened. He'll be ready in time.

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  • annominousguy

    Rape is a serious thing but show to him that you are there for him every step of the way and help him through any problems a he will feel more secure around you this might take time and slowly make progress hope it helps

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  • bananaface

    I think you should do him a favour and just leave him if getting laid is such a big deal to you!What makes you think having sex with him is gonna help someone whose been sexually abused?!?

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  • CharlotteLily

    aww im sure you will come round to it when hes ready, soon he will realise what he is missing out on. He obviously respects you, your time will come :)

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  • You need to be more open minded. Good God...

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  • curiosity9

    (This is the girl of the story speaking) - well, some of your comments are pretty harsh. First of all, right after my boyfriend got raped, he told the police and his parents took him to a psychologist. So he's receiving professional help. I proposed relationship therapy, but he doesn't want me near his psychologist. I have urges plus he's really hot, so I am getting sexually frustrated, but of course I won't force him. Besides as I do love him, I will stick with him.

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    • Maki_P

      The comments aren't harsh. And you sound a little selfish in that last comment. If you have urges buy a "friend", his pain is more important than you're urges

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      • hi5ingamillionangels

        Seriously? people here are admonishing the asker for being horny? Awful. It's typical for someone her age. If anything, she doesn't understand what he's going through.

        And yes. the comments ARE harsh. because they aim to hurt the asker rather than give her advice. (which is what she posted for)

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        • VioletTrees

          They're not admonishing her for being horny, they're saying that she shouldn't be putting her horniness before his needs.

          Also, sometimes comments need to be a little harsh to put things into perspective. The original question sounded like she was looking for him to get over the rape so that she could have sex with him, so it sounded like she wasn't really looking at things the right way at all.

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      • meowpower

        Yea the comments are pretty harsh... tbh

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    • goldfishie

      i think you're normal and you should stick with him, but probably not because he is just hot. it will be fine over time.

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    • colt1911

      If you love him, learn to masturbate, the more you push the longer it will take. You HAVE to let him lead, you have to let every little step be his to make. you cannot make advances at all let him be in control and things will go a lot smoother for both of you. If you are a take charge kind of gal it will never work, you will get angry and hurt, he will get hurt more and make things worse. Sit him down and explain to him that you know there is an issue, and let him know that you will be there and not put any pressure on him.

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    • Proudfear

      good ,then as long as u be patient which since u say u love him shouldnt be hard , but for relationship therapy id recomend u 2 see another psycologist who deal with stuff like this(dont think itll be hard 2 find his psychologist could recoomend someone, since he doesnt want you to meet)
      and just think of how u would be if the same hapened to u , itll help u i garentee

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  • ~L~

    He need's a psychologist.

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  • kursten1234

    your a FUCKING bitch back off he was raped and your a whore. how could you be mean to him he doesnt wanna sleep with you its only been three months let him fucking get to no u and why dont you stop tryig to rape him


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    • meowpower

      Wow.. ur nice.

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  • tigresapunkita

    you are going to end raping him too control yourself

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  • dkitty

    Don't be so selfish, you fking retard

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  • Well if you need a release I'm here for you ;)

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  • topleacy

    I'm amazed at the criticism of the word "cured", the ' either side of the word is there for a reason, are some people to stupid to see that?

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  • jessica2727

    You sure he's not gay? Hey, it happens.

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  • Andy20.

    2words. HAVE PATIENTS

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    • Like what a doctor has?

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  • Three months isnt that long. You should talk with him, and try to move him past his fear of the past. You need to be more sympathetic to his situation

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  • LovableHumans

    It’s not an easy situation. If you really love your boyfriend you should be patient and loving. Try to seduce him. He is a male after all.
    Have a shower and don't use any perfume, leave the scent of soap only. Make him breathe your skin by going closer and closer. Don’t touch him. Make him touch you. When you feel you are close just stop and play again next day, week or so.
    It would take time, don’t push him, don’t hurry.
    Wish you both a good luck!

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  • surprised

    i m still surprised ...this girl trying to get some help but u people just laugh and joke serious for a little bit ...we are here to share our problems and look how we figure out solutions by giving serious advices least just by supporting her ...i don't know why u people so rude and cruel ....

