My breast are uneven?

When I was younger I noticed that my breasts were at the uneven and I asked my doctorwhen would they even out they said when I was older will not say my age but I am a college student and my breasts Are still uneven you honestly can't tell but I notice it,and it really bothers me am I the only girl with uneven breasts? is it normal?

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 72 votes (63 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • ABF

    Send me pics of your boobs and I will do my best to fix the smaller one

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    its actually very common most women have slightly asymmetrical breasts

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  • Bake34

    Yes that's true. Your entire body is not symmetrical. One foot is bigger than the other. One hand is bigger than the other. No one's perfect. Why would your boobs be any different? If you're the only one who notices I would try to get over it. I know it's hard because I have the same issue. I notice it dammit! Lol. But the truth is we're fortunate. It's rare but some women need surgery to correct it. Like an implant in one boob.

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  • Alice97

    Mine are too. It's more normal for boobs to be uneven than it is for them to be perfectly symmetrical.

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  • LetTheSirenSing

    If its slightly different then normal, if 2 different cup sizes make you feel uncomfortable(one is B the other is D) talk to ur dr about it.

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  • pineappleguineapig

    Asymmetry is normal, -especially- for the breasts and genitals.

    If the asymmetry seems extreme, one breast might have a benign tumor called a fibroadenoma. Fibroadenomas are common, particularly in young women. Keep on top of your self-checks and if you find a lump, don't panic, just make an appointment to get it checked.

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    • Rusty-Rider

      I agree, one of my penises is slightly longer than the other.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    It's completely normal, its not unheard of for women to have a whole cup size difference. There's nothing wrong with you.

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  • yu-gi-ohChampion25

    this is a famous thing women complain about i seen some dr say all womens breasts are like that more or less

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  • thegypsysailor

    Just let a bit of air out of one and you should be fine.

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    • skilful_soldier5

      You bravely sail the seven basements with your blow up doll 42 years your junior.

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      • ThingOne

        DEAD SAILOR 2016
        "Because some people don't deserve to exist."

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