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  • kvt

    if he was raped then u need to give him time. he dsnt have a cold, theres no maximum amount of time for him to get over this. If loving him means u need to have sex with him
    then maybe u shuldnt date him. just sayin.

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  • Donn09

    1st of all you seem to be a teenager....coz u care much about sex....! a relationship is not only about sex..but understanding and a time like that a guy fills down and even ashamed to look at u...thats if u have an idea of psychology.....! let him be...dont mention anything about sex or the incident....just speak with ur evrything to make him have a hardon and u will get the fuck of ur life

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  • pooooopie

    It's very normal for both him to fear sex and you to feel the long for it.ultimately, being raped or taken advantage of is the most violating thing. And having sex is a very vulnerable and emotional act.

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  • kerkster92

    i don't know if someone asked this already, but just making sure. you're a girl, right? i just don't want to be thinking strange thoughts..

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  • mariqkbg

    Don't force him. Vote here:

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  • mathwiz6

    Do NOT force him not matter what

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  • Thesilverspoon

    Leave him alone! Its only been a year and if you cant be more sensitve maybe you shouldnt be with him.Imagine if you werre raped

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  • pink_05

    Your gonna have to wait a long time before you get any maybe he should see someone about it

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  • kiddo05

    if he can't f*** you? go f*** yourself! :)thats the best thing to do..

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  • gnomexxx

    he needs councelling. this happened too my sister.

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  • jimts

    Absolutely normal; just think how you would feel if you had been raped and he made a move on you - the memory will always be there, but he should see a therapist and work on it.

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  • mluker

    Ask him why he didn't cut the guys dic off . I would have chopped his pecker off and shoved it up his ass. Lol

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  • Put a bag over your head

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  • Storm

    'It hurts' it hurts you because he refuses you. He was raped by his friend, and yet you are the one complaining YOUR the hurt one? get a grip, all most guys that age want to do is have sex, you should count yourself lucky that he isn't pushing you. How would you feel if you were raped and he was posting questions online saying it hurts when he refuses you?
    Either break up or be a bit more considerate.

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  • They never heal. It will be like this for the for the rest of your life. deal with it.

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  • killiminati

    I'll bang you for now.

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  • isPooping


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  • Strap him to the fkin wall

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  • Slave2Satan

    why is everyone being harsh to the author?, i agree that she should wait and just be there for himbut calling her a "Bimbo" isn't going to solve anything.

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  • sidiotic

    Point 1: Imagine you've been raped and then a guy, forget sex, even coming to touch you.
    Though you're in a relation, you'll have to consider and understand his situation. The guy's been raped by a....'guy' for god's sake!!
    I believe, you should be more of a girlfriend and wait.
    Point 2: Why is it that nothing satisfies girls? Ask for sex a bit regularly and we're being perverts...don't want sex, the girl freaks out.

    Solution: If you really know what a 'girlfriend' is, you should take the lead and put in your effort to get your so called 'boyfriend' out of his trauma slow and steady. aren't even a 'girlfriend' if you care more about sex than your boyfriend's life-changing incident!!

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  • ToriahnaChristine695

    You are so mean! If I were him I'd break up with u!!!! When u are raped, u are scarred for fricken life!! How can u expect him to have sex with u when u have only been going out for three fricken months?! Especially when he was recently raped? Think about how he must feel! Have u ever been raped? U don't know how it feels. It feels horrible! Be his support! Don't just push him like that! Your A PSYCHO!!!!!

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  • trusport

    Meanwhile he's not fucking you, I'd say... USE A CUCUMBER!! Or goto a Chinese super market and buy a PALSAM APPLE if you're really that desperate for a good fuck!!

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  • PhantomBeast137

    In Fact, HOW do you KNOW he has been raped?? He could be in conflict crisis trying to deal with VERY Homosexual reactive behavior when You as a Normal Female try to intiate a sexual event with him. He could be 100% Homosexual and has NOT come to grips with that very stressful conflict. It is very damaging to both Him and YOU not to get to the TRUTH of his "rape" event if, in fact, there really was one. INVESTIGATE With CARING Tact and you will get to the bottom of this VERY CLASSIC scenario.

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  • xXReAcTiiOnZxX

    well this is hard to say but i was raped when i was 4......... im 16 now and i recovered when i reached puberty and now i REALLY REALLY want to have sex so dont worry too much just give him time and he should be back to normal

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!

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  • icy_blue52

    Your a flaming idiot, and that's the mice shut I have to say. How dare you!!!

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  • DefJay

    Your friend need professional help!

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  • Newguy7777

    I know its mean but try therapy

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  • theevilmeister

    Probably Gay...

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  • scandinavia

    hm interesting...however he shouldn't be calling you disgusting etc thats just wrong...and I guess it's hard to understand, he need therapy but it's not like you will be penetrating him, he will be penetrating you!!

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  • cleverusername

    You could just rape him.

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  • trusport

    Take him to see a shrink. Fast and easy for you. And starting to see the result when you are seeking professional help. SEE A SHRINK, God dammit! This is beyond your capabilities to handle, unless you are a shrink too. But then you wouldn't be here complaining. Gosh, I hate it when I am right.

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  • He is secretly gay and using you, no questions about it.

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  • maybe ur really ugly, or face reminds him of the rapist

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    • sheilarae1987

      date rape face, someone who posseses the face of a date rapist LOL

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  • you must suck at sex... simple

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  • looks like hes been scared pretty badly.

    try takeing of your clothes and letting him touch u

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    • scapetown.VA

      this may be a great idea. try it and see if it leads where you want.

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  • mymymymy

    believe me, it's far too soon. me and my boyfriend had sex after dating for two months and the relationship got too serious too quick and we are no longer together because of it. you don't need sex to show him that you love him, just enjoy getting to kow him and learn about his likes and dislikes. that way, when it comes round to having sex you'll both enjoy it more.

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  • Hmm well i would sit down and talk to him and tell him how much he means 2 to you, but if he isn't ready why rush it, i would give him awhile, but he might not recover, i have friends who were raped n one is always horny and the other is scard, (there both males)

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  • supaflyafro

    ask him if he told the police about it. if he did and still feels bad then hes in so much trauma

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  • Aw..wait patiently...eventually he will figure out that ur needs is more important then his..

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  • Mr.medellin

    this trauma usually happens to girls when they get raped by the opposite sex, but to a man????

    if it was a girl that raped him, ok I might understand, but a guy???? common, He should be feeling great to having sex with a girl, that way he can have his manhood back....I'm guessing he's gay.....cause raped or not, A man usually can't control their desire for sex.

    try this, put on a nice lingerie, a nice thong, topless (or use a sexy bra)...just walk by him, and see his reaction.... A real straight man would get a boner immediately...
    I would get horny as hell, I might not show it, but I'll be fucking horny......

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    • tikiman163

      You have no knowledge, and no experience with anything remotely like this. If you have nothing to add to a conversation keep your mouth shut. I'm a man, and I was molested by a girl. I was pretty messed up for years. The support group I used to go to had men that were molested by other men. All of them were more emotionally disturbed than I was. Everyone accusing him of cheating on her, or accusing him of really being gay, you have no idea what you're talking about. Leave these two alone and stop giving them bad advice about trying to over-ride his trauma with the very thing that triggers it! QUIT BEING COMPLETE AND TOTAL RETARDS!

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      • strychnine

        a man molested by a girl? impossibru!!

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  • 2WeirdGuy

    you are a thick piece of shit

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  • darausnicht

    IDK, I was sexually assaulted a few times and am bisexual and sometimes I don't have sex just to be a cunt.

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  • Ciaoo

    I use to have a bf that raped, he had a heart attack after he was raped. And no, I didn't rape him. Why would I do that to my boyfriend.

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  • Avada4567

    Try to understand him yaar. Give him time. The first comment is the perfect.

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  • jstawhai

    First of all, learn to wait and stop being a rapist. He does it when he's ready because the more you pressure him, your going to push him away. And I'm telling you that he doesn't
    have to have sex with you unless he's ready to.

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  • Arabella-carlie_cullen

    look your boyfriend got RAPED of coures he would be scared he got RAPED by a MALE FRIEND i would be scared to and feel dirty even though i am not a guy atleast he tells you that you need to stop me and my boyfriend we tryed to but i felt dirty too just dont rush it we have been dateing for 5 years and i just cant. just take it slow have in see someone or just wait or ask him to talk about it just wait he will come around

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  • jamesmitchell29486

    Tell him he can rape u if he wants it may help just a thought

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  • Sexybabeuknow1

    Absolutely Interrorgate him with questions and he might be Gay .... maybe say I'm sure you'll be great in bed common i want you inside of me making love ..i love u ..u love me let's get it on ...then give him the option of just oral sex first then ask him if he could slide in you with a condom ..if he loves u then he would make love to you!

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  • Shroot

    rape him

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  • hi-im-mr-uturn

    i think youre just ugly and he doesnt want to let you know

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  • BooPup

    My boyfriend was raped as a teenager, by a classmate. He has told me that he hasn't been the same sense. Emotionally, he is not the same. Sexually, he is distant. "Cured" of rape? Are you that ignorant? All I can say is you clearly cannot empathize him, nor know the nature of what he is going through. And truthfully, I can only hope it happens to you, you ignorant, self-entitled bitch.

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  • TheOv3rminD

    Maybe you should go talk to him about it instead of polling the internet heh

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  • EAT_IT

    Viagra in a sandwich.

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  • derpington depends on how the person handles it. His fear of it may last for a while. I was harrassed when i was 10 and it bothered me for 3 years but who knows how long it will take for your bf. Its a huge emotional challenge that will always need patience and care. For now, you can kiss and hug and let him go further when he's ready

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  • rearea5194

    Look he is just going through something and he is scared and FYI don't have sex until you are married

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    well if i were raped *wich ill never be because im black*i will have sex with a women to feel like a man again

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  • jfprox101

    as a real boy i say he is gay
    i would of f***ed you first date cause your proble hot

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  • stevejwelsh

    I was molested a couple times when I was about 9 and until about age 14 I couldn't even bring my self to kiss a girl, so it could take a while depending on his age and the level of emotional/mental scarring he has.

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  • Avant-Garde

    He's been through something traumatic. Getting raped is terrible, but getting raped by a "good friend" must be even worse. He needs time to heal and he needs you to be understanding and there for him. Maybe, he should see a therapist to talk about it and help with the recovery process.

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  • mauwpauw

    You know this whole situation makes me think of a song. His mistakes by Usher. You should listen to it and you'll get what I mean. The song says he loves her and wants to do anything for her, but is sick of being accused for things he hasn't done. I think you shouldn't leave him because he trusts you and if you leave him now, while he needs you the most it's going to be really hard for him to trust anyone ever again. I get that you want sex but just do what everyone else commented, masturbate.

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  • Noodleflower

    I can't believe you people!!! Wanting to rush into sex and offense this is my belief js!! Wait till your married that's probably what he is waiting for... If your so horny all the time quit it..,, smh

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  • riley3036

    I'm shocked, usually it's the other way around! I might be worried in your position.

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  • AngryDude

    Hard to say without knowing anything more about the situation. You should at least mention your age too. I was molested when I was five years old, but this doesn't apply to me because no one's willing to sleep with me anyway (that I know of, and not including hookers).

    There is the possibility that he's not attracted to you, but since he shivers and gets scared, he might actually be attracted to you after all. There is a fear that can come over an inexperienced person if they're about to have sex with someone they are attracted to. But it's hard to tell if the fear is all due to the rape incident or if some of it's for the attraction scenario I just described, or maybe a combination of both.

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    once you go black you never go back

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  • Don't mess around with his back door no matter what!

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  • IceRico24

    Just wait till you ge raped up the butt by someone you trust!! You sick loser!!

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  • bookmaniac

    Well for what its worth, not ALL rape victims take forever to heal. I was raped repeatedly as a kid and you know what? first girl i nailed was an amazing experience. Not that everyone shares the same story i do, but not everyone deals with trauma the same. That said, I agree with many others that you are way too immature to handle this. Sex has to be an "us" are making it a "you" bueno. Never gonna work out.

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  • scapetown.VA

    unfortunately that is normal. Rape is a very serious thing and it causes serious issues. your bf should really seek some sort of help.

    In some cases rape victims will never want to have a sexual experience again.

    You may have to choose if he is worth giving up sex all together.

    a possibility is to remain only friends while he gets psychological help.

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  • Gearsofwarfan

    You have to let him chose when hes ready because
    Ive also been raped beforeby a former friend and i wasent ready with my girlfriend for about 2 years. Tell him that when hes ready you guys can have sex

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  • iminhere

    Masturbate in front of him. And rub 'it' so fucking hard that it must get him to take off his cloths. You know what I mean.

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  • what a funny guy.

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  • Give him time... Trust me... It takes a very long time to get over rape. I was molested when I was younger, and till about age 8 I would cry and run if any older man spoke to me. Even my own father. Give it time... A lot of time. It's hard to know what it feels like to have your body violated.

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  • littlelulu1999

    It is normal for you to want to be intimate with your boyfriend, but this man needs therapy because he obviously needs time to deal with with the trauma of what happened. He is not ready to be a part of a relationship right now. YOU need to move on. This is not the man for you right now. Let him seek out (if he's ready) the help he needs so he can one day move on with a healthy relationship, and you need to move on so that you may also find a healthy relationship.

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  • MythologicalMoose

    Possibility he'll never get over it.

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  • tikiman163

    I don't know if you'll see this, but I am a man with experience on how long it takes to get over being sexually assaulted by someone you knew and trusted. However, before I tell you I must say you have two choices and your decision has everything to do with the answer to the following question. Do you love him enough that you want to be with him for the rest of your life? If yes then keep reading.

    If you want the short answer? He may never get over this completely and have episodes where he's strange and can't handle physical intimacy. Realistically, two years should be enough to get him back to something like normal. However, if you are patient and let him be in control physically all the time he is more likely to be able to trust you and have sex some of the time. But it always has to be about what he wants, not even what he's willing to do, just what he wants. This is something incredibly selfless for you to willing accept. You can't do anything without him asking for it. Until he begins to want sex on a semi-regular basis you won't even be able to bring up the subject. I know that's a big deal, and lot to tell someone, but that's the problem with not being able to trust even the woman you love. It doesn't matter that he was raped by a man, you're still someone he knows and should be able to trust, and it was someone he trusted that did this to him. That he can't trust you all the time isn't your fault or his. I have one final piece of advice on contingency. When he has a flash back, does he freeze up? Freezing up causes a memory to stick in the short term memory preventing the brain from processing trauma and getting over it. If you back off physically when he's having an episode of PTSD and tell him to shake it will help him process the trauma. Scientist aren't sure why, but freezing physically causes the trauma to stick in the memory. Any movement at all during a flash back may help, though this advice is noted to have a greater effect when the trauma is more recently received.

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    • tikiman163

      Finally, it may help you to fully understand what's going through his head. To begin with, men are wired differently from women. Many people may not agree with me, but research has shown that women are better able to "deal" with being raped. For some reason the female brain has defense mechanisms to deal with physical and sexual assault that men lack completely. Some believe it's because the female of many communal species is both the hunter and the child bearer. They believe it is a survival defense mechanism that didn't benefit the majority of males and so it never developed. Compared to a woman, he remembers every horrifying moment with so much detail it could make him jump out of a window to end it, except the memory makes him freeze on the spot. If you back off physically when he's having an episode of PTSD and tell him to shake it will help him process the trauma. Scientists aren't sure why, but freezing physically causes the trauma to stick in the memory. Any movement at all during a flash back may help.

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  • kayla8

    im wondering how old u r ? just cuz ur question seems pretty immature ur bf has had a devastating experiance he may never get over especially if his own gf cant b understanding about it ... he def needs professional help.... just urm " take care of yourself ;)" if u catch my drift and try b patient n 3 months isnt long he wud have major trust issues.

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  • jobo091

    i myself was molested and raped. it took me forever to finally have the confidence to have sex. i still do have issues with having sex to this day. i was molested and raped when i was 6 years old. i still do cry during sex, i get those flashbacks. and so i can relate to the boyfriend, he just need time and patience from you. he needs much of support you can give him. just remember love overcomes all.

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  • Scarlet_Coldbane

    He should seek therapy if he hasn't already. I have no experience being in a relationship with a man who has been sexually molested while in the relationship so I couldn't say what is going on with him. I can imagine that his sense of self; his masculinity is threatened. However, what IS puzzling about what you have mentioned is that he finds sexual intercourse with a woman to be dirty. Had he expressed any disdain for you or for other women as sexual partners prior to his being sodomized?

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  • I was only molested and I don't line two be close to guys, even ones the I had a close relationship with, I can't stand it

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  • He will never get over being raped he is scared for life maybe talk about it and just say you want to have sex with him and not rape him. What if you were raped by your best friend? Masturbate could help maybe in front of him.

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  • yeathatgirl


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  • BoredGuy

    provoke him sexually without touching hin

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  • himrawkz


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  • bella1975

    This guy trying playing fool with you..investigate is the right things to do!

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  • PollyPocket

    no, there is something wrong with this guy. he should have begun to trust u by now and his libido sd have kicked in. i dont believe him.

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  • regane

    I say force the guy. And if he resists then take a dildo to his ass, might work.

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  • ElephantEar

    Selfish aint you? :P
    I would say force him, but that might seem somewhat inappropriate :P

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  • viper305

    Weird. If I was raped by a guy the first thing I'd do after reporting it is go find some hot clam.
    Just me though.

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  • livefastdieold

    force it upon him....cuff him.

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  • is he gay give him my number and i'll share some aids.

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  • Savi

    If my friend was hot, I would loved to get raped by them. :)

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  • Anonymouslynormal

    Wew... So many comments. Guess your question's been answered... I'm not much of help here. NEXT!!

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  • notnormal1234

    he's got to forgive himself and the person before he moves on well. I had to..but not for rape, but molestation cases..of my father. but i am at the point now of forgiveness fully and consentually within myself. now i can move on well and go good beyond what i ever thought and considered i could imagine. forgive first. teach him this and help him through it if you love him or care about him..but be sensitive. have him talk it out for you and say you'll be right there. don't be a princess, tell him your faults and failures too. you're a human after all. good luck!

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  • Renegade47

    let him lead you into it, if it wasnt for the part about rape i'd say this is completely not normal. maybe start with a serious makeout session and try to make it go that extra mile
    good luck :D

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    • tikiman163

      The problem is he doesn't feel in control of anything. Her doing anything is part of the problem right now. He just needs time and to feel like he's in control. Even bringing up the subject on her own can be bad, because he reacts like sexual contact is bad and to be ashamed of. This is going to take him a lot of time to deal with.

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  • JayantKumarZ

    sumthin tells me this is a "little" bit too serious to be a troll...
    hmmmm.... u kno wut u r bich :D
    if u cant understand n feel his pain despite havin the 40 sq metres of skin god has given u then u r no better than n earthwurm cuz neither does it has a brain nor organs, but it can feel so its better than u o.o

    go fk urself :D

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  • he needs to get help (u can help him get it) but u need to get a phyciatrisr for him,as for u its not healthy to be in a relationship like this,u need to break up sadly

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  • outlaw3365

    im going to tell you the truth about your situaton. this man was not raped...he experimented with his freind. and sorry to say he liked it and is gay and only is with you to keep up his appeaarances...if he were straight he would have already fucked you my friend. i mean come on what does he do with all that cum that buikds up in his no...we men have to cum....or maybe you are incredibly offense...just trying to help

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    • tikiman163

      you're an idiot. They didn't start dating till 9 months after he was raped. Trauma like this has this exact symptom set, and it normally takes at least two years with therapy for men to deal with this kind of trauma. Don't use anecdotal evidence to deal with a sensitive subject. You just end up looking like an ass attacking someone vulnerable. Even though you held back compared to the rest of the closet fags, you're still a horrible person to take a shot at a man like that. Imagine if a man forced you down and stuck his dick up your butt while you screamed for him to stop, or for someone to help, but no one did. Or worse...

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  • LagX

    First get him reeeaaaaaly drunk. then when he's asleep get naked with him and take his clothes off and sleep in his bed with him, then whenhe wakes up he'll think he... then he will be cured. GOOD LUCK WITH THIS PERVY THING I JUST RECOMMENDED! MAKE SURE U DO IT AND HE DOES NOT REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED THE NIGHT BEFORE OTHERWISE IT WILL NOT WORK!

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  • TheGuruOfTheSauce

    I'm actually with her, don't waste time on someone that thinks you're disgusting. You shouldn't have to wait for him to heal or be his psychologist, its not fair to you. How would rape from a guy be anything like love from a female? I'm betting on him being secretly gay because I could be raped by the million man march and still "love" a hooker that same night

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  • bella1975

    Three months still new in relationship, if you love him, then you need some mutual understanding here with him, don't push to hard..he's in trauma? instead what the hell happening here why men raping him?
    must be some story here..

    he might gay previously before he know you...otherwise how come this happend? it's really weird to me..

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  • nasty_heartbreaker

    Maybe you can let him rape you so the weirdness cancels off.

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  • ladyluck31

    He's fucking somebody else

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  • Ha

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  • Listen

    Turn it around of course. Watch a film and rub your booty all over him.

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  • Troniik

    Get sexy with him because good penises are always up for some sex

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  • xdamienlockex

    Ah ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahhaa GAY

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  • Timbuck55

    He's 1 of 2 thing. 1) hes gay and your a cover girlfriend or 2) hes cheating on you

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    • tHatguy91

      or hes got a little dick

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  • queenbitxh

    really? REALLY? wtf... i don't think youre selfish. talk to him cause that sounds like way over dramatic, coming from a rape victim.

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  • zachmeup

    I would get him really drunk and then when he's about to pass out, rape him...

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  • Grazr

    Your boyfriend. He is teh ghey.

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  • Trollolol

    Ahahahaha oh god did you just say he WAS RAPED? AHAhahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHA- Oh god- my sides- haha, hahahahHAHAHAHahahaahahahhaahahaha lol wow. Ahahahahaha- oh god thats.. thats rich... I can't tell if this is a troll question or what, but wow nice one at least.

    But in all seriousness, sounds like he is infected with the H.OMOsXoulawl Virus, it is not contagious I ASSure you, but he may, and probably will, turn into a giant flesh hungry cthulhu, you have been warned.

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  • hahahannah

    Oh geez a guy being raped by another guy! Haha I'm sorry but he needs to either A: admit he's gay. Or B: come to terms with the fact that he's a complete pussy and your probably the only girl he could get and get over himself and fucking do what a man is supposed to do and fuck your brains out! I could never date a sissy man

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    • Lynxikat

      Wow. You're a fxcking asshole. Go troll someone else, cause rape isn't something to be taken lightly, whether it's a guy or a girl who was raped.

      You and the all the other trolls on here just need to go fxck themselves.

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  • skasnipe1123

    this really depends on your age but what you should do for the next time your alone is go out and buy some sexy underwear and when he like goes somewhere (e.g. gets a drink) put it on and lay on your bed and then see what he says when he comes back or if he likes it if he doesnt its up to you like @*cinnist* says "Thats something your either going to have to stick by him for or leave him for." but you should try it it might work or it might not give it ago whats the worst that could happen

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    • tikiman163

      He could have a flashback that forces him to relive the experience yet again and make him feel like he's not a real man because he isn't living up to her expectations; little miss "what's the worst that could happen?" Seriously, situations this bad have to be handed delicately, not with actions that could make him feel even more emasculated.

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  • Sil3nt_The_Apathetic

    Guy refuses sex; He's cheating.

    Problem solved.

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    • dan90655


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  • Walk on topless without a shirt on and pin him down and blow him, it always works

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    • dan90655

      that dosent work on rape victims dumbass makes them feel powerless

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  • georgewastaken

    maybe you're just ugly. lol i'm just kidding i didn't feel like repeating the whole "help, and healing" thing. but honestly, coming from a guy. just try to get him horny. wear something a little revealing, play hard to get (not too much) and just.. get freaky (:

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  • mooks

    Use Rohypnol. Thaqts how I deal with the rape victims. You can be in and out, before they even know it.

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    • dan90655

      ass hole

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  • shannon900

    kick or stab him in the groin

